
COTE: I have a life simulator

【Life Restart Simulator】 [Enter the chapter "Ichinose Honami's Summer Reappearance"] [Five talents have been randomly selected: a promise of a thousand pieces of gold, a handsome guy from Tokyo, a flower protector, a child from a famous family, and is under the control of the year] 【Simulation starts】 [Day 14: On the night of the fireworks display, you blocked the blade of Honami Ichinose that stabbed Megumi Karuizawa. Under the sad and shocked eyes of the two people, you died] [This simulation has ended, please choose a talent to keep and bring it to the next simulation] ………… [Achieve the ending: Bystander - human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same. We often ignore many causes, and all we can see are the effects] [Achieve the ending: Symbiosis - The strongest relationship in the world is accomplices] [Achieve the ending: Rescue——Then we agree here to go a long way together in the future] On the day of real time travel, Kitagawa Ryo, who came to Tokyo Advanced Education Middle School, looked at the series of golden talents on his body and scratched his head and said: "Um, but I have completed all CG and all endings."

DaoistjQtMkq · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
239 Chs


"There is no point in being unique to each other, so the fox was abandoned by the little prince in the end."

"So the so-called taming, the establishment of a connection, itself is meaningless."

Horikita Suzune still seems to be worried about making friends. She still stubbornly believes that she can survive alone.

"But you obviously want to establish a connection with your brother, or in other words, this is what you have been trying to do."

Kitagawa Ryo didn't understand Horikita Suzune, just like Horikita Suzune didn't understand why Kitagawa Ryo became Horikita Manabu's friend.

"Are you saying that I am just a fox that can't catch up with the other person, and can't even see the shadow?"

"Is there any difference?"

"no the same."

Horikita Suzune put down the book in her hand, pursed her lips and argued:

"I think...it's different."

"You said yourself that you would follow in your brother's footsteps, but you even took the initiative to deny your idea."

Kitagawa Ryo handed the photo of the two of them on the table to Horikita Suzune:

"Would you like to try it?"

"What are you trying?"

"Try connecting with others."

Kitagawa Ryo showed her a photo of Karuizawa Megumi:

"How about trying to make a friend?"

Horikita Suzune's eyes were still wandering and she didn't want to answer. She was really unwilling to deny the concept she had always held for a while, just like the kind of child who knew she was wrong but refused to apologize.

"...All right."

"Then let's start with the first step. How about the two of us try to become friends?"

Kitagawa Ryo also felt that his progress was too fast, so he put away his phone and spoke again.

"Do you want me to tame you?"

Horikita Suzune raised her eyes unceremoniously, with an eagerness to try in her purple pupils.


Beichuan Liang shook his head:

"I have long been tamed by a rose."

ps: Thank you for reading and subscribing. In fact, the rose image of Karuizawa Megumi has already been foreshadowed in Ichinose Honami's simulation.

ps2: This simulation is generally written in a slower pace than the second simulation, so I can understand why everyone is raising books, but occasionally I hope you can remember to come back and take a look.

Karuizawa Megumi's Autumn Lies: 521 Extra if Online Voting

I originally planned to write an extra chapter on 520 yesterday, but I forgot about it, so I'll move it to today. Readers who see it can post the extra chapter they want to see. It will probably be written today or tomorrow, and it will not affect the normal update. .

Currently there are four ideas:

1. Supplementary postscript of Honami Ichinose

2. Sakayanagi Arisu's if line, which is the ending of "Oedipus the King" in Ichinose Honami's third simulation

3. Hiyori Shiina's if line, that is, in the ongoing simulation of this article, the world line in which Kitagawa Ryo and Karuizawa Megumi have not met

4. Megumi Karuizawa's if line, that is, the world line in which Honami Ichinose did not kill Ryo Kitagawa in the second simulation

I will choose the one with the most posts to write first, and the rest will depend on the situation.

