
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasia
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65 Chs

Werewolf Counterattack Strategy (11)

Because the Black Knights were suddenly able to capture werewolves very strongly and accurately, and the werewolves previously captured were in Lesia City and nearby villages, the White Knights are now in a very awkward position.

Chuck wants to resolve the White Knights' current awkward situation, and can only show more ability than the Black Knights, which means capturing more werewolves than the Black Knights.

And Bonia also sensed that Chuck's trust in him had wavered. In order to stabilize Chuck's heart and eliminate the people's doubts, the only thing Bonia can do now is to find more werewolves.

So while the Black Knights captured a large number of werewolves, the White Knights also began to capture a large number of werewolves, and the people on both sides were like in a race, and the competition was fierce as never before.

This, on the contrary, was exactly what Lu Jingqian and Antwin want, because this will allow more werewolves to be wiped out, which will be of great benefit to humanity in the long run. So they are not in a hurry to immediately demolish the identity of Bonia as the Wolf King. Perhaps, Bonia was forced to be anxious and accidentally exposed his identity.

Both Knights actively capture werewolves. So, even if the people have doubts about Bonia and the White Knights in their hearts, they are temporarily holding back from seizing up.

The Order's men will certainly encounter werewolves who strongly resist trying to escape in the process of capture, so they will inevitably be injured. If you are injured by a werewolf, you can use ordinary medicine to treat minor injuries. But if you are seriously injured, it is very difficult to heal without the medicine specially prepared by the witch doctor.

The Black Knights have also recently had injured members, so Lu Jingqian felt was time to take out those medicines that had been hidden. With Antwin's current level of favorability toward him, even if all those medicines were given to him, there would be nothing to worry about.

This day, after dinner, Lu Jingqian said to Antwin, "Tonight, can you accompany me to a place?"

"What place?" Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian and wondered why he would want to go out at night.

"In the past, when I was young, my father would choose one night a year to accompany me to the clock tower to see the night view." Lu Jingqian said, "Now that he is not here, can you accompany me?"

"Of course, I can." Antwin didn't hesitate a bit, and after hearing Lu Jingqian's words, he immediately agreed, "As long as I am free, I can accompany you anytime, no matter how many times you wanted to go."

Lu Jingqian smiled and said, "Thank you."

Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian's smile, and his heart suddenly gave birth to the determination to guard this smile. Because he wanted to make his face always only had a happy expression and no sorrowful or upset expression.

After the sky darkened for a while, a group of Black Knights gathered outside Antwin's house and prepared to escort Lu Jingqian to the clock tower. Although the werewolves in Lesia City were all taken care of by the Black Knights, except for those mixed in with the White Knights. But they still had to take precautions when traveling at night.

Lu Jingqian sat in the carriage and looked out. The street outside was empty, and the houses on the street were lit up, and occasionally, you could see the silhouettes of people walking around inside from the windows of the houses.

After arriving at the bottom of the clock tower, the Black Knights went up first to check the situation. When they determined that there was no problem, Antwin helped Lu Jingqian open the carriage door and help him get off.

This clock tower is really quite high, when Lu Jingqian finally climbed to the top, there was sweat on his forehead. Lu Jingqian took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and Antwin put on the cloak he brought on him. Because they were standing on high ground, the wind was a bit strong at night. Antwin was worried the wind will make him sick.

Lu Jingqian finished wiping the sweat, and his breathing also stabilized. Only then did he lower his head to look outside the fence. With the city lights out, it really was a bit like watching the stars.

Although, Lu Jingqian thought the feeling of looking at it was not great, just okay. But Heron was small when he first saw such a scene, and he must have been very shocked and felt smug. Because in this town, at that time, his father was probably the only one who would take him to see such a night scene.

"When I was little, my father would bring me here once a year. After each visit, such images were very clear in my mind for a whole year." Lu Jingqian squinted his eyes seriously for a moment and said, "After coming here several times, I found a secret that only my father and I know, and now I share it with you."

Lu Jingqian stretched out his finger and gestured in the air while saying to Antwin, "When all the lights in this city are on, there is a pentagram shape in this direction, can you see it?"

