
Chapter 2


Year 1866

       Anne couldn't help but wonder where her pesky daughter had wandered off to. She was in the kitchen when she heard a thump sound outside of the house door.

      Out of instinct she grabbed a knife from the kitchen and tip-toed to the front of the house door.

     Asher noticing her mothers adrenaline rush knocked on the door. As soon as Anne heard the knock she opened the door.

      " Rosetta darling, it was you.  Why didn't you knock beforehand. You almost gave me a heart attack. " exclaimed Anne, referring to her fake name.

      "That is why I knocked is it not? I don't think i'm ready to get my head chopped off." Replied asher.

     Asher noticing her mothers reaction made to take back her words only for Anne to stop her.

     " oh don't say that. You may get jinxed. You don't know the witches lurking." She said in a scolding voice, but Asher didn't fail to notice the pained expression on her mothers face before it was gone as quickly as it came.

      "Oh mother I am so... " but before she could complete her apology Anne cut her off  " oh hush child. Oooo it's a big one!!" She said quickly changing the topic

     "Dear help me with this will you? I'm not as young as I used to be." She said. Asher knew she was anything but weak.

     Helping her mother Asher drug the boar in and when the door was closed behind her she took it to the kitchen at lightning speed.

     Soon after Anne was in the kitchen too. "why don't you go get yourself a bath dear you smell and look hurid" exclaimed Anne Marie. "yes mother." replied Asher in an exasperated tone.

      In less than a second she was up in her room and drawing a bath for herself. Hey mother had always been the hygienic type.

      As the water was filling the big tub, she took the time to assess herself. "I'm not that bad.... Ufff.... Come to think of it, i think I do need a bath." exclaimed Asher after sniffing herself.

      Swiftly,  she took off her attire and under garments and was in the scented bath post haste.

      Minutes later she was out of the tub after the water had gone cold. Taking a fresh pair of under garments and a corset from her closet she wrapped her hair in a towel and wore them.

     Once her corset,a dazzling gown of lavender silk and gray overlay, was on, she let her hair down to dry naturally and went to her open window.

     Looking at the fascinating view of the early morning sky she breathed in the new day air and immediately thought what a lovely day to be out in the sun.

     Moving away from the window she decided to leave hair down for the day in all its white glory.

     Heading down now she heard her mother murmuring to herself but,  considering her heightened hearing,  it was like she was shouting.

     "here dear, take this money and get some food ingredients from the local market. We are running out of summer beans and some essentials too." she said handing Asher some money from her gown pocket once she saw her.

      "Yes mother" replied Asher. Taking the money, she took a basket and went to the back door where she took her cape and put it on. With the hood of the cape on she proceeded to exit the house. Once outside she took a big breath and smiled contentedly.

        Walking down the back trail she observed that the lilacs were in bloom. It was a lovely sight. She took her time to admire nature, after all, she wasn't in a hurry. Soon her admiration session was over and she headed in the direction of the local market.

          As she walked by she saw that some sellers were just opening up shop while some were already selling to the awaiting customers. She passed by mister QWagmyre and nodded in acknowledgement, after all it was all that was needed. He never did say much. Walking a little further she was met by the sweet smell of freshly baked bread. Mrs Colette was the small towns baker and, she must say, she loved her bread. She gets up very early in the morning to make them and once you smell them you can't help but want some. She never sells leftovers.

       "good morning Colette!!! " Asher greeted with a warm smile on her face, even though she probably couldn't see it. She liked it when Asher called her that instead of the normal 'Mrs Colette' . She says it makes her feel old.

        "ah!!!  Why, isn't it my favorite person in the world. Still an early riser I see?"  she greeted Asher with an equally warm smile. " oh you know me. I love to get things set and in place before the early morning cock crows." she replied.

        "and how are you this fine morning?" Colette asked. "oh just dandy.  How about you?" asked Asher. "you know,  the usual.  What with the business, an inconvenienced husband and five kids I think I'll be just fine." she replied. That was one of the things she liked about Colette. No matter the troubles she was going through she never showed she was hurt and she always found a way to make others feel happy even when she was a whirlwind of emotions on the inside.

       "I see you are here for some bread.  You are just in time too. I have a fresh batch of cinnamon rolls that you are sure to love." she chimed. Asher opted for a nod and smiled as she needed to be fast on her way for breakfast. "Here you go darling.  Be sure to stop by anytime." Colette said with a wave as Asher bought the bread and walked off. "I will !!!" Asher replied with a small wave of her own.