Megumi Karuizawa's Autumn Lies: Chapter 18: Malice... Malice

Emi Eura's father is a complete drunkard and gambler, which is why he was expelled from the club where he worked. After becoming an unemployed man, the man did not realize his problem, but instead became more unscrupulous in engaging in all kinds of gambling. .

"Huang and Du are all losing money, only gambling has its rewards!"

Emi Emi still remembers the scene when her father was picking his teeth while unceremoniously asking his mother for money:

"When I win money, you will know what I am capable of."

But the final result was that the Eura family was saddled with a debt of more than 10 million yen. The more they gambled, the more they lost. Loan sharking was like a demon that opened its huge scarlet mouth and swallowed up the entire Jiangpu family.

After losing to the point where he could no longer gamble, the man started to drink alcohol. He still had no intention of going out to work to pay off his debts. His daily life was a cycle of drinking, vomiting, falling asleep, and drinking. His mother had to do odd jobs to support the family and raise funds. He had to save money to pay the monthly debt, so Emi Eura was left at home to take care of this drunken alcoholic for a long time.

Cleaning up men's vomit is one of Emi Emi's most skilled but also most painful tasks. Those sticky substances mixed with the pungent smell and sour smell of inferior liquor are like those that Sisyphus in Greek mythology could never push to the top of the mountain. Like pebbles, after she exhaustedly handles them once, she would find that the other person had vomited all over the bed again.

When Emi Emi was seven years old, she seriously thought about whether to cover her father with a transparent plastic film so that she only had to clean the plastic film wrapped around him once a day, but it was just a thought.

After attending elementary school, Emi Eura's whole body still seemed to have a lingering fishy smell. This smell made others naturally exclude her, just like she was standing alone at the door after school, waiting. The same goes for parents who don't come to pick them up.

All Eura Emi could see were the legs and wheels of adults. She raised her head and saw the walls formed by parents and cars. She walked through the jungle of these walls and walked out cautiously.

Adding insult to injury is a self-taught human skill. Even children know this truth. After all, everyone understands that it is difficult to improve oneself, but it is easy to put others down. Since both can achieve the purpose of improving oneself, then choose to take it easy. The way is natural.

Trampling on people and things lower than oneself will bring a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. After becoming a bully, Emi Eura seemed to have turned into a cheap teddy bear, responsible for creating cheap happiness for the classmates. After she was teased and made a fool of herself, as long as one person took the lead in laughing, the whole class would giggle together.

During those days, Emi Eura noticed the existence of Karuizawa Megumi. Unlike Eura Emi's silence from beginning to end, Karuizawa Megumi was a child who was used to apologizing. Her tears were rich and passionate, but she did not Notice that her apologies and tears don't actually make a difference.

The bully treats the bullied like a whip beating a top. The faster you turn it, the more violent the reaction, and the more excited they become.

Emi Eura felt a sense of closeness similar to that of a fellow sufferer, and she began to take the initiative to inquire about some news about Karuizawa Megumi. On a snowy winter, she was building up her confidence and planning to go to Karuizawa Megumi, who was also being bullied. Megumi Izawa became friends.

It snowed heavily that day, and Emi Emi's shoes made a crunching sound in the snow. She fell heavily one step after another, hearing the snow shattering like glass under her feet. From childhood to now, she has Having grown up smelling other people's scents like a dog, she judged that Karuizawa Megumi and her were the same type of person.

Emi Eura wants to try to hug Karuizawa Megumi for warmth. She feels that they will definitely have common topics and become friends.

But she saw Megumi Karuizawa standing with another boy. The boy lowered his head and said to Megumi Karuizawa:

"I'm going to transfer to your school."

Emi Emi felt something from the boy's eyes and words that made her panic, which was an emotion called liking.

She suddenly remembered the scene where she and Karuizawa Megumi were pulled by the hair by boys in school. Emi Eura suddenly felt that she had been betrayed.

She and Karuizawa Megumi are both living on thin ice in school. Their lives are the same every day, and they are both targets of bullying.


