
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(3)

"Hello." After putting down his glass of red wine, when the person on the other end of the phone finished speaking, Rui Yusheng couldn't help but curse, "Are you a pig? You can't even do such a thing! Do you know how much effort I put in to help you introduce these clients? !"

"Okay, okay! Don't make any more excuses!" Rui Yusheng said impatiently, "First, stabilized those customers, take them to a more secluded place to spend time, and wait for me there. I'll head over now."

After hanging up the phone, Rui Yusheng slammed it on the table in frustration. He downed his drink in one gulp and stood up to change his clothes and prepare to leave.

Because Lu Jingqian was brought back to the Imperial City by Frederick and didn't accompany the clients to dinner, Rui Yusheng, who had set up the plan with Alva to lure Wen Nan, had to personally rush over to appease those clients.

Rui Yusheng spent the whole night drinking with those clients and was taken advantage of the whole night. It wasn't until morning that he was finally able to leave, and hurried back to the Imperial City to attend today's meeting.

With Alva's family assets and his own abilities, it was impossible for him to establish a foothold and do business in Ting City. He was able to start his company because Rui Yusheng was the true behind-the-scenes boss. Rui Yusheng provided both money and effort to help Alva start the company, but of course, he had his own motives. In addition to ensuring that he himself wouldn't lose his source of income after his modeling career ended, there was another reason for the existence of Alva and the company, it was specifically prepared by Rui Yusheng to deal with Wen Nan.

In the previous life, Alva tricked Wen Nan into attending a dinner party, saying that they would only stay for a few minutes before leaving. But once they arrived, they couldn't leave at all. At the time, Wen Nan refused to wear women's clothing and spent some time arguing with Alva in the car, causing them to miss the chance to meet with Frederick. That night, not only was he taken advantage of by those men, but Alva also took pictures of him, which were used to threaten him.

In his previous life, Wen Nan didn't make it to return to the company in time to participate in the assessment. Although he didn't suffer any actual physical harm, the emotional impact was huge because it was the first time he had encountered such a thing. He decided not to meet with Alva again, but Alva, under Rui Yusheng's instruction, sent him the video and repeatedly threatened him to continue accompanying clients for meals, otherwise, the videos would be made public.

Wen Nan's mental state became increasingly poor, often distracted during training, his ranking in the assessment quickly declined, making it increasingly unlikely for him to successfully debut.

Alva had more and more leverage in his hands, and his demands became increasingly unreasonable. Just when Wen Nan was on the brink of a mental breakdown, Rui Yusheng came to care for and comfort him. In order to prevent Wen Nan from going to find Frederick, Rui Yusheng told him this industry is actually like this, and he himself had gone through these things after debuting. If he went to find Frederick, he would only make him quit being a model.

Wen Nan's mental state was already very poor, and Rui Yusheng's negative and discouraging words kept going into his ears. He then pretended to sigh and say it would be better if he died so he didn't have to endure all this. Perhaps one or two times wouldn't have much effect, but during that time, Rui Yusheng almost said these things in Wen Nan's ear every day.

Rui Yusheng pay attention to Wen Nan's mental condition and thought that it was almost time. One day, he come to Wen Nan in a hurry and told him that the internet was already a mess. And let him see the screenshots he took of the netizens scolding him, saying the company will definitely dismiss him, that there was no other way out anymore.

When Wen Nan saw those videos and pictures, added with the people cursing at him, and telling him to go die, it completely broke him down. He didn't know all these pictures were fabricated by Rui Yusheng. He even thought that all those scoldings made sense, that he was a very dirty thing.

Therefore, Wen Nan took a bottle of wine to the rooftop that night. After he drank all the wine, he finally gained some courage to kill himself, jump from the rooftop with one leap, and end his life.


As soon as the soft music of the morning alarm sounded, Lu Jingqian immediately opened his eyes, then lifted the blanket and got up to enter the bathroom to wash up, moving as if he was doing something he used to. Lu Jingqian already has the experience to adapt to a new body and environment and have everything under control.

