

My track to destiny stopped

The lantern supporting me all the time collapsed

It isn't with me anymore

Resulting to I'm not with me anymore

I lost me in this track

I can feel the past spots

But not the ahead ones

They grabbed my neck to run behind

They locked the door to blind the road

I pushed on expecting to fall and stand

Instincts suggest to go slower

Get gradual and feel them they say

I have me to stabilize

But the quavered mind stabs with a crease

Pulling it against and get out

I literally lost my version

I see no upstairs

I see no reason

And I see no me

the chop sterilize the thought

To a bowl of glass making it meaningless to fall over

Blue lights on my eyes

Generating the tears

Dryness to a cause

Over my eyes and thought

I want to be "that"

But "that" seemed impossible

I was told I couldn't but I say I can

I have my own journey

Which is planned to a level

Don't judge, let me do me

The knitted flowers had the continuity but not me with my life

Why isn't everything like before?

I own me yet I dont

I love me yet hate

I quit me yet continue

I height me yet shrienk

Where am I?

Did the black eat me?

Did the wizard bite me?

Did the Earth dig me?

I miss me and want to have a newer conception

I want the track to slide my train

To the destiny I desire