
Cats were sobbing

A screaming shout in the late night

Escaped away from my sleep

And spotted the scream

The high pitch scream of a cat with a low pitch bark of a dog

Corresponded in the same time

I couldn't see them

Nor on the roads and nor on the dark sides

The hardly visible sides were black

And the shout and crying sound of the cat continued

To speckle my heart on back spots

I opened the door to check them out

Assuming if I could help

But sorry dear cat I didn't even see you

Your shouts were on my heart but not on my eyes

I remember you gazing at the kitchen seeking for food everyday

But today I tried to find you but ended up gazing the dark

I hope I can see you the next morning on my kitchen

The 10 dogs bark were clearly continuing

But your scream stopped, where are you?

Are you safe or.. ???

The whole nerves of my body collapsed

The fear of disputes was sensible

The fear of dying was sensible

And the fear of connection was sensible

See you in the next morning dear cat..

I will and forever remember this night of current