
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

Food and Live Broadcast(13)

Next to the courtyard was a two-story pavilion. The first floor of the pavilion has five intricately carved wooden doors. While the guests were chatting and exchanging greetings, all five doors suddenly opened simultaneously, revealing staff members dressed in ancient outfits. Each of them carried a tray with the ingredients for the dishes that Lu Jingqian was going to prepare.

After several trips back and forth, the staff members placed all the main ingredients and condiments in the order into the pavilion at the center of the lotus pond. Only two people stayed to assist, while the others exited the lotus pond.

Lu Jingqian descended from the building and walked towards the lotus pond. All eyes were focused on him. People who had seen his live broadcasts noticed that he was still dressed in white attire with ink painting patterns. As he moved, his clothes fluttered, making him truly resemble a celestial being, emanating an ethereal aura.

The people who were originally engaged in conversation stopped and the courtyard with over a hundred people, fell silent instantly. Not a single word could be heard. Because as soon as Lu Jingqian emerged, their gazes were locked on him. They couldn't help but feel captivated, thinking how could someone possess such natural charisma and make people involuntarily calm down.

Yan Bin had seen the original host twice before, but because he had heard numerous complaints from Lan Mingze, he always thought of the original host as a person with poor character and personality, unworthy of such a handsome face. It was truly a pity.

However, when he saw Lu Jingqian now, he felt an inexplicable flutter in his heart, even confusing himself. He forcefully suppressed the sudden surge of feelings and told himself it must be an illusion. The person he deeply loved was Lan Mingze, how could he possibly develop feelings for Lan Shaoxuan, whom he had always disliked?

The moment Lu Jingqian picked up the knife, all the guests watching simultaneously had a feeling as if they were watching the beginning of a martial arts film. The knife in his hand moved so quickly that they could only see a flash of silver, making it impossible to discern the original shape of the kitchen knife.

The first dish Lu Jingqian made was a grand landscape made with dishes, consisting of soup, main course, and vegetables. It included chicken, duck, fish, meat, and various vegetables. Once completed, the original appearance of these ingredients was no longer visible, as they had been transformed into various scenic shapes, exhibiting a remarkably high level of visual appeal.

Unlike some chefs who have a burly physique, Lu Jingqian has a well-proportioned figure and a slightly tall and thin stature. He doesn't appear to be someone with great strength, but he effortlessly lifts a large cast iron pot. The bright glow of the fire reflects on his fair face, making him even more gallant and imposing. He looks like a celestial being who is fearless of flames and can control everything.

After arranging the vegetables and meats on the plates, Lu Jingqian opens the nearby clay pot and scoops the clear soup inside into two large round plates that have already been arranged. The dish immediately comes to life. The originally serene landscape presentation now has flowing water made from the clear soup, truly bringing it to life.

The large round plates are somewhat heavy and require two people to steadily carry them for serving. Lu Jingqian simultaneously prepares two identical landscape dishes. Once they are ready, the staff members who approach carry the two landscape dishes to the table of Mr. Hong and Old Man Yan respectively.

"This… is a dish?" Old Man Wu stares wide-eyed at the large round plate adorned with mountains, flowing water, bamboo groves, lotus ponds, and even a rock garden, with tiny fish swimming in the water.

"The Head Chef calls this a landscape dish. It is made up of eight types of meat and twelve types of vegetables. It's also called a puzzle dish. If we want to be more specific, this grand dish consists of thirty-six different components." The staff member explains.

The other tables for the guests start receiving their dishes as well, but everyone remains focused on these two landscape dishes, completely ignoring everything else.

"How… how do we eat this?" Old Man Li asks, puzzled.

Mr. Hong picks up a spoon, puts it down, picks up chopsticks, puts them down, hesitates for a while, and finally picks up the spoon again, deciding to first try the clear soup that won't disrupt the entire presentation.

As Mr. Hong scoops a spoonful, he not only scoops up the soup but also catches a few small fish, which look interesting and cute.

Everyone watches Mr. Hong closely. Just as the spoon approaches his mouth, Old Man Wu can't wait any longer and eagerly asks, "How does it taste?"

Mr. Hong savors it carefully, experiencing the fresh sweetness of the soup infused with vegetables. His appetite is instantly stimulated, and those few small fish, made from actual fish meat, are tender and flavorful.

