
The Rebel

"I have gathered them, my lord." Alice spoke in a very ladylike fashion.

"My comrades, Let us all meet our new companion in crushing the once great land of dawn. Come here my dear."

A tall shadow crept closer to them.

"Did you request my presence, Lord of the Abyss?" The voice was surely of a man.

The new ally kneeled as the Lord of the Abyss sent a tentacle of shadows towards his new ally.

"Adapt my energy, and great power shall come forth you."

"With four great heroes sworn to serve my ever benevolent existence, the twilight orb is nearer to my grip."

And a devilish laugh echoed along the walls of the Abyss Canyon.


"Gusion, Gusion's the name." A tall young man in a casual fashion stood in front of a line. He conversed with the woman in-charge for the registration for the tournament.

"Gusion?" The woman in the desk looked at Gusion, as if she meant to ask for something.

"Oh. Gusion Paxley." Gusion answered as he received the registration confirmation ticket given by the woman she conversed with.

Murmurs by people in the line where loud enough for the leaving Gusion to be heard.

"Isn't he the throwout of the Paxley Household?"

"I've heard the Paxley's refused to join the representative lineup for the tournament? Did he rebel again?"

"Oh. The famous Gusion Paxley. He's from a family of mages yet he grew as an assassin."

Gusion just hurried to help ignore the murmurs of the people. However, in his great hurry, he bumped a little bit hard to a red haired girl carrying a rifle.

The two did not avoid to take a glance of each other.

"Wait!" Both of them exclaimed as they held each others hands.

"Oh. Sorry." Gusion looked away immediately and hurriedly walked away.

"I know him." Lesley thought curiously.

"Ah em." A shorter boy with a magician cap and staff wanted Lesley's attention.

"Oh. Harley." Lesley broke out of her curiosity and looked at her little brother.

"Shall we?" Harley said as he went to the end of the line and Lesley followed.


"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the first ever United Tournament of the Kingdoms! Twilight Ragnarok!" Gord announced as he stood as the mc of the tourney.

"Warriors, we have invited you from every corner of the Land of Dawn to be a part of this historic bout for the twilight orb."

"We have had your names listed for we had a random team setup!"

Most of the heroes exclaimed.

"This is not good." Lesley shook her head as she looked at Harley, worrying.

"Each team will go through the corresponding portal, five for the blue portal and five for the red. They will be teleported to the warzone, there."

Gord pointed at a very large floating island not far from the coliseum. A lot of the spectators exclaimed in amazement.

"The first one to destroy the opponent's crystal wins! And the losing team is eliminated."

"The winning team at the end of all 5v5 matches, will also compete each other, until only one is left. And the kingdom who's representative wins, obtains the twilight orb!"

"The teams are already posted at several bulletin boards. First match is tomorrow, team A vs team D. While you wait, enjoy!"

The heroes scurried throught the crowd to know what team they belong to.

Lesley dragged her finger to the list. "Oh, here!Its team C. Me, Layla, Kagura, Hilda, and..... Harley!!!" Lesley jumped in amazement.

She held Harley's shoulders amd shook him. "We will fight together!!!"

And they hugged each other amidst the thick crowd.


"Hmmm." Gusion thought deeply as he read his team list at the middle of the night, with a lamp lit.

"Me, Claude, Angela, Ruby, and Balmond. But we're team B. We should talk before the competition starts." Gusion thought.

He went out of his quarters and walked along the street. It was almost midnight and the area was silent. He eventually came to a very far and isolated place.

There was a wooden sign, old yet it bears the words, "Cosmos Garden."

And as he attempted to enter the Garden, he saw a silhuoette of a lady formed by the moonlight. She is looking up at the sky.

He crept nearer yet hesitated to be by her side.

"Don't worry. I'm friendly." Unexpectedly, the woman spoke.

Gusion smirked and went by her side.

"The sky's so beautiful." The woman said.

"So as you." Gusion thought.