
Chapter 14

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          As I closed the door behind me I came face to face with an angry Vanessa. "You're late!!" she screeched. "Oh I'm sorry." I replied plainly,  no remorse what so ever. "I have been banging on that door for hours,  don't tell me your didn't hear. We are on a strict schedule here Missy and you are not in the position to behave however you like!" she continued. Come to think of it I think I do recall a banging and sound outside the door but at that time I cared not to answer seeing as i was too engrossed in the bath, plus I just didn't want to answer her incessant sqwaking. Cortney took my dirty clothes and dumped them somewhere then told me to sit down in front of the mirrors. "Come on now,  we need to do your make up and do some thing about your hair..." she commented.

         "um... Firstly, I don't do 'make up', and seriously, there is nothing wrong with my hair...!" ...except that it's the wrong colour... I continued in my head. "...it's nothing a little hair gel can't fix. Come along now!" she said as if she didn't hear a word of what I said.

          I was beyond infuriated. I sat down in the chair and Cortney wrapped a black cloth around my neck. 'Madam la bossy' applied eye liner and shadow giving me the cat eye look. She applied a little powder around my face and put on some lip balm and gloss on my lips.

          Cortney was working on my hair. She curled my hair, giving it a water fall braid and put it to the side of my face, putting some hair clips to pin it in place. When they were done madame Vanessa admired her 'good work' and pushed me out of the room where 'Al' was waiting.

          Immediately he saw me his mouth dropped as he took in my appearance. "I have to say Vanessa you have done an exceptional job once again." he commented looking at me then her. " it's what I do. I can turn even the most ugly person into a vision of beauty!" she boasted.

      "wait a minute... Hey!" I exclaimed "come on Cortney,  let's take her to where the others are." she ordered. I glad daggers at the back of her head all the way there. I could have bored holes into her head with the amount of glaring I've been doing.

         Soon enough I was brought to a room. Even from afar I could smell the scents if various humans. They all seemed unhappy. Gee, I wonder why...  MIV said (note the sarcasm). I rolled my eyes mentally.

       Vanessa opened the door and shoved me in, and rather roughly if I might add. I glared at her. "you will remain here until you are given a number then you will be called and go for the auction, got it!!" she commanded. "pfft! Whatever..." I defiantly stated,visibly rolling my eyes.

            She huffed and stomped if with Cortney in town, not forgetting to lock the door before she left. "wh*re..." I mumbled. I looked around the room I was and it was huge and I could see so many human boys and girls dressed in horny clothes. They even managed to make the boys look horny.

       I shudder with disdained. As I looked around some more the door behind me opened and shut. I recognised the scent and turned around. "mel!!!" I exclaimed. I ran and hugged her. She looked crest fallen and fairly decent, but still horny. She started crying again.

        "shh... Mel, it's OK..." I cooed, trying to keep her quiet. "b-but how when w-we are about to be s-sold off to vam-vampires!?" she said in between sobs. "I don't know mel but what I do know is that crying isn't going to solve anything. OK? So..." I whipped her tears "....stop crying, hmm?, you're ruining your make up... " I said trying to cheer her up.

          "don't worry, we'll get through this OK?" I said as more of an assurance to myself than her. She nodded and soon stopped crying. The next thing you know a grumpy faced man comes in and makes a stupid announcement. "OK, LISTEN up you FILTHY DOGS! you're all gonna come over here and PICK A NUMBER so that you'll KNOW where you're PLACED. when your number is called you will move IMMEDIATELY. IS THAT CLEAR!!" he shouted.

        "loud and clear sir shouts a lot,  no need to yell..." I mumbled massaging my delicate ears. We all lined up and picked a paper from a big box placed in front of the great hawk aka 'Mr grumpy face'.

       Fortunately, I was two numbers ahead of Melissa. I was 73 while she was 75 but now the hard part is how on earth are we gonna escape from here without me having to endanger Melissa or revealing my species to her or this organisation.

          After so many trial and fail it was my turn to go for the auction. That was fast I thought. I was right shoved on to the stage through a door I didn't know existed until now. As I stood on the stage I was greeted by bright lights. I squinted and covered my sensitive eyes from its harsh rays. This is one of the disadvantages of being a vamp I thought. Once my eyes adjusted I put my hands down.


         I heard gasps and amazed expressions from the crowd of supernaturals. Then there were murmurs and whispers which, due to my heightened senses, I could hear perfectly. "is that a human?" exclaimed one"she sure smells like it. But she doesn't look like one."  whispered another. "...and what is she wearing...?" asked a man this time. Something that's decent you swine.... I thought.

       I shoved my hands in my pockets add the announce who's a man by the way, cleared his throat signalling for all to be quiet. Soon everyone was quiet and the auction began....