Emi Emi looked at the two people not far away with almost gritted teeth.

A boy actually likes Karuizawa Megumi, and he seems to want to rescue Karuizawa Megumi out of this sea of ​​misery.


The boy's name was Kitagawa Ryo. This was a fact that Emi Emi found out later. However, when she heard the name, he had already become the center of the school, because he didn't care about him as soon as he transferred to another school. Bullying in the class was stopped unceremoniously by brutally responding to violence with violence.

Emi Eura was lucky enough to watch the fight. Kitagawa Ryo's strikes were very measured, the kind of blows that would make people cry out in pain but not actually cause any harm. She heard a girl next to her discussing "beating someone." It's wrong." She snorted coldly.

The effect of this fight was immediate, and the school bullying that Karuizawa Megumi faced suddenly disappeared, as if it had never existed.

Emi Eura looked at Karuizawa Megumi's life returning to normal with hatred and jealousy, while she began to pick up the broken parts of herself one by one and put them back together again. Since violence is useful, then use it Violence solves the problem.

Emi Emi began to carry a fruit knife with her. She stuffed the knife into her schoolbag and hid it. One day, as usual, she was blocked by boys in a corner after school. She suddenly pulled out the knife from her bag. In fact, It was just a four-centimeter-long blade, but the boys all backed away.

On the one hand, they were afraid of the gleaming knife in Emi Emi's hand. On the other hand, they felt that Emi Emi was smiling weirdly at this moment. It was as bright and scary as the blade in her hand.

Emi Eura's eyes were fixed on them for a long time, until the boys yelled at each other and left. After they left, Emi Eura's expression and body suddenly collapsed again, and she fell to the ground with a clatter, where she took it. He held the knife and cried for a while before slowly walking back.

Karuizawa Megumi and Kitagawa Ryo got along more and more harmoniously. They stayed together almost all day. The two would sit in the courtyard together at noon and eat lunch. Emi Eura could see Karuizawa Megumi in front of Kitagawa Ryo every day. Stretching out her body and words, as if opening every pore to breathe the air next to Kitagawa Ryo, she sat next to him and naturally created a closed space.

Karuizawa Megumi is free to be willful in this space. She can say whatever she wants in front of Kitagawa Ryo. She can express her complaints and talk about good things. Kitagawa Ryo can answer any questions she asks, like a book. The all-knowing encyclopedia.

Emi Eura stood in a corner and skinned a frog alive with a toothpick. This act itself did not bring her any pleasure, but after someone in the class saw it last time, many girls stayed away from her, so she Become enthusiastic about this action.

She felt like the little match girl in the fairy tale, looking at Karuizawa Megumi in the ice and snow, thinking about getting some light from her. Day after day, she was selling matches one after another, eating Karuizawa Megumi. After finishing packing the lunch box, Emi Emi also inserted a toothpick into the frog's head and threw it into the trash can.

On the day when her graduation photos were taken, Emi Eura's class was ranked behind the classes of Megumi Karuizawa and Ryo Kitagawa. For the rest of the elementary school, although she was no longer bullied, she was essentially isolated. Huimei stood alone on the side, standing there like a strange tree growing out of the cliff, both arrogant and abrupt.

Emi Emi raised her eyes and saw the two people secretly holding hands in the crowd through the cracks in the crowd.


Kitagawa Ryo disappeared.

Karuizawa Megumi entered junior high school alone. On the first day of school, Emi Eura noticed that Karuizawa Megumi was assigned to the same class as her.

She took the initiative to elevate Karuizawa Megumi to the core position of girls in the class. The only thing Emi Eura learned from her father was that if you want a gambler to lose more, you have to let him win twice at the beginning.

Karuizawa Megumi was still ridiculously childish. Emi Eura seduced and led her step by step to complete the transformation from the bullied to the bully. She thought bitterly that if Kitagawa Ryo hadn't appeared at that time, Karuizawa would have been there. Hui has become like this a long time ago.

