

Women, fill out this world like the sun's rays. yet, are the ones to get stabbed and squeezed behind. Why don't these men try to hold women's responsibilities and attempt all the struggles they pass by? Why don't they seek into the women's intensity and view what they sense?

Men are men and can never take women's place because women are special in their own way and have varieties of abilities that men cannot even think of doing. Both have different sensations. The period cramps women get each month is impossible for men to accept. The superstition against periods in which women are applied and dominated for literally no sensible reason just goes into their head as an ache and the present men who soundlessly visualize women cry and go away cause they never know women's pain.

The pregnancy struggle that women receive would be the worst thing men have cause now, men are playing a short role in reproduction yet had to get shocked by the womens torture.

Women are used to body to some men for certain time but do they even realize what is running in their mind?No, because the world is selfish and can not do anything other than judging women for no reason.Just possibly understanding their feelings and taking their place would be enough yet men can never do that cause they are totally different.

Women are not even provided education just to show them low.Men are smoothly getting without hesitation but why this self seeking in the women's situation.why?Because men are men and women are women and both cannot take each other's place,both have different, totally different.Both have their own role in this universe.