
COTE: Hikigaya in Classroom of the Elite

Unlike other fanfictions relating to this topic, Hikigaya won't be some pushover who gets nervous at the sight of girls. Hikigaya will have his memories of middle school when he was bullied and abandoned by the school, so he will dislike most students. He also won't be some pushover who takes insults from others, but he won't take stupid rash actions. He will kind of be a villain who solely cares about private points. The Hikigaya in this book will be the one at the start of Oregairu. One who does not care about other's feelings and only about himself. Since the classroom of the elite takes place in a high school, Hikigaya will have no memories of characters like Yukonishida and Yui as they appear during his high school life.

avbutt · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter 8

-*- (Still in third person POV)

Throughout the rest of the school day, no one could actually focus on their class. Everyone was too busy thinking about whether they would be able to save Sudo or not. 

Finally, the last class of the day ended and normally Chabashira would give some short announcements, but instead, the students flooded out of the classroom. Hirata, leading them, gave them the game plan he had made while in class.

"Alright we're going to Class A. We'll ask them if any of their students submitted an incident report against Sudo."

"What happens if they lie?"

"Everyone, including Sudo, is coming, so Sudo can confirm whether they're in the class or not. If they're not there, we'll go to Class B and then Class C"

The group of 40 students walked through the empty first-year hall towards the classroom of Class A. When they arrived at the class, Hirata lightly knocked on the door. The advisor of Class A slid open the door with a stern expression.

"What do you need?"

Hirata calmed his nerves and spoke.

"We're looking for a student who filed an incident report against Sudo, one of Class D's students. Is he in this class?"

The teacher turned around and spoke to the class.

"Did any of you file a report against any Class D students"

Everyone in class looked at each other in confusion except for one student. This student got up from her desk with the help of a cane. She had features, similar to a doll, with her pale white skin, low height, and perfect facial features. The student spoke to their advisor.

"Teacher, I believe I know who they are talking about. They should be looking for Hikigaya from Class B."

Hirata, who was the only member of Class D who heard these words, looked around shocked. A member of Class B, the class most known for their kindness and unity, had got into a fight with them. Hirata didn't believe this, so he asked the white-haired student.

"A-are y-you sure?"


The teacher, looking irritated at Class D's interruption, spoke to Hirata again.

"Alright, you've got your answer. We are in the middle of something"

Taking the hint, Hirata left the classroom and returned to the rest of the Class D students, who were waiting outside for him. The black-haired girl was the first to break the silence after he returned.

"Was he in Class A or not?"

"No, but one of the Class A students said that she was sure the person we were looking for was in Class B"

The students broke out into conversation.

"Class B? The nicest Class? Are you sure?"

"How do you know that student is not lying"

A Class D student near the back of the group stayed silent, but it seemed he was now more interested than before.

'What would a Class B student gain from negotiating with us? Why would they purposely try to get one of us expelled? It just doesn't make sense. Did Sudo piss this person off or anger them somehow?'

Hirata, who was also somewhat confused by the Class A student's response, calmed the class down again and spoke.

"We were going to check Class B next anyway. Let's just go by now. That Class A student also gave me a name, so we can just ask to talk to him and Sudo can confirm if it was him or not"

The 40 students of Class D began walking towards the classroom of Class B.

-*- (POV Change to Hikigaya)

After waking up today, I checked my smartwatch and saw that I had an email. The email said that the disciplinary hearing for Sudo would take place at 8:00 PM today. Good, everything was going to plan. The students of Class D would have to make contact with me today, so I would just sit back and wait for them to find me.

Before leaving my dorm room, I drafted a contract. This paper would save Sudo if the rest of the Class D members agreed to it. The terms of the contract were simple.

Class D will pay Hikigaya Hachiman 20 million points by the end of the first year of high school. Every single member in Class D must sign this contract, and if the members of Class D fail to pay Hikigaya the 20 million points by the end of the year, they will all be expelled.

There were 0 flaws in this contract. Either, I got 20 million points, or the more likely option, the entirety of Class D gets expelled. The reason I did this before the first month of school passed is because the students of Class D should still believe they are getting 100,000 points per month, so they would think that the debt would be paid off within 5 to 7 months.

To them, this contract would be fair as the punishment for the expulsion of a student is unknown, and sacrificing their points for 5-7 months wouldn't be that big of a problem if it meant saving one of their students. Since I knew 100,000 points wouldn't be awarded each month, and I assumed that the school decided your point total based on your in-class behavior and grades.

Considering Class D was the worst class, I assumed that their points would drop to as low as 20,000. Even if they managed to gather the whopping sum of 20 million points, their class would be broke and in ruin. 

After double-checking the contract and ensuring there were no flaws, I headed to class like it was a normal day. I did have a bandage wrapped around my nose and some ice to heal my cheek, as both were bruised, but the pain subsided after I slept last night. My cheek and nose being injured was a small price to pay for the entire expulsion of Class D or 20 million points.

As I entered the class, Hoshanomiya didn't glance at me or stop me, so I assumed she still didn't know about my incident report. I gladfully sat down in my seat and pretended to pay attention for the rest of my classes, however, in science and math class, I actually took notes. These were my worst 2 subjects, and I knew points depended on grades. 

After the final class of the day, Hoshanomiya walked back into the classroom and began her announcements. I assumed Class D students had already begun searching for me, so they would be here in a matter of time.

It might take them a bit longer to come to Class B as the reputation of Class B students is that they were all kind and cheerful, so it might be hard for them to believe that a member of Class B got into a fight. Contrary to my expectations, there was already a knock at the classroom door within 10 minutes of the announcements starting. How did they get here so early?

Hoshanomiya opened the door and began having a conversation with one of the Class D students. This student had short blonde hair but held a nervous expression on his face. He was probably scared of the possibility that one of his classmates could be expelled. After a minute of talking, the teacher glanced at me for a second with a cheerful expression. Why is she so happy? What I'm doing right now doesn't help the class at all. The teacher spoke to me.

"Hikigaya, could you please tell me why the entirety of Class D wants to speak with you?"

How did the Class D student know my name? Immediately after her words, all the students in Class B immediately looked at me with confusion. They already knew I didn't fit in with them, and that I didn't want to communicate with them at all. The students began murmuring amongst themselves.

"w-wait. Is he a spy?"

"Is he selling them information"

I ignored these talks and spoke back to the teacher with an uninterested expression.

"I got bored."

The classroom was previously full of whispering it became silent. Even the Class D student speaking to my teacher looked shocked. The teacher, by now, probably knew I did something to Class D, so she tiredly said.

"Hikigaya, could you please go talk to them, so they stop bothering me"

I was confused that she didn't ask me any more questions. I thought she might think I was transferring to class D as I brought up switching classes to her, but she didn't look nervous. Instead, she looked like she was tired of my antics. What kind of teacher is this? Does she not see me as one of her students?

I got up and walked towards the front door of the classroom. I could see 39 other students waiting for me outside the door. Their expressions ranged from fearful to angry and to interested. Interested? I glanced at a student, who was at the rear end of the group. Rather than being scared or angry by my actions, he actually seemed interested. I ignored him for now and walked outside the classroom door.

It was time to negotiate.

The next chapter will be longer and it'll be out in 3-4 hours. It'll be around 2.5k words to make up for this chapter being short.

avbuttcreators' thoughts