Then, with the help of Wakata's rumors, Karuizawa Kei will be branded as a "murderer" and a "bully". Then he can transform himself into a party representing "justice" and use this reason to take revenge on Karuizawa. Ze Hui.

But what I didn't expect was that Karuizawa Megumi seemed to really regard him as a friend.

Emi Emi almost laughed out loud when she realized this.

Megumi Karuizawa didn't know her at all when she was in elementary school, let alone bully her, but Megumi Karuizawa was far more hateful than those bullies in her heart. When pleading in front of him, half of Emi Eura was enjoying the expected result, while the other half of Emi Eura was still not satisfied, and even wanted to kill this humble begging in one go. I am willing to leave some dignity to Karuizawa Megumi.

Emi Eura had a knife in her bag that day. Over the past two years, she had become accustomed to carrying a knife. She decided to officially inflict pain on Karuizawa Megumi that would last a lifetime on that day. She knew that Karuizawa Megumi will definitely wear the white dress Kitagawa Ryo gave her on that day.

She was waiting to dye the dress red with blood.

When Eura Megumi was full of fantasies about hope and friends, she didn't get any response, so those all turned into the same degree of desire for revenge. Perhaps earlier, this emotion had followed her like a shadow, but It was not until these two years that it finally found the target of revenge.

Then, Kitagawa Ryo came back.

So, Emi Eura thought of a better way to retaliate against Karuizawa Megumi.

She would personally destroy Karuizawa Kei's pillar, regardless of any consequences.

[I just hate you, you obviously regard me as a friend. I hate that you fulfilled my wish first. I hate that you have a better life than me. I hate that you, who were in the same boat as me, now have a better future than me. I also hate my own cowardice. I hate my own luck. Not being reincarnated is not good enough. I hate that I am not talented enough and cannot change my family. I will give you all my hatred for myself and use it all to hate you. ]


"I want to have a private meeting with Emi Eura."

After sending Horikita Suzune away, Kitagawa Ryo dialed Karuizawa Megumi's phone and spoke without any foreshadowing.


On the other side of the receiver, Karuizawa Megumi neither agreed nor denied.

"Well, I'll hang up first."

Just before Kitagawa Ryo was about to hang up the phone, Karuizawa Megumi suddenly shouted:

"Wait a moment!"

"Didn't we agree that we should go see her together?"

She suddenly rejected Kitagawa Ryo's words.

"Don't go anywhere... don't go anywhere, I'll be here right away, Ryo, Ryo wants to stay with me."

The firm tone made Kitagawa Ryo hold his breath. Until now, she had never stated the facts so seriously.

Her emotions seemed to become slightly transparent, which made Kitagawa Ryo couldn't help but smile:

"There's no need to be brave and say these words."


"Megumi would not say such a thing, because the girl I know named Karuizawa Megumi is a weak and strong girl who may make people feel very pitiful and unfulfilled. So—— Do you understand?"

Kitagawa Ryo continued in as gentle a tone as possible:

"It's okay, nothing will happen to me. I will definitely come back and stay with you."

"So, please wait for me at home. Then, let's have dinner together today."

After saying that, Kitagawa Ryo hung up the phone directly.

Kitagawa Ryo knew all of Karuizawa Megumi's weaknesses and scheming, but he would not deny her like that.

But, having said that - he had no intention of giving up.

Kitagawa Ryo just hoped from the bottom of his heart that Karuizawa Megumi could find his own happiness, if possible, by his side.

[I hope you can get it, I hope you can hold it tightly, I hope you can never let go. ]

[I hope you can realize: The little prince did not fall in love with the rose because she was a unique existence on his planet, but he felt that the rose was unique because he fell in love with her. ]

Kitagawa Ryo closed the door, and he wanted to create an opportunity for Emi Eura to completely leave Karuizawa Megumi's life.