
Her choice!

She was penetrated to shield

And denied to show

She indirectly asked to change

And she was denied to accept herself

Misconception all over

Denial here and there

Just because she owned a large breast

And a wide hip

Just because she was forced to protect herself from the eyesight

Why doesn't eyesight get blamed?

Why don't the intentions get blamed?

Why don't the mentality get blamed?

A women stops a women's passage

And possess a superior sensation

Expectations in head

And reality departed to bed

She couldn't be like the other

She couldn't be like herself

She could like other

But not herself

Cruelty getting sewed on daily basis

Pleasant Actions get tore out

And she is still denied for the things she wants

Why was she her?

She questioned

Wish I could change

Said the other

She was brought as a human

He was brought as a human

Any difference?

But why was she cleaning the dishes

And why was he dirtying it all

Your large breasts and hips are made to be yours!

Show it or throw it!

Hate it or own it!

They put up their heels on taking lead over the body

As if it's yours?

It's her and he will perceive

She won't cover her body

He will cover his intention

She won't shield it all

He will shield his eyes