After he take a bath, Lu Jingqian looked at his face and body in the mirror. The original host's appearance inherited all of his parents' redeeming features. Compared to an average boy, his body is much thinner. But such a body is precisely the most suitable for women's clothing, the proportion and lines of his body are simply perfect.

Lu Jingqian thought it turns out that having a system is really good. With the help of the system, although he only had a few hours of sleep, his whole face was glowing. Not only is the skin fair and rosy, but the complexion of his whole body also seems as if it has a halo of its own.

Lu Jingqian change his clothes and went out. There was already nanny car prepared to send them to the company under the dormitory building. The treatment for trainees is so good that it is no wonder so many people are squeezing their heads to get into the Allure Model.

Lu Jingqian entered the company building and took the elevator to the training department's floor with ease according to the original host's memory. He tapped his card at the front door and strode inside, and attracted a lot of other staff's gazes along the way. Although they had seen the original host many times, but Allure Model had all kinds of beauty, and they had long been numb to it. But today, Lu Jingqian's whole person is glowing, making people can't help but be drawn away by him.

There were only four or five trainees inside the usual training room. Once Lu Jingqian pushed the door open and come inside, they first subconsciously glance at him, and after seeing his face clearly, they all froze.

Lu Jingqian quickly scanned the surrounding people, then walked toward one of the trainees the original host usually had quite a good relationship with, and sat on the sofa beside him.

"Morning." Lu Jingqian put his back at the coffee table placed in front of each sofa and greeted the people beside him.

"Mor… morning." Avery came back to his senses and came closer to stare at Lu Jingqian's face and said, "Did you drink some elixir last night? Yesterday when we finished training, aren't you still full of fatigue? How come you're so radiant today?"

Lu Jingqian deliberately lowered his voice and said to him, "I've learned a method that can help you achieve deep sleep. Not only can it quickly restore your energy and vitality with short periods of sleep, but it can also improve your complexion."

"Really?" Avery felt slightly amazed, but looking at Lujingqian's face, he decided it was worth trying regardless of whether it was true. He then excitedly grabbed Lujingqian's wrist and said, "Teach me too!"

Lu Jingqian made an OK gesture and said, "I'll teach you at a separate time, no problem, but you need to be mentally prepared. It took me a long time to figure out the correct method. And everyone's physique and comprehension ability is different, so the effect obtained is also different, the most important thing is being able to persist."

Lu Jingqian thought that he would teach him a method to quickly enter deep sleep later. Although the effect would definitely not be as miraculous as his system's help. But if he could stick with it and master it proficiently, it would still be very effective for quickly recovering energy in a tired state.

"I've persisted through such difficult training, so what else can't I endure?" Avery was born into a relatively wealthy family and never experienced hardship from a young age. Being able to persist until now after entering Allure Model was the thing he felt most proud of. He wanted to be a show model entirely because of his love of women's clothing. It took him a lot to get his family to agree for him to join Allure Model'sinterview. With his innocent and sunny looks, as well as his clean and simple demeanor, he was successfully admitted to Allure Model, and had been studying as a trainee for three years.

Although the two of them were speaking quietly, their conversation was still clearly heard by several other students nearby. These students were itching to ask Lujingqian about his method and if he could teach them as well. However, they were afraid of being rejected by Lujingqian and feeling embarrassed and awkward afterward, so they didn't dare to take action.

Although they had been training with the original host for almost a year, they didn't communicate much during their daily training. Moreover, even though they were from the same company, they were competitors and had a competitive relationship. Unless they had a very good relationship, who would be willing to teach their secrets to others? Even if they had a good relationship, they might not be willing to teach the other, because people are often selfish.

Avery took out a box of dried fruit from his backpack and shared it with Lu Jingqian, "This is what my dad brought me when he came to see me early this morning, it tastes good and won't make you fat, you should eat some too."

Lu Jingqian took a look at his expression and said, "Aren't you happy that your dad came to see you?"

"Of course, I'm happy that my dad came to see me, but the news he brought made me a little less happy," Avery said somewhat sullenly.

