
Chapter 15 (part I)

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             "Another good specimen here again ladies and gentlemen! And, might I add, she is a beauty isn't she? I'm very grateful for your generosity through out the event but I'd like you to continue. This takes me back to...." I drowned out the auctioneer considering his long boring speech. Right now I need to find a way out of here for mel and myself.

            The feeling of being stared at intensely brought me out of my thoughts. I looked around trying to find the source but to no avail. I know I'm on a stage being auctioned to only God knows how many vamps and supernaturals and naturally everyone is staring at me but this particular one felt, well, different and I have a bad feeling about it.

             Soon enough the auctioneer finished his long boring speech and I was brought back to the present. "Let's start with the distribution now shall we...?

      Age : 17

      Occupation: unknown

      Home town: unknown

      Name: ruannah, Bethany, 

      Linda, etc.

      Blood type: unknown

       Eye colour: blue, green,            

       brown, etc.

      "...well this is quite the mysterious one isn't she.....?" he commented as he read my description to the crowd. I'm even surprised they were able to gather that much. I watched as the crowd roared with satisfaction even more so when he said I was a virgin. How do they even know that? I asked myself.

           I heard a dog whistle from a part of the crowd as he stared at me lustfully. I sneered at him in disgust and mumbled a "pervert..." under my breathe just low enough for him to hear.

       After the auctioneer was done with my description he looked surely pleased. "wow! Looks like we have got quite a mystery in our hands. I'd I had known before hand I would have kept her with us. But turn again it isn't too late now is it.....?" he drawled out suggestively to the crowd.

           I scoffed at his disgusting thought and everyone raved their disappointment and annoyance. "OK OK ladies and gentlemen, no need to rush. I was only fooling around.  You know we always provide you with the best good we can get our hands on." he said silencing the crowd. Wait, did he just refer to me as a 'good'? Why you little son of a...

          "OK,  now let's start the bidding at $1million" he announced. " $2million!!" announced a woman. "$5million!!" said the man who did whistled at me. I growled at his sly smirk.

       The bidding went on and on to it reached $70million. Wow. These people really think that's what I cost? No person can be bought... Well, unless your cheap then yeah... I thought. Any other time I would have laughed but this was a bad time. The highest was 80million. " $80 million!!  Anyone else?" asked the auctioneer. " $100 million!" called a deep velvety voice at the back. I looked around and found a pair of stormy grey eyes staring at me. I shivered, it was the same eyes staring at me with an intensity that rocked me to the core. "weirdo..." I mumbled. There were gasps and whispers all around until the perv spoke up. "$120 million!". Feeling proud of himself he grinned. That was until mister 'weirdo'  spanked that sly grin off his stupid face.

         "$200 million!" he counted. Mr pervs face quickly contorted to a flustered then exasperated expression. I grinned mockingly at the perv. It's some what a good thing he didn't buy me. I would have been sorry for him... But not regretful. With his pervy attitude I would have killed him before we even left this place.

        "okaay!! That was a pretty heated bid." the auctioneer finally spoke up breaking the silent tension.  "now subject no. 73 is bid $200 million,  anyone else!?" he asked. " 200 million going once..... Twice...." he gleefully said. Mr perv was shut up. ".... And sold to the man at the back for $200 million!!" he concluded.

      I only scoffed. Soon a man directed me off the stage, and rather roughly if I might add. I didn't see my 'buyers '  face but I saw his back walking out a door through which I was pushed through after. I later found out that the door lead to a room apart from the bidding hall and it looked more relaxing and professional, much like a luxurious waiting room for the high and mighty. I saw a woman walk over to Mr 'weirdo' and hand him a few documents for him to sign.

        I was left with him in the waiting room that I soon discovered was the lobby because there were doors, huge transparent doors that led out of the building.




