
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

Interstellar Military Doctor (15)

The Imperial Military Academy publicly apologized to Xyler, acknowledging that they had not investigated the facts and had wrongly accused him of stealing someone else's research, which almost caused the Empire to lose a medical genius.

After learning the truth, the public was angry and collectively demanded severe punishment for Yalin and Bob. What he two had done had crossed the moral bottom line of humanity and did not deserve leniency.

Aubrey was seriously ill, and his parents had intended to keep it from him to avoid upsetting him. But when Aubrey learned that Yalin was going to be tried, he was concerned about his current situation and secretly used a nurse's computer to check for news about Yalin's trial, only to find scandals involving Yalin and Bob.

He was stunned for a long time, not knowing how to react and unwilling to believe that everything written on the internet was true. But he could not help but continue reading. After learning the whole story, he completely broke down.

"Arghh!!" Aubrey forcefully threw the computer against the wall, wanting to stand up and hit things, but he fell to the ground due to physical weakness. He cried out in despair, "You bastard! Bastard! You actually did this to me! Arghh!!"

Aubrey's parents were outside listening to the doctor analyze his condition. After hearing Aubrey's screams, they immediately rushed in.

"Son! What's wrong with you?!" Aubrey's mother was shocked to see him rolling on the ground and immediately went over to hold him down. "Aubrey, Aubrey, calm down. Tell Mom where it hurts."

"Doctor!" Aubrey's mother shouted at the doctor. "Please do something to save him!"

The nurse came in and lifted Aubrey onto the bed, holding him down. Because Aubrey had been shouting Yalin's name and questioning why he had betrayed him, the doctor determined that it was a psychological problem rather than a physical one. After giving him a sedative, he became quiet.

Seeing Aubrey finally falling asleep, Aubrey's mother leaned against Aubrey's father and cried, "What should we do now? Doctor, you must find a way to cure him."

The doctor sighed, "I'm really sorry. The virus he's infected with has never appeared before, and we don't have any medication that can cure him immediately. Even if we start researching now, we don't know how long it will take to succeed, and he may not survive until then."

"Is there really no way?" Aubrey's father's face was heavy. Aubrey was their only hope, and if he couldn't be cured, they would lose all hope.

"The only thing we can do now is amputate his limbs to prevent the virus from spreading throughout his body and causing him to die," the doctor said. "After the amputation, he can still install mechanical limbs, although there are many inconveniences, it's still better than dying from a virus infection."

"No!" Aubrey's mother cried, shaking her head. "If Aubrey loses his hands and legs, he will definitely lose the courage to live. His life will be completely hopeless. We can't let him spend the rest of his life in despair and pain."

"…" After a moment of silence, the doctor said, "Perhaps there is another way…"

"What way?!" Aubrey's mother grabbed the doctor's arm excitedly and urgently asked, "As long as we can save his limbs and let him live like a normal person, I'm willing to give him my own limbs! Whatever method it takes, please try to help him."

The doctor didn't want to say it at first, but since he was related to Aubrey's parents, and seeing how they were grieving and worried for Aubrey, he eventually decided to speak up. "The method is, perhaps you can plead with Dr. Xyler. He is the best doctor in our hospital when it comes to emergency treatment and the rapid development of new drugs. He has successfully treated many newly emerging viruses and symptoms in a short period of time. However, I know that Aubrey seems to have some grievances with him, so I don't know if he would be willing to save Aubrey."

Aubrey's parents glanced at each other, and after a brief moment of hesitation, Aubrey's father sighed, "I never thought we would have to beg him, but if he's willing to save Aubrey, we have no choice but to swallow our pride and plead with him."

After the incident involving Yalin, Bernice had no competitors and was the most suitable candidate for the position of Director. The current Director was planning to retire and had already started transferring his work to Bernice, who would take over his position. With Lu Jingqian assisting Bernice, he felt confident about retiring.

Bernice wanted Lu Jingqian to become the Vice Director. Although no one objected to Lu Jingqian being the Vice Director, considering his capabilities. However, Lu Jingqian was still contemplating the position because of the numerous responsibilities that came with it.

As Lu Jingqian left his office, preparing to go to the ward to conduct patient examinations, he coincidentally met Aubrey's parents, who were obviously there specifically to see him.

Lu Jingqian knew about Aubrey's hospitalization due to the viral infection, but he didn't care at all and had no intention of getting involved. However, seeing the expressions on Aubrey's parents' faces, he already knew why they had come to find him.

"Xyler…" Aubrey's mother called out to Lu Jingqian.

"Sorry, I'm quite busy right now. Please step aside," Lu Jingqian asked.

"Please save Aubrey, Xyler! You're the only one who can save him now. I beg you!" Aubrey's mother appeared helpless, pleading with Lu Jingqian.

"The doctors at the Imperial Star Military Hospital are highly skilled medical professionals. If they say Aubrey is beyond saving, then it's futile for you to plead with me. Besides, I have my own patients to take care of. If everyone comes to me like you, believing that other doctors can't help them, I might die from overwork," Lu Jingqian refused them directly, not wanting to waste time with them.

"I know Aubrey hurt you because of his desire to be with Yalin, but he was also deceived by Yalin. He is a victim too. I'm begging you, based on your childhood relationship with him, to forgive the harm he caused you and show some compassion to save him."

"He didn't just hurt me, he conspired with Yalin to frame me. If he hadn't stolen my research findings and given them to Aubrey, destroying all records of my research process, I wouldn't have been unable to prove my innocence," Lu Jingqian said coldly.