"It's fresh and delicious!" Mr. Hong exclaims loudly.

Then the old gentlemen all picked up their spoons and tasted the dish, wearing satisfied smiles and nodding in approval.

"This bamboo grove seems to be made from bamboo shoots. Quickly taste it and see what it tastes like." Old Man Zhang, who loves bamboo shoots, suggests to Mr. Hong, pointing at the bamboo grove on the plate.

Mr. Hong picks up his chopsticks, plucks a "bamboo" from the reddish-brown "soil," puts it in his mouth, takes a bite, and the soup immediately bursts out. The crispy and tender bamboo shoots blend with the rich chicken broth, creating an irresistible combination of texture and flavor.

"Quick, quick, taste it!" Mr. Hong is at a loss for words, pointing at the bamboo grove, and urging others to quickly try and have a taste.

The bamboo grove quickly becomes empty, leaving only the reddish-brown "soil."

Old Man Wu tries to pluck a "bamboo" again but realizes there are none left. Out of curiosity, he picks up a piece of the "soil" and puts it in his mouth. Instantly, he expresses his delight like a child who has discovered something fascinating, saying, "This 'mud' tastes like Braised Lion's Head Meatballs."

"I'll try these lotus flowers." Old Man Li extends his chopsticks toward the lotus pond on the plate. After putting one in his mouth, he smiles and says, "These lotus flowers taste like ham."

"You all enjoy elegant things, but I'm different. I want to taste what the stone steps are like." Old Man Xu, who is usually reserved, also expresses his interest.

"Be careful, those are decorative items. Bite gently." Old Man Li reminds him.

"So, how is it?" Old Man Wu curiously looks at Old Man Xu and asks, "What does it taste like?"

"It has the texture of dried tofu and a hint of Braised Elbow." Old Man Xu says.

Mr. Hong looks up and sees that everyone is looking at their table. Immediately, he beckons and says, "Everyone, start eating! Don't be shy. Although the dishes on your tables weren't made by Shaoxuan himself, they were made by chefs trained by Shaoxuan. The taste is definitely excellent. Enjoy your meal, enjoy your meal."

With Mr. Hong's invitation, the other guests finally start eating. After tasting the flavors, they realize that Mr. Hong was right. The taste is better than any dish they have had before. They start thinking to themselves that if the dishes made by the disciples are this delicious, how amazing must the master's culinary skills be? Their gaze involuntarily shifts to Mr. Hong's table.

"You all should eat too. Don't just watch. Shaoxuan specially made the same dishes for you. Give them a try." Mr. Hong says, looking at Old Master Yan's table next to them.

In their hearts, Mr. Yan and his companions simultaneously think, You're trying to show off by having the same dishes specially made for us, aren't you?

When they received the invitation from Mr. Hong, they guessed that he must have sent the invitations specifically to show off. In the past, when Mr. Yan celebrated his birthday, he would invite a famous chef and have the top ten chefs each prepare two of their best dishes, all to showcase his status in the culinary world.

Originally, they thought that even if the chefs at Rainbow Garden Villa were incredibly skilled, but Mr. Hong who was showing off their cooking skills in front of them, who had been working in the food and beverage industry for decades, was simply overestimating himself. They came with the mentality of watching a joke. But now, it turns out they are the ones being laughed at. The dishes haven't even all been served yet, but the pastry dish named "Hundred Beasts Offering Blessings" and the grand landscape dish, in terms of creativity, meaning, taste, and visual appeal, surpass anything they have ever seen before. Just these two dishes alone easily outshine all the famous dishes prepared by the chefs in Old Man Yan's previous birthday celebrations.

They are conflicted during this birthday banquet. Even though they are not happy deep down, the dishes are simply too delicious, making it impossible for them to stop eating.

After resting for a few minutes, Lu Jingqian begins to prepare other dishes. The landscape dishes require a lot of attention and effort, so he only made two. However, he can handle the rest of the dishes for five tables simultaneously on his own.

The dishes have not yet been served at Ou Wenyu's table. He stretches his neck to look at the landscape dish on Mr. Hong's table, his mouth watering as he constantly gazes at Lu Jingqian cooking in the pavilion. He feels anxious inside.

