
Cosmic Neverland

Beings of power start to unravel the diffrent levels of Neverland. An ever changing plane with no explanation for most problems.

Daoista3YXxX · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


This is a sneak peak chapter. It still is the first chapter though.


???: (Waking up in an unfamiliar area, groggily) Where... Where am I? What is this place?

Voice: (Echoing) Welcome, traveler, to the realm of unknown. You find yourself in a place of mystery and discovery, a realm untouched by human knowledge.

???: (Confused) Who... Who's there? What is this realm? And why can't I remember anything about myself?

Voice: I am but a voice guiding you through this enigmatic realm. As for your identity, fear not, for all will be revealed in due time. You possess the knowledge of a human, and your name is known to you. That is your starting point.

???: (Looking around, taking in the surroundings) Starting point? But where am I? And what is this "status" system I'm aware of?

Voice: The answers you seek lie within you. The "status" system you possess is a reflection of your potential and abilities. It is a tool that will aid you on your journey, guiding you towards growth and progress. Here, to activate it, say "status." I'll bring it up for you this time.










NAME: Sarcuss

LV: 1

EXP: 0/100









STR: 5

DEX: 5

CON: 5

PDF: 5

ECT: 5

Essence: 5

WIS: 2

Available Points: 0

Sarcuss: (Examining the status system) It seems... intricate. How do I know I can trust you? Who even are you?

Voice: Patience, dear traveler. Things reveal themselves in the footsteps you take. Explore, learn, and interact with the world around you. Seek out knowledge, engage with others you encounter, and your purpose will gradually become clear.

Sarcuss: (Taking a deep breath) Alright then, I'll embrace this journey and venture forth into the unknown. But can you at least give me a hint? Anything to guide me on my way?

Voice: Seek the key that lies in your heart. Follow the path of curiosity, let it ignite the flame of exploration within you. Embrace the challenges and uncertainties that come your way, for they are the stepping stones towards self-discovery.

Sarcuss: (Nodding, uncertainly) I guess. I will trust you, for now. Even without memories, I will try to forge a new identity in this realm.

Voice: That is the spirit, dear traveler. May your journey be filled with wonder and enlightenment. Remember, within the unknown lies the potential for greatness. Go forth and embrace your destiny.

Sarcuss: (With slight confidence) Thank you for the help. Farewell, voice of the unknown.

Voice: Farewell, traveler. May your path be illuminated by the light of self-discovery.

-The Voice Fades

Sarcuss: (Sighing) Now where am I?

Sarcuss slowly looks around and sees a bright, vibrant field stretching as far as the eye can see. Blades of grass sway gently in the wind, creating a mesmerizing sight. In the sky, cracks appear, shifting and bending reality. Amidst this ethereal landscape, a colossal serpent-like creature captures Sarcuss's attention—a dragon. Its scales shimmer with iridescent hues, and a long line of hair flows down its back, caressing its body until it reaches its majestic tail. Sarcuss is awestruck by the sheer size of the creature, which surpasses his comprehension.

Sarcuss: (Visually concerned) Let's not go that way.

Sarcuss turns around, only to discover a vast swamp-like lake. The atmosphere here feels entirely different—a sense of desolation and stillness fills the air. There are patches of murky water scattered around, with withered trees standing as silent sentinels. Amidst this eerie scene, a massive sword, towering over a hundred feet tall, impales the head of a giant serpent.

Sarcuss: I hope a zombie doesn't pop out at me... (he says sarcastically, but with a lingering sense of unease)

After cautiously traversing the swamp, wading through toxic waters, Sarcuss finally reaches the towering sword. Even from this proximity, he can barely see the sword's hilt. He gingerly places his hand on the blade, feeling a strange connection to the immense weapon.

Sarcuss: *Whose sword is this?*

Suddenly, a dark shadow begins to engulf the area, shrouding everything in an eerie presence. Sarcuss gazes upwards to identify the source of the looming shadow, only to come face-to-face with a hooded statue. It stands as tall as the giant sword, its eyes fixated on him, emitting an aura of ancient wisdom and foreboding.

Sarcuss: (Stammering, overwhelmed with fear) Oh... Well, hello there.

The hooded statue remains silent, its presence seeming both watchful and enigmatic.