The doctors and nurses around, who had stopped or slowed down out of curiosity, heard what Lu Jingqian said and realized that Aubrey was an accomplice. In their hearts, they cursed Aubrey and Yalin, feeling that they had reached a certain level of wickedness and didn't deserve any sympathy.

Aubrey's parents looked at each other, shocked to learn that Aubrey had done such things, which made them feel even more guilty.

However, Aubrey's parents couldn't just give up like that because it concerned Aubrey's future. They continued to plead, "Please, no matter what conditions you propose, we can agree to them. As long as you can cure Aubrey, we can give you all our family's assets."

"I have no interest in your family's assets," Lu Jingqian said.

"Then how can you be willing to save Aubrey?" Aubrey's mother asked excitedly. "As long as we can do it, we will do anything."

"You misunderstand. I don't need you to do anything. The current situation for Aubrey and Yalin is simply the retribution they face for their actions. So, I absolutely won't get involved. I'm not a kind person, and being a doctor is merely because I'm interested in medicine, not because I will treat anyone unconditionally. Please step aside, I need to go examine the patients I'm responsible for."

Lu Jingqian wanted to walk past them directly, but Aubrey's mother suddenly knelt down and hugged his feet, saying, "I beg you! Have some pity on us. I'll give you my own life. As long as you can save my son, I'll give my life to you for revenge, okay?!"

"Please let go!" Lu Jingqian frowned seriously. "Your behavior only makes me more disgusted. No matter what you say, I won't save Aubrey."

"Please, I beg you…" Aubrey's mother knelt on the ground, crying and pleading.

"You…" Lu Jingqian wanted to say, if you don't leave now, I'll call the security team, but suddenly his head started spinning, and everything went black before he collapsed onto the ground.

"Dr. Xyler! Dr. Xyler!" Seeing Lu Jingqian fall to the ground, the doctors and nurses rushed over. After pushing Aubrey's parents aside, they immediately used a stretcher to take him to the emergency room for examination.

Aubrey's parents were stunned in place due to the sudden turn of events. Faced with accusatory glances, they felt innocent because they hadn't done anything. It was Lu Jingqian who had collapsed on his own.

The bodyguards assigned to Lu Jingqian by Reynold, who was about to escort Aubrey's parents away, were startled by Lu Jingqian's sudden collapse. They immediately called Reynold to inform him.

After learning that Lu Jingqian had collapsed, although Reynold didn't know the exact reason yet, seeing it happen suddenly while being harassed by Aubrey's parents, he decided he wouldn't let this family off no matter what.

When Reynold arrived at the hospital, Lu Jingqian had already regained consciousness. He was sitting on the bed, holding a cup of hot water and sipping it slowly.

"Have they figured out the results of the examination? Are you still feeling unwell?" Reynold quickly walked to Lu Jingqian's bedside, sat down, and eagerly held his hand, asking.

"I'm fine," Lu Jingqian put down the water cup and said to the doctors and nurses standing nearby, "Please leave. I have something to discuss with General Reynold."

The doctors and nurses who were examining Lu Jingqian left the room with indescribable expressions on their faces.

Reynold's heart suddenly leaped. Nervously, he asked, "Is it a serious problem?"

"Yeah, it's serious," Lu Jingqian rolled his eyes and said, "Serious enough that I won't be able to work normally for some time."

"Don't be afraid. We will find a way to treat you. After all, you are the most skilled doctor," Reynold comforted him, caressing Lu Jingqian's face.

"I'm just pregnant, that's all. Why should I be afraid?" Lu Jingqian looked at him and said, "I've just had a comprehensive check-up, and both the baby and I are healthy."

Reynold paused for a moment before realizing, "You're not sick, you're pregnant?"

"Yeah, isn't this what you've been looking forward to? He's finally here. Aren't you happy?" Lu Jingqian tilted his head and looked at him, his eyes filled with tenderness.

Reynold took a deep breath and tightly embraced Lu Jingqian. He couldn't express in words the excitement he felt at that moment. He finally had his own child, the bloodline of him and the person he loved the most. He would give them everything he had and ensure that their legacy continued.

After bringing Lu Jingqian back to the General's Mansion, Reynold forced him to take leave from the hospital. Although Lu Jingqian said he could still work for a while, Reynold was worried. He insisted Lu Jingqian to rest at home and strictly controlled his daily schedule, ensuring he rested immediately at the designated times.

When the news of Lu Jingqian being pregnant with Reynold's child came out, it shocked Reynold's political opponents and the public. They all knew that Reynold couldn't have children due to his health issues, so why did his personal doctor end up having a child with him? It puzzled them.

Some even suspected that Reynold had been deceiving people from the beginning. However, Reynold released a statement saying that Lu Jingqian had cured his infertility problem, leading to the conception of their child. Given Lu Jingqian's exceptional medical skills, which everyone already knew about, most people believed this explanation. Although Lu Jingqian had a previous marriage with Aubrey, it didn't become a point of criticism, and the public viewed their marriage as a blessing.

Due to the pregnancy, Lu Jingqian couldn't even go to the hospital, let alone treat Aubrey. So Aubrey's fate had only two outcomes: either amputation and a life with prosthetic limbs or waiting for a viral infection to spread throughout his body and result in death.

As for Yalin, his fate has been determined. Under the public's strong demand for a heavy sentence, he was sentenced to fifty years in prison. In these fifty years, whether he can come out alive is one thing. Even if he finally come out of prison alive after fifty years, he already had no more hope or opportunity.