Ou Wenyu's father is getting dizzy from his constant fidgeting. He slaps his leg and quietly reprimands him, "Can't you behave? What's with all this fidgeting? Your grandfather is celebrating his birthday today, and if you embarrass us at a time like this, just wait and see how I'll deal with you when we get home."

After being scolded by his father, Ou Wenyu immediately dares not move his body anymore and can only turn his head towards the pavilion by the lotus pond. However, he still anxiously waits in his heart.

Although Hong Boxiao is also curious and intrigued by the landscape dish, after watching for a while, as soon as Lu Jingqian returns to the pavilion, his attention was immediately focused solely on Lu Jingqian who was cooking.

The tables where the dishes have not yet been served are occupied by the Hong family members and the family members of the older gentlemen who are assisting with welcoming the guests today. They watch the gentlemen eating happily and feel even more delighted themselves.

Once the dishes on Mr. Hong's table are served, the other tables finally begin to receive their dishes. Everyone is enjoying their meal, except for Hong Boxiao, who eats while keeping an eye on Lu Jingqian's activities.

Chefs don't join the guests at the table, so after preparing dishes for several tables, Lu Jingqian returns to the adjacent building to rest. He might have to add more dishes later, so he can't leave just yet.

Hong Boxiao wants to go and talk to Lu Jingqian, but today is his grandfather's birthday celebration, and all the elder relatives are present. He can't leave the table, or else it will invite gossip from others. He can only pretend to be focused, engaging in conversation with the elders while enjoying the dishes that Lu Jingqian has worked hard to create.

After the meal, some people go for a walk in other gardens to aid digestion, while others sit and chat over tea.

The satisfied gentlemen, along with Old Master Yan and his group, enter the house to have tea and conversation.

"Are you all satisfied with today's meal?" Mr. Hong smiles and asks Old Master Yan and the others.

Because of Mr. Hong's birthday banquet has overshadowed all of Old Master Yan's previous celebrations, he was naturally unwilling and unhappy. However, he still smiles and says, "After so many years, I'm once again tasting the authentic Lan Family's Kung Fu cuisine. The Lan Family's Young Master has indeed received the true teachings from his grandfather. We used to enjoy the same old flavors for many years, but who could have imagined that we would have them at this Hongyuan Villa birthday banquet?"

The implication behind Old Master Yan's words was that I have already been enjoying the delicious dishes for many years. What you are desperately showcasing now is something we used to have whenever we wanted.

Mr. Hong naturally understands the meaning behind his words but doesn't feel the slightest bit upset. While it is true that Lu Jingqian has prepared a few dishes from the Lan Family's culinary skills, the majority of the dishes are his own creations. Take the "Hundred Beasts Offering Blessings" and the landscape dish, for example. Not only have they not been tasted before, but they haven't even been heard of. So when Old Man Yan says these things, it's just a final attempt to save face. In reality, the original host's grandfather stopped personally cooking as he got older, and even when he was younger, his culinary skills couldn't compare to Lu Jingqian's current level.

"Now that I'm at this age, I truly understand what Chairman Yan said before." Old Man Li says, putting down his teacup. "In one's entire life, the greatest fortune is being able to enjoy good food until old age. Now that I think about it, it's true. You see, at our age, isn't every day just spent idling waiting for three meals? As long as we eat comfortably and happily, what other worries can we have? Indeed, fortune does rotate."

The other gentlemen nod frequently, expressing their agreement with his words.

"Old Hong," Old Man Wu says, "We'll bask in your glory from now on. In your grandson's Rainbow Garden Villa, we'll enjoy all the culinary delights we never thought of before. You better not despise us."

"If I despise you, would you leave?" Mr. Hong asks.

"No way! Whether you despise us or not, we're staying. After living for so many decades, our skin has long grown thick like calluses. Can we just leave because of being despised? You're underestimating us."

The gentlemen burst into laughter.

However, Old Master Yan and his group can't seem to laugh. The phrase "fortune does rotate" encompasses everything.

Lu Jingqian took a bath and change his clothes, then was pressed on the wall by Hong Boxiao. It took him some effort to put some distance between their lips. Lu Jingqian held his shoulder and said, "Didn't you say that Grandpa call me over? It is impolite to let the elderlies wait for long."

Hong Boxiao sucked his lips with force once more, then said, "You've worked hard today, I'll bring you to get some rewards. Let's go!"