
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

Interstellar Military Doctor (6)


The reason for the original host's expulsion from the Imperial Military Academy was that he was falsely accused. With such a past, it would have been impossible for Lu Jingqian to become a military doctor or even find a medical job at the Imperial Star. However, with Reynold as his backer and Medical Minister Bernice's support, he was still able to enter the Imperial Military Hospital and become a military doctor.

Reynold unconditionally believed everything he said, and after hearing his explanation, Bernice also chose to believe him. Because of Lu Jingqian's abilities and talents, Bernice did not want to miss out on such a talented person. Therefore, he chose to trust someone with such high abilities and talents, that he never stoop to stealing someone else's research. Even if he did not believe him if Reynold wanted Lu Jingqian to work at the Imperial Military Hospital. As Reynold's confidant, Bernice had to do what Reynold wanted.

Of course, there were also strong objections to Lu Jingqian's appointment, such as the Deputy Director, Kraut, who was arguing fiercely with Bernie in the Director's office at the moment.

Bernice brought Lu Jingqian to the Director's office to sign his employment documents. When Kraut heard the news, he came with several military doctors and resolutely opposed Lu Jingqian's appointment as a doctor at the military hospital. As for who told him that Lu Jingqian was starting work today, Lu Jingqian turned his head and saw Yalin following them. He already knew the answer.

"Allowing someone who has stolen research results to become a military doctor is promoting corrupt practices! Giving those who spy on others' research results a position will make those who work hard on research feel discouraged! It is an attack on real talent!" Kraut's face turned red, as if the louder he spoke, the more reasonable he sounded.

Bernice was accustomed to his outbursts and remained calm, but he did not back down. "There are significant doubts about whether he stole someone else's research results or if someone else stole his research results. Furthermore, he saved General Reynold's life twice on the border. Without him, the General would not have won the battles. His contributions to the Empire are enough to outweigh those baseless accusations."

"He has made contributions to the empire, so he should be awarded medals and rewards, but his previous misconduct was dealt with after investigation by the Imperial Military Academy. Is there anything worth doubting? In any case, his previous mistakes have already permanently disqualified him from being a military doctor. This is a warning and explanation to all medical students!"

"I have a letter of guarantee written by the General himself for him. The General has vouched for him with his own reputation to make him a military doctor. What right do you have to oppose?" Bernice looked at him and said, "If you still have any objections, don't shout at me here, go and say it in front of the General."

"You…" Although Kraut was not in the same faction as Reynold, he didn't have the courage to say that Reynold's reputation couldn't guarantee Lu Jingqian's position as a military doctor. He could only rely on the Director who had remained neutral for many years. "Director, you must think carefully. Allowing a person with a bad record to work in our hospital will have a very bad impact on our hospital's reputation, and even may cause public protests."

The calmest person here is probably the Director. He has been propping up his chin with his folded hands, listening to the argument without any reaction. If it weren't for his eyes still slightly open, Lu Jingqian would have thought he had fallen asleep.

"Um…" The Director finally spoke in his old, hoarse voice, "Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. If the mistake made is not unforgivable, and the person truly regrets it and makes more contributions to make up for the mistake, I think we can still give him a chance."

"Director…" Kraut still wanted to say something, but was stopped by the Director 's raised hand.

The Director looked at Lu Jingqian and asked, "What's your name again?"

"My name is Xyler Onnis." Lu Jingqian answered.

"Onnis?" The Director thought for a moment before suddenly saying, "There are very few people with that surname on the Imperial Star. Do you know Ferostin Onnis?"

"…" Lu Jingqian quickly searched through the memories of the original host and said, "That's my great-grandfather's name."

"I see. No wonder I think you look a bit like him," the Director chuckled. "He and I were good friends who grew up together. When we were studying together, he made a bet with me that he would live longer than I would. But he's been dead for over a hundred years now, and I'm still alive. Hahaha…" As the Director spoke, he suddenly burst into laughter, but no one saw the tears in his eyes.

"…" Lu Jingqian wanted to say, even if you won the bet, is it necessary to be so happy in front of family members?

"Director ," Bernice reminded, "I'll leave the documents here. Please remember to have your assistant input them after you stamp them."

"Leave them there. I'll stamp them right away," the Director smiled and squinted his eyes. "Everyone else can leave too. Do you all not have work to do? Is the hospital now just paying you to watch the fun?"

Hearing this, everyone immediately bowed to the Director and left. Only Kraut, who was unwilling to give up, wanted to say something, "Director…"

The Director's face immediately darkened. "You're also an elder. Why are you so meddlesome? Put more effort into your work and manage what you need to manage. Go back and look at your work report for this quarter. I can't believe you have the face to show it to me."

"I'm sorry, Director. I'll go back to work," Kraut also in his sixties, didn't dare to show any displeasure after being scolded by the Director in person. He left the Director's office obediently.

"Xyler." The Director called.

"Yes, Director."

"You have a bad record, although whether it's true or false, it's a fact that currently exists. So you must do better than others to have the value and reason to stay, and to shut up those who think you're not qualified to stay. Can you do it?" The Director looked seriously at Lu Jingqian and asked.

"I will do my best to answer your question with practical actions," Lu Jingqian said.

"Well, you are quite similar in this regard," the Director muttered to himself in a low voice, then turned to Bernice and said, "You take him to handle other procedures and get familiar with the environment."

