
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

Interstellar Military Doctor (7)

In this interstellar world, how long a person can live was mainly decided by fate, followed by medical and technological reliance. Some people don't suffer from incurable diseases, nor are infected with a virus that cannot be solved temporarily, so they can live a healthy life until two to three hundred years. However, some people can't even live more than ten or twenty years.

This was a world where the universe was the scope of life, where there were still many diseases that have no cure, and new viruses were constantly emerging. Therefore, geniuses in the fields of medicine and pharmacology are crucial for this world. Military hospitals, in particular, were where the most concentrated talent in the field of medicine can be found.

The Imperial Military Hospital was not only large in size but also employs a considerable number of people, resulting in many departments. The two Vice Directors not only manage their own departments but also lead medical teams. Yalin is a member of Kraut's team, while Lu Jingqian is a member of Bernice's team.

Aside from their covert struggles, there was also considerable competition between the two teams. For example, both sides will always vie for research rights, and when one side is unable to solve a patient's condition, the other team will take over.

Just like at this moment, a Senior Imperial Mecha Engineer was currently being treated urgently by Bernice and his team because of Kraut Medical Team's treatment failure.

The Director was waiting outside the operating room personally because this Senior Engineer is extremely important to the Empire. Due to his serious illness, there can be no further progress in the development of the latest model mecha. If he were to die, it would not only be a significant loss for the Empire but also allow other countries to catch up in mecha manufacturing.

The automatic doors of the operating room opened, and Bernice and several military doctors walked out. The Director immediately approached and asked, "How is he?"

Bernice shook his head solemnly and said, "Engineer Cliff is quite old, and we had been treating him conservatively with medication, although progress was slow, he was still improving. However, during the treatment process by Kraut's team, they used drugs that were too aggressive, and the side effects were too great, causing significant damage even to the previously healthy organs. His condition is difficult to salvage."

The Director turned to Kraut and angrily demanded, "What is wrong with you guys? I have repeatedly instructed you to be extremely careful with the medication given to Engineer Cliff, yet you dared to use drugs with strong side effects? Can his body handle it?!"

"Director," Kraut tried to explain, "We did consider the medication carefully before giving it to him. We tested it for some time, but no side effects were observed, and it showed a good healing response, which is why we decided to increase the dosage."

"According to the patient's physical condition, you should not give him such a large dosage of medication, regardless of whether he had any adverse reactions during the drug testing. Although there may not have been any adverse reactions during the drug testing, it's not uncommon for adverse reactions to occur during the actual use of the medication. Don't you have this common sense?" Bernice mercilessly exposed their wrongdoing. "I think you are too eager to achieve success and reluctant to hand over the responsibility to us after we returned to Imperial Star. You increased the dosage of the medication with the hope of getting good results and taking the credit!"

"Don't casually slander people!" Kraut tried to hide his guilty conscience with an angry expression and argued, "Even if we are impatient, it's because we want Engineer Cliff to recover as soon as possible. The Mecha Engineering Institute has been urging us to speed up his recovery. After you left, we took on the challenge and faced enormous pressure. How can you doubt our intentions?"

B"You're shamelessly twisting the truth!" Bernice exclaimed angrily.

"It's inevitable to encounter unexpected situations during the treatment process. Are you trying to blame us for the failure of the treatment? Who is more shameless?!" Kraut retorted with indignation.

"That's enough!" The Director shouted. "If arguing can solve all the problems, then both of you can go into the operating room and keep arguing until Cliff recovers!"

Under the Director's prestige, both of them remained silent, even though they still harbored resentment towards each other. However, they both knew that Cliff was on the brink of death and there wasn't enough time for him to recover.

"We can't give up like this. Regardless of how you do it, you must make Cliff recover. Whoever can do it will be rewarded with the best medical team of the year, and their performance and bonus will be doubled. The party responsible for the failure will bear all the responsibility. If neither of you can do it, then all the performance evaluations and bonuses for this year will be canceled,"

The Director offered a tempting incentive. The bonus was not the main attraction; the chance to obtain the best medical team was too important for them. It meant that whoever's team dominated the hospital next year would have more choices and could replace other teams.

However, both Bernie and Kraut knew that Cliff was at death's door and there wasn't enough time for him to recover, so they remained silent.

"Are you all mute?!" The Director looked at them with a stern face and said, "When you two were arguing, you were both pretty good at it. But now, in a critical situation, you're both just keeping quiet?!"

"Director, how about…" Bernice hesitated before finally proposing to the Director, "How about we let Xyler try? He's very good at emergency response and may be able to extend Cliff's life, at least by improving his condition. If Cliff can live a little longer, maybe we can find a way to cure him."

"What a joke," Kraut retorted sarcastically. "Do you trully think he's a god who can do everything? Even if he's really the genius you say he is, do you think he can prolong Cliff's life when so many experienced military doctors are at a loss? I think your mind is becoming increasingly becoming muddy."