"Did he mention again about letting you go home again?" Lu Jingqian asked.

"My dad told me, my father said to give me the last another year. If I am still unable to debut this year, it is either obediently go to the school he had arranged, or married with the people of his choice, only these two options. In short, I can not continue to stay in Allure Model to waste time and my youth." Avery was very unconvinced, "I'm only seventeen years old, but I'm already being forced to marry, am I his own son or not?"

"I think he mainly wants to force you to study. Getting you married was just to give you an additional choice, in fact, it is to let you choose the one you are more willing to accept out of two options you don't want to choose." Lu Jingqian said.

"I can't guess my father's mind anyway, he's such a sinister and cunning person, even someone as smart as my dad can't fight him. I'm so dumb, there's no other way to deal with him at all except to play tricks and act shameless."

Lu Jingqian felt funny, this was the first time he heard someone describe his father as sinister and cunning.

But for their group of trainees, if they can't make their debut this year, it will indeed be very difficult to have another chance to debut. In another year or two, even if they don't give up voluntarily, they will be dissuaded by the company. After all, those 14 and 15-year-olds are already competing for debut opportunities, and if they can't compete with their peers, how can they compete with them?

The original host was accepted by the company at the age of sixteen because of his outstanding appearance and had to compete for a debut spot with these boys who had been training at most four or five years, or at least two years.

So you can imagine how stressful the original host was in this year. However, the original host was too suitable for cross-dressing and had a natural talent for etiquette learning. In addition, he had a stronger desire for success than others. Several of their training teachers also had high hopes for him.

The reason why the original host did not enter Allure Model again through Frederick was that Rui Yusheng begged him not to let Frederick know that his admission letter had been used when he came to Allure Model. Because Rui Yusheng said that they had fallen in love with Frederick, and could also feel Frederick had feelings for him. He didn't want Frederick to have any negative impressions of him.

The original owner also felt that since he had decided not to expose Rui Yusheng, he should be a good person to the end and not create trouble during a critical moment in their relationship. So he went to the interview department of Allure Model by himself, thinking that if the interview was not successful, he could find other reasons to enter Allure Model through Frederick. Anyway, he would keep the secret Rui Yusheng used his admission letter.

The original host was accepted after the interview, which made Rui Yusheng feel predictable anger and jealousy. He knew that with the original host's face, even if he was older, the likelihood of being accepted was very high. After the original host entered the company, he had a greater chance of successfully debuting than others. However, after debuting, he could also become Rui Yusheng's biggest competitor. Therefore, Rui Yusheng felt he couldn't just sit there and wait for the original host to threaten him. So he started setting traps time and time again, and used all his cunning to lure the original host into these traps until he couldn't escape, and destroyed him.

When other trainees entered the company and saw Lu Jingqian, they couldn't help but secretly look at his face, feeling jealous and envious, and unable to hide their emotions.

The assessment time had arrived, and the screen in front lit up with the names of all the trainees. Whoever's name turned red meant it was their turn to enter the assessment room.

As they watched the first trainee walk out for the assessment, Avery whispered to Lu Jingqian, "What do I do? I'm so nervous. If I can't make it to the top five this time, I might really have to go home."

"I'll teach you a method," Lu Jingqian took out his tablet and quickly wrote down a dozen or so mantras. He then told Avery, "Remember this. If you're still nervous during the assessment, just ignore everyone and everything around you, and focus on reciting this mantra in your mind while doing the assessment."

After reading them, Avery thought that these dozens of words were not that difficult to remember anyway, What if it really works? So while waiting for his turn to take the assessment, he didn't think about anything else and just focused on the dozens of sentences he had memorized.

After several students ahead of him had finished, it was finally Lu Jingqian's turn. When Wen Nan's name turned red, he stood up and head to the assessment room.

As soon as he entered the room, the eyes of the assessment teachers visibly lit up. Though they hid their expressions well, their admiration was hard to conceal.

