
Cosmic Captives - Together trapped in an escape pod

After a long gruelling battle with the Epsilon Consortium, Anon managed to narrowly flee their rapidly disintegrating spaceship, only to find himself trapped in an escape pod alongside a young woman. Their bodies tightly pressed together. Anon’s struggle to not get aroused is quickly lost. How will she react? --- This tale deviates from my traditional style, as we take a more gradual approach before the steamier moments. Have no fear though, there are plenty of arousing sequences still to come, so don't be tempted to put this book down just yet! This is a story of reluctance and non-consent; although, I can easily envision a more romanticised version of the same tale. Perhaps I'll have the opportunity to write that variant in the future should anyone be interested. But for now, this version centers around non-consent with female protagonists who are not particularly enthused by what's transpiring. But there is no spanking and no intentional hurting or infliction of pain. Perhaps you could refer to it as gentle non-consent erotica?

RemyMoreau · Ficção Científica
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11 Chs

To be continued...

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I would really appreciate it if you could let me know what you thought of it. I have a few ideas on how this story could progress, and if there is enough interest, then I'm certainly willing to explore them further. Of course your own ideas are more than welcome; anything that can help build upon the story and continue its narrative is something I want to hear about.

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