
Slowly aparted

Nothing sexual nothing attraction

but you played a gigantic role

that you're not even aware of

These days talking sounds like penetrating the apathy

Its something that's running in my heart

Can't even hesitate or smile cause I don't know what's running in my heart?

Perplexed this cardio, giving pain like hell

I don't recognize the feeling, Its breaking into pieces

You're no more with the previous vibe

you're ready to depart anytime

but my silly soul counts you as the best mate


You no more want to be the unchanged one

and I no more want to leave you

I have a tremendous attachment with you

You don't even realize that you were the reason I was still existing

similar pain the next time is going to bounce a real high

will kill my whole body mind and heart

I was literally centered upon her

and I was not really aware

I often practiced to drag me away

as I was sure the day to exit would arrive

You crashed many other

and stupid me to trust you rapidly

I wanted you forever but you acted like never ever

You seem to tilt towards your older friends you hated

and I seem to turn back to the days I must've hurted you but you know ehat I shared everything

but your privacy had extensive limitations

Is that my attachment or fear of being alone or a non sexual affection

I want you back I want my gear back

My biggest fear was losing you

and yes I didI hear the reverberation of people suggesting to leave but my silly heart again occurring as a yield