Their head instructor teacher, Bedia, who taught manners and dance and usually quite liked the talented and hardworking Wen Nan, was also present. Seeing Lu Jingqian walk in, he was very satisfied with his demeanor.

"Today's assessment theme is 'a girl waking up in the morning'. You have ten minutes to change clothes and choose a scene," said Bedia, and the other assessment teachers looked at Lu Jingqian.

These assessment teachers all had a strong presence, and it was really hard for ordinary students not to get nervous when they were all staring at them like this. However, this was also one of the assessment contents. If you want to achieve greater success, you must face bigger challenges. If you cannot overcome your nervousness under the gaze of these examiners, you will not be able to go far on this road.

Lu Jingqian walked behind the curtain and quickly chose a simple and fresh white nightgown from a long row of clothes. Then it was time for makeup. Since it was a girl who woke up in the morning, there should be no noticeable makeup on his face. Moreover, Lu Jingqian's skin was in such good condition that he didn't need any makeup.

He quickly put on a long straight black wig, lightly dabbed his cheeks and lips with blush and lipstick, and immediately gave himself a healthy, just-woke-up look.

On the display platform, there was only a bed with a girlish style, and the scene could be selected on the computer and presented through projection. Although realism could not meet the standards of shooting and broadcasting, it was enough for the assessment.

After selecting the scene, Lu Jingqian lay down on the bed and set up the distant sound of birds chirping. When the ten minutes were up, the curtain automatically opened.

With his fair arm stretched out, Lu Jingqian slowly sat up while holding the blanket. He had a drowsy look as if he didn't want to get out of bed yet, tilting his head and drooping his shoulder.

Lu Jingqian's eyes were hazy and alluring as if he hadn't had enough sleep and not wanted to get out of bed. He tilted his head and let his shoulder droop. The loose nightgown revealed his white and tender left shoulder and a beautifully shaped collarbone.

The few assessment teachers couldn't help but smile because the scene was just too beautiful. They thought that no one would not want to have such a beautiful, charming, and full of vitality girl. The teachers had seen a lot of things in their lives, so they could control their emotions. If this were a live performance or a live show, the screams might have been deafening.

The teachers were already numb to the performances of the models, but Lu Jingqian's performance still touched their hearts. Several teachers silently evaluated Lu Jingqian in their hearts. Perfect appearance, perfect temperament, perfect expression, and performance. Finally, it all came down to how he handled the details.

Lu Jingqian lifted the covers and sat at the edge of the bed with his toes on the ground. He casually brushed his long hair back and his expression showed that he was gradually becoming more awake. He lifted his slender and straight legs and then extended them, and Lu Jingqian lowered his head to look under the bed as if searching for slippers.

After locating his slippers, Lu Jingqian put them on and stood up. He rubbed the corners of his eyes lightly with the back of his hand and then walked slowly to the window projected on the screen to look outside. As he looked outside, he squinted his eyes, apparently because the sunlight was too bright. In the eyes of the examiners, this made him look very cute.

The assessment time ended and the projected scene disappeared. Lu Jingqian bowed to the examiners. The examiners were so impressed that they couldn't help but applaud. After coming back to their senses, they looked at each other awkwardly. This was the first time that the examiners had applauded a student during an assessment.

After the curtain closed, Lujingqian changed into his own clothes and left the examination room, and the teachers immediately began to discuss.

Throughout the entire performance, Lu Jingqian's movements seemed simple and there was nothing particularly outstanding, but it completely met the exam's requirements. Compared to the students who made deliberate and exaggerated movements, they felt that Lujingqian's performance was not only authentic and fluent but also beautiful and touching. Moreover, every detail of Lu Jingqian's movements was very natural and did not give the impression of deliberate actions, which is what is meant by perfect attention to detail.

Bedia's reaction to Lu Jingqian's performance was a mixture of surprise and delight. Although he had high hopes for Wen Nan, as Wen Nan had only received one year of training, he still lacked experience in some areas, and his handling of details often seemed unnatural. But his exceptional performance today was flawless, even for their group of nitpicking experts. It was truly surprising.