
The start

As she sits on the front step of the tired run down house she grew up in watching the two men working on the car at the end of the driveway. Her brother looks up and all he can see is her sitting there reading another damn book.

Talking away to his school friend he's ignorant to his sister watching every move they make.

Esabeth sits there watching silently. Her brothers friend is the epitome of forbidden fruit and she knows it.

"esa!!!" a voice from inside the house screams and she knows her peace is ended. she slowly gets up and walks inside head hung low.

" time start dinner" the voice screeches from the couch

"yes mum, are we having mince for tea?"

"of bloody course i didnt get it out to waste it" her mother screamed. this person was a short stout woman that commanded the household with an iron fist since the children were small.

many months ago their father had up and died leaving her to raise five children by herself. Now her daughter Esabeth was old enough to do most of the chores she was making sure to keep her too busy for boys.

Esabeth hang her head and placed her book down on the bookshelf. walking into the kitchen to prepare dinner she failed to notice the smile on her mothers face.

Outside a young man was half listening to his friend. He heard the shrill woman scream from inside andbit made his spine tingle, he watched as his mates sister walked inside.

"Does your sister always go when your mother calls?"

he asks his friend

"She aint my fucken sister. She just some bitch my mother adopted. You do know shes a slut aye?" his mate bit back. This young man had heard this many times but he has also watched this young lady and part of him is seriously douting his mate.

"hey im not interested in fucking her mate , just wondering why she goes running as soon as your mother calls"

"cause she knows whats good for her and what will happen to her if she made ma wait" His mate replied without stopping doing up the sparkplug.

The young man dropped his head and felt his heart sink. Hes fucked if he knew why this chic effected him like she did and hd knew there's no way he can find out.