"Yes, Director," Bernice said, leading Lu Jingqian out of the Director's office.

The Director has lived to this age, always maintaining neutrality and not siding with any faction, but he was still able to sit firmly in the position of the Director, which of course was due to his exceptional qualities. He was definitely not a person who does things based on his mood, nor was he someone who believes in letting someone stay just because he likes them. The reason why he gave Lu Jingqian the opportunity to stay was partly that Reynold personally wrote a letter of guarantee, which he must honor, and partly because he decided to give Bernice and Lu Jingqian a chance to prove that they are truly rare geniuses after reading Bernice's report.

The Director was old and had become powerless in many things, and his age and physical condition have already reached the point where he should retire. However, who will sit in the position of the Director after he retires was being closely watched by everyone, not only by his subordinates but also by people from various factions.

The position of the Director of the Imperial Star Military Hospital not only carries great responsibility but is also a crucial position in critical moments. Therefore, every faction wants to push its own people to this position. At present, the two Vice Directors, Bernice and Kraut, have the most hope of competing for this position.

As for whom the Director's heart leans towards, was naturally cannot be seen through by anyone. The final result still depends on their own performance, because public opinion is sometimes the key to deciding the final result. It depends on who can win the public's favor. Of course, the Director cannot do nothing. For example, when it's critical, he can secretly help the person he was biased towards.

Lu Jingqian not only successfully joined as a military doctor but also obtained the right to use a Level 1 personal laboratory shortly after joining. To obtain the right to use a level 1 laboratory, one must guarantee three level 1 research results each year. If this condition is met continuously for seven years, one can obtain permanent use rights, unless there is a major mistake or fault, which will result in the revocation of the use rights.

In order to save Reynold, Lu Jingqian had already produced more than five level 1 research results in the short period of time he spent at the border. Although he had not been in the position for a year, he had a reason to quickly heal Reynold's leg, so he could use the laboratory ahead of schedule, which was an exception to the rule.

Lu Jingqian's rapid promotion to become a military doctor had already caused dissatisfaction among many people. Now with all kinds of exceptions and special treatment, it naturally makes more people jealous and unable to accept it. Among those who are the most dissatisfied and jealous was of course Yalin. He had been working for two years before finally obtaining the right to use a level 2 personal laboratory, while Lu Jingqian had obtained the right to use a level 1 personal laboratory as soon as he arrived. How could he not be angry?

At this moment, he was standing outside Lu Jingqian's laboratory, looking inside through the open automatic door where hospital staff was arranging the latest experimental equipment and instruments.

"Are you here to visit my laboratory?" Lu Jingqian asked from behind him.

Yalin immediately turned around upon hearing the voice. He tried to conceal his jealousy and resentment, but still couldn't help gritting his teeth and saying, "You're really lucky. Not only did you not die at the border, but you also saved General Reynold. And now you've become a military doctor back on the Imperial Star. Congratulations!"

"Who says otherwise?" Lu Jingqian said with a smile. "Fate wants to help me. It's hard for me not to be lucky. Maybe it's because of the injustice I suffered before. Even the heavens couldn't bear it and wanted to give me some compensation. And those who use malicious means to harm others will surely be punished."

Yalin took two steps forward, lowered his voice, and looked at Lu Jingqian, "Don't think that just because you have General Reynold's support, you can do whatever you want without worries. Even if General Reynold is powerful, sometimes he cannot go against public opinion. When the General loses trust in you, you'll just be a stray dog, and you'll have to slink away."

"It seems like you've already thought of a way to make General Reynold lose trust in me. Or maybe you have a new plan to harm me and want to use public opinion to force me out of the imperial planet again." Lu Jingqian. "I'm ready to take on the challenge. You should be prepared for my counterattack. The winner this time will not only depend on fate but also our respective abilities. I just don't know if you have the confidence to beat me in terms of strength."

"You can be as arrogant as you want now, but there will come a day when you will suffer a bitter defeat and cry. Don't come to me then." Yalin said viciously.

"Well, that's exactly what I wanted to say to you. But since you're already so angry, I'll kindly refrain from saying it out loud. I heard you're using a level 2 personal lab now. You probably don't know what it feels like to work in a level 1 lab, do you? I won't invite you in for a visit. Knowing your habits, I'm afraid something will be missing again." After saying this, Lu Jingqian walked past him and entered the lab to check what was missing, so that the staff could immediately retrieve it for him. Then he was about to start developing a new drug because someone seemed eager to be crushed by him.

Yalin clenched his fists hard and walked away, suppressing his anger. If he completed one more research project this year, he would be granted the use of a level 1 laboratory. He would never let anyone take away the title of genius military doctor that he had earned.

Factional struggles were ubiquitous as long as there were power and interests at stake. The open and secret struggles between the two Vice Directors were not only a competition between themselves but also a competition between the forces behind them.

Kraut vehemently opposed Lu Jingqian's employment at the Imperial Military Hospital because he knew Bernice had always had a keen eye for talent and didn't want to increase his competitiveness. Another reason was that even if he couldn't stop Lu Jingqian from being employed, he wanted to deliberately provoke stronger dissatisfaction from others. In any case, the goal was to make things difficult for Bernice.

The competition for talent among the factions was also quite fierce. The reason why Yalin had the confidence to make Lu Jingqian repeat his failure even with Reynold's support was that he had already been backed over by a faction.