
Chapter 6


Year 2017....

Asher POV

My name it's Asher, Asher Bloodmound. Pretty awkward right? Well let me tell you what's more awkward. I'm not normal. Sure you may think that there are other people who, in their own way, aren't normal. But my abnormality is not normal. I mean, I'm inhuman abnormal. What do I mean by inhuman? Simple....

I'm A HYBRID!!...

And not just any hybrid, I'm a vampire/hunter hybrid. See!, shocking right?. I know hunters are supposed to slay vampires and all but, what can you do?, life is full of twists and turns so there's really no stopping fate from taking place. I mean it's not like I can go back in time and stop my parents from ever meeting, am I right? So I'm stuck being a pure blood Vampire/Hunter,but I don't mind.

Anyway, back to reality. Today is the BIG day!. Not for me of course but for my one and only best friend. She's the 'one and only' because, considering how many times we've moved, I never really got the chance to settle down and make friends. We are constantly on the run from my stupid grandparents who want to slay my mom and I just like they did to my dad. I was only three then.

A stray tear fell down my face as I thought about that very day. I still have nightmares bassist of that, but I've been able to keep my Chi intact to prevent me from going berserk. I remember the last time THAT happened. It still gives me the chills thinking about it.

Anyway, I guess it's time to wake up, even though I've been awake the entire time I've just been too reluctant to stand up. I stood up from bed a little lazily. I crept over to my wardrobe and grabbed my towel. I headed for the bathroom and took a Loonngg shower!. I wrapped my towel around myself and headed for my wardrobe.

I got a pair of black ripped jeans, a red tank top with a baggy oversized cardigan and my black ankle length all-star. I'm kinda Gothic. After putting on my clothes I headed for the mirror to Blow dry my hair.

As I plugged in my hair drier and turned it on I couldn't help but admire my beautiful piercing White eyes, that is, before I put those darned contacts. It's a family hunter trait. That is the white eye thing. But it's a pity I have to hide them with these stupid contacts. Why do I wear them? Simple. I have to to prevent my grandparents from recognising me. That it's to say their spies. They've got leeches every where looking for us, which is kinda ironic seeing as they slay them, but so far they haven't traced us, not since that one time at least. Even if they did we would have packed our bags and be long gone before they could catch us again. That's why I don't make friends.

Another reason is that I'm not exactly the friendly type. It's a miracle I made friends with Melissa. It's either that or she was just sick in the head for befriending me, but I'd prefer the first option.

I put down the hand dryer I used to my wavy cocoa brown hair which is usually white. It's also a pure blood thing. I brushed out all the tangled and knots and last it down.

I heard my phones ringtone from my bedside table.

All my friends are heathens take our slow.

Wait for them to ask you who you know.

Please don't make any sudden moves.

You don't know the half of the abuse.

I used my super speed (curtsy of my vamp. side ) to get to it and picked it up. " Hello!! Good mornin' mornin' morning!!" it was non other than Melissa the birthday girl. Literally. " What up birthday brat?! " I hollered over the phone. At this point I was strolling over to my dresser.

"Oh nothing much just super duper excited about today's event. Oh! And don't forget, it's 7 o'clock sharp 'cause we 'gon party till we drop" she chimed in her annoying black American accent. "No, you're gonna party till you drop. I'm just gonna not enjoy myself and, of course, be the one to carry your drunken ass over to your parents, and if they ask me why their now eighteen year old daughter is drunk I'll just say ' oh I'm sorry, she just PARTIED till she dropped. Literally!" I replied.

"Oh whatever party pooper. Just make sure you're early and you. Look. Hot" she demanded. " I always look hot" I argued in mock hurt. "if you're talking about your version of 'hot' then got it all wrong sister."she deadpanned. " Pfft... Whatever! " I replied.

"OK. Bye!!" she chimed. "Bye!" I hollered back. I heard the beep and knew she'd cute the call. I stood up from the chair, picked and put on my contacts and blinked a few times before I looked in the mirror. The stupid contacts finally stopped stinging my eyes and changed my white orbs to a brilliant ice blue.

I tucked a hair behind my ear and went out of my room,phone in hand. Time to get back to reality I thought to myself.








Woop-woop!!! Another amazing chapter by yours truly!! *cue the applauds*

I told you I had something in stored. And this is it.

I'd like to know what you think. It'll be a big help boosting my writers spirit and all...

Also I may not update as much. I have school starting tomorrow and exams right after. *cries* T_T

Any who I'll try to update as soon as possible. Wish me luck with my exams. I'll really need it.

Till then,



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