"Then do you have any other ideas?" Bernice countered. "At least I've proposed a solution and let our team try to solve the problem you caused. What have you done?"

"If your solution is to let a twenty-something inexperienced person do something that we can't do, then I can only say that it's a stupid idea," Kraut said. "Since you have so much confidence in him, if he can't extend Cliff's life, then all responsibility will be borne by your team. Are you willing?"

"You…" Bernice once again underestimated Kraut's shamelessness. He actually wanted to take the opportunity to make them bear all the responsibility. Although he had confidence in Lu Jingqian, he didn't have the ability to make such a promise.

"Go and call Xyler," the Director ordered.

"Director…" Kraut thought of at least making Bernice make a promise.

"Shut up!" The Director scolded. "Today, I don't want to hear anything from you about how to cure Cliff!"

For the past few days, Lu Jingqian had been concentrating on researching medicines to cure Reynolds' leg. It wasn't supposed to be that difficult, but after the virus spread more severely in Reynolds' body, Lu Jingqian had to spend more mental energy treating him in stages.

When he heard the Director suddenly calling him over, although he didn't know what was going on, since it was the Director who wanted to see him, he had to stop his research, input the lab secrets that only he knew, and lock the door before going to see the Director.

Seeing the corridor full of people and obviously divided into two opposing sides, Lu Jingqian knew that this was not something that could be resolved easily.

"Director, did you call me?" Lu Jingqian walked up to the Director and asked.

"Bernice, explain the situation to him," the Director said to Bernice.

Bernice pulled Lu Jingqian to the side and quickly explained the current situation, Cliff's condition and severity, and let him make his own choice.

"I'll try," Lu Jingqian said. "I think I can save him."

"You need to think it through. If you succeed, you'll once again make contributions to the Empire, and we'll all benefit from it. But if you fail, Kraut will definitely take the opportunity to push the blame onto us and use this incident to target you again," Bernice said.

Lu Jingqian thought for a moment and said, "Then show me his medical records and the results of his overall physical condition up to now."

Bernice nodded, took the computer from his assistant, opened up the data on Cliff's treatment process, and handed the computer to him.

It took Lu Jingqian about ten minutes to quickly read through all the content before returning the computer to Bernice and saying, "Send me this information. I can try."

"How much chance of success rate do you have?" Bernice still had some concerns and even regretted bringing Lu Jingqian in to make the decision. He actually had high hopes for Lu Jingqian and didn't want him to be discouraged because of this incident.

"I have a success rate of over 60%, I think it's worth a try," Lu Jingqian said, which was already a conservative estimate. If he used the system, he had at least a 90% chance of success.

But in Bernice's mind, a success rate of over 60% far exceeded his expectations and was without doubt worth a try.

Bernice went to the Director and said, "Xyler is willing to give it a try, I'll personally lead the team in to assist him."

"Hmph," Kraut sneered, "You really have courage. If you fail, it's all your responsibility. Remember that."

Kraut deliberately wanted to put more pressure on Lu Jingqian, but the Director glared at him and said, "Didn't I tell you to shut up? I'm still here, when is it your turn to make decisions?!"

"Go prepare," the Director said to Bernice before patting Lu Jingqian on the shoulder and saying, "Don't feel too much pressure, just do your best."

"I will," Lu Jingqian followed Bernice into the operating room.

Kraut not only showed disdain on the surface but also in his heart. He thought that Bernice must have gone crazy to believe that a young man in his twenties, who was expelled from the Imperial Military Academy, could make Cliff recover. He was ready to push all the blame onto them and was delighted to have found a scapegoat.

The Director turned to see Kraut and his medical team standing there, waiting to watch the joke. He scolded them, "What are you all doing standing here? Are you so idle that you're just wasting time staring off into space? Do you want me to find something for you to do?!"

The people touched their noses, hung their heads, and left dejectedly. But they still wanted to see Lu Jingqian's embarrassment and were ready to use this incident to humiliate him.

Yalin glanced at the closed door of the operating room, and as he turned and left, his eyes were full of sneering malice. He thought that Lu Jingqian was surely overestimating himself by daring to try, and he was simply ignorant of his own limitations.

Compared to Reynolds' condition when he came down from the battlefield, Cliff's situation was much better. Reynolds had only one breath left at the time, and Lu Jingqian fought against death to save him from the grip of the Grim Reaper. Although Cliff's condition looked dangerously irreversible, Lu Jingqian believed he had enough time to save his life, turn his condition around, and even achieve a complete cure.

However, in the initial rescue and treatment, Lu Jingqian still needed to rely on the help of the system. When he used the system, he needed to stay as focused as possible, otherwise, a sudden shutdown of the system would cause him to make mistakes. Therefore, Lu Jingqian seriously instructed Bernice not to speak, not to ask questions, not to question anything, to do everything according to his requirements during the surgery, and to wait until after the surgery to discuss any issues.

Bernice agreed. Since he had already chosen to trust Lu Jingqian, he decided to trust him completely.