As soon as Antwin heard that the secret that only he and his father knew was now going to be shared with him, he didn't care at all if the secret was really considered a secret and immediately looked seriously in the direction Lu Jingqian was gesturing. He also squinted for a while, like Lu Jingqian, and he really saw the shape of a five-pointed star.

"My father once said to me," Lu Jingqian said, "He will leave me some treasures at the five top positions of this pentagram, and if something happens to him one day, these treasures will be my greatest reliance."

"Tomorrow after dawn, you go help me take out all those treasures my father left me, for me." Lu Jingqian turned his head to look at Antwin and said.

Antwin was also looking at Lu Jingqian, and when Lu turned his head, their eyes met exactly. Then Lu Jingqian froze because Antwin's eyes seemed to contain the deep universe so he had a moment of out-of-body experience. His body was completely frozen, not only did he forget to move but also even forget to breathe. He stood there completely motionless as if he had been under a spell of immobilization.

So when Antwin lowered his head and kissed him, his body was unable to react at all except for his instinctive wide-eyed stare. His inner mind thought he should resist, to push him away. How could they kiss? This is something that can only be done between lovers. He is very conservative, not the kind of person who can just kiss around with people. Although his heart fiercely resisted, his body did not react at all.

Lu Jingqian's whole body was confused. He somehow lost a part of his memory, and couldn't remember when Antwin ended the kiss or when they came back. When he came back to his senses, he had already washed up and was lying in bed.

Lu Jingqian violently sat up from the bed, he was now full of the image of Antwin kissing him. Even if he tried hard to make himself stop repeatedly playing this image in his head, it was no use at all, the image simply could not be stopped. He held his burning and scorching face and felt the acceleration of his heartbeat about to jump out of his chest.

Lu Jingqian does not know what was wrong with himself. Wasn't it only a kiss? Even if he were taken advantage of, he was a big man, even if he was kissed, he will not lose a piece of meat. Although the kissing time seems to be a bit long. Antwin seems to kiss him deeply once more. But he has no feelings for him, why did he will become so strange ah?

After being tangled up for a long time, Lu Jingqian finally slowly calm down. He felt himself becoming strange, such a reaction was obviously normal, or was there something wrong?

Lu Jingqian thought about it for a long time and finally remembered the system had told him he could view his own favorability and various attribute values for others in addition to others' values for him or for others. He felt at the time that the attribute value of the ability was indeed necessary to check, but was it necessary to check his favorability towards others?

But at this moment, Lu Jingqian can not say why, he always feels that since the feature for checking his own favorability to others exist, it must be useful. So he closed his eyes, activated the system, opened the feature of his favorability toward others, and then selected Antwin's name.

After seeing his favorability towards Antwin, Lu Jingqian couldn't help but cover his mouth, it was actually the same. Lu Jingqian turned his brain trying to think of the reason, and the answer he could think of was that as Antwin's favorability towards him grew, so did his toward Antwin.

In order to confirm whether his guess was right or not, Lu Jingqian sent a message to the main system and then lay down to wait for a reply.

When he was in the other world, he couldn't talk to the system directly, he could only do so when his soul returned to the original world, and if he wanted to contact the main system, he could only do so by sending messages.

After waiting for about five minutes, the system received a reply from the main system. And the reply confirmed that Lu Jingqian's guess was correct. However, the growth of Lu Jingqian's favorability toward Antwin was not controlled by the system but was the result of a mutual entanglement of their souls. And the emotions they feel for each other are autonomous and real, not externally controlled nor fabricated.

Lu Jingqian thought, if their emotions for each other are autonomous and real and if Antwin's favorability for him has reached the level of generating love. So that means, he has fallen in love with Antwin too? How is this possible?!

That's why when he was kissed by Antwin, he felt a rapid heartbeat and could not help but feel his face burning. Because he is in love with Antwin?

Lu Jingqian could not accept this fact for a while, and sent several messages to the main system in succession, asking why there was a soul entanglement between him and Antwin, and what exactly was the so-called soul entanglement?

Lu Jingqian waited and waited, but the main system never replied to him. He kept sending messages for prodding. Then the system showed that because he had sent too many messages, the main system had blocked him and refused to receive any messages from him, and the blocked period was three days.

Lu Jingqian sighed and could only hold his quilt and stare at the top of the ceiling on his bed as he continued to tangle in silence alone.