
Her story

Dear girl,

You're doing great nah?

You're living your existence with numerous cheers.

I see you enjoying every second.

You're often capable of dragging the beautiful smile in everyone's lip!

You're always smiling and smiling

And so interactive with everybody passing by.

You're making the whole out of every second.

But hey? Why is smile so robotic? Why did you sleep in at lunch time instead of class time? I checked your bag and why was the handkerchief wet? I checked the dustbin, and why was there the wrapper of pills? I followed you this evening and why were you roaming around instead of departing to home? Why do I see you on the terrace every day?

You are always facing people but why are you afraid of going close to them?

Why do you always drop your eyes while interacting with boys?

Why don't you make male friends?

Why was there a hand mark on your back I saw through the back laced t-shirt you wore one day? Why was there a blue spot in your defined abs while you wore a crop top?

Why do you always choose to wear loose pants?

Is there something that hurts?

I visualize your funny language as a bed sheet to hide your agony.

I reflect your loud laughs as your loud cries.

I glimpse the 24/7 delighted eyes as an 8 hour waterfall.

I comprehend your flexible hands as an attempt to cut it.

I spotted your beautiful neck as a dangerously red speckled organ.

I noticed the way you attempt to shield yourself in a crowd.

I appreciate the way you choose to be safe sitting in the corner.

Your stretched lip muscle amazes me about your stretched courage to act every time.

Your heavy grin reminds me of your heavy heart.

Your love-able behavior notifies me of a rage sprinting in your heart.

She is similar to him but she got less fortune and she got less in everything.

Her Infancy was a load to some and an envy to some.

They tried on concluding her existence

But she is not your type dear public

She can do anything if she wants

Drawing herself into the compass of indiscriminate individuals

Fluttering here and there for rights

Perching with no-one with benevolence

Undergoing the clashes, peaks and valley

Unbearable issues furnished physically

All we are diverse to each other

All we have variable opinion

We're complementary, we're special