
Chapter 13

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This can't be...

We're being sold?....

As slaves?....

          My eyes widen in shock ah the men unchain us. They pushed us out of the cell and locked it before we move. "Wait!!" said 'Al'. He brought out a rope I didn't know he had. "just in case... " he said to the questioning gaze of his colleagues. I'm sure he's referring to me as he tied the rope extra tight on my wrist and quite forcefully, if you ask me.

         "Why? You scared?" I taunted with a smirk on my face. "Shut up!" he ordered, tightening the ropes even more. I pretended to wince a little confusing a normal human would. This seemed to make him happy that he was able to cause me pain, no matter how little, seeing add he smirked in my face.

           "Let's go!!" the boss instructed. Al roughly pushed me forward. He's enjoying this isn't he... I thought. We turned down a corridor and this time,  there were lights. We were approaching stairs when I remembered I still had my knife. They didn't smell it on me because it was coated with the one thing normal vampires can't smell.  Beetroot.  I counted to the and pushed Al to the floor.  I maneuvered my hands so that they were now in front of me and used the knife to cut my ropes.

        I fought all the men of and grabbed Mels arm.  "come on!!" I pulled her up the stairs and we got out the door. This post looked like the corridor of a motel.  I looked left and right and decided on instinct to take left. I was right! We could see stairs ahead.

       I heard fast footsteps. They were after its in Vampire speed. I sipped and so did mel. I spun around and when I saw them headed out way I aimed the knife at them. Lucky for them they dodged it. But where is the third one?! I thought. I didn't have time to think too long because before I knew it I sensed his presence soon after he grabbed me from behind.


        "you're lucky we need you in shape to be sold off if not you'd be dead by now." said the boss. By now both mel and I were struggling in their hold. Me mostly because I was pissed for getting slapped across the face at Vampire strength. thanks to my genes it didn't even leave a bruise,  but that didn't stop it from hurting, a lot! 

          "take them away!!" he ordered. Soon after we were forced into storage rooms and then locked up. "LET ME OUT!!" I shouted, hanging on the door as i did. "you'd better shut up and die down because in the next 2 minutes someone's gonna come and make you look presentable!!" one guy said from the other side of the door. The 'guard' I presumed.


       I scoffed and sat on a near by chair, surveying the room I was in. It was a dressing room with mirrors lined up taking half the room space, a wardrobe chairs, accessories, skin & hair care products and a door that leads to another room.

       Maybe it's another way out i thought as I went to the door. To my dismay it was a bathroom. How spiffy... I knew it was just wishful thinking to think it was a way out but in situations like these you can't help but hold on to hope.

        I heard voices outside " of you're here!" said the guy guarding my room. "yes!  Where is the girl?" came a woman's French accent. "she's inside,  but be careful. She's a lion that one..." he warned. I just heard her scoff.

          Soon the door was opened and two ladies walked in. After that the door was shut and locked. I took this time to briefly inspect both of them,  see what I'm dealing with.  The first woman I noticed was a beautiful French Vampire. Probably in her early 30s, based on appearance that is. She had on a blood red dress that looked more like paint on her perfect model-like body, black wedged heels,  all assortment of if accessories in both hands, a black choker necklace and the most made-up face I've ever seen.  Her hair was a fiery red colour that was nearly packed in a tight bun. I squinted my eyes at how impossibly tight it was. Anyone would be in pain but she didn't seem to complain.

      The second was a brown headed blue eyed girl is probably 17. She wore black heels, a purple and black gotten that also clung to her curves, and a simple pair of black studs. She didn't have on much make-up and unlike 'Madam la slut' her hair was left to the side.

      "good evening. I am Madam Vanessa diamondè and I will help you look at gorgeous as well-me!!" she said in such a thick French accent I thought my ears would bleed. Wow! Not only is she a slut she's a self glorified one too I thought.  "if that is gorgeous them I don't wanna look like it..." I mumbled. "what was that!?" she asked. "I said 'nice to meet you too!'." I replied with a fake smile and curtsy. She just let it slide and screeched "Cortney!" "yes, my lady!" the brown haired one replied. "sort out some decent clothes for this girl and give her some skin soap and lotion to go bathe and change. Go on! Chop chop!!" she instructed. "yes my lady!" she curtsied and came to me. "this way miss "she said. i followed her to the wardrobe and leaned on the wall, waiting for her 'sorting out'  to be done.

         She brought out a pair of 6 inched black heels,  underwear and an unbelievably short black and red remaking gown. Let me rephrase that, black and red top. "sweet mother of everything holy! How is this decent?!" I exclaimed.  "it's the most stylish dress we have! " Madam Vanessa stated. "more like the most sluty dress.  Even lingerie isn't this erotic....!" ...which, by the way, is a huge understatement because, I've seen lingerie, and believe you me they do not make 'em like they user to,  is what I would have said but that would have let on too much info.

         "young lady...!" she scolded, hands on hips but I cut her off "there's no way I'm wearing this. At least give me something decent!" I bargained. "you are in no position to make such demand little girl!!" she said outraged. Little girl? I'm way older than you b*tch... I thought.

           "I think I have every right! It's either something else or I wear the same clothes. I'm sure me showing up in dirty and stinking clothes would be bad for business... " I stated as a matter-of-fact. "why you little..." I saw how infuriated I was making her. Her eyes turned black and her fangs elongated. I scowled at her and watched as she paused her hysterics for a moment as if having a mental conversation which I'm being she is.

          She closed her eyes add if to mentally prep. herself and calmed down. With a sigh she gave in. "fine!! Just-hurry up already! You have 2 minutes to do that and 10 to take a shower and the clothes. Go on!" she waved me off. "why thank you."I replied with the fakest smile ever invented.

    I rummaged through the clothes and was appalled by what I saw. Every single clothing I came across was even more indecent than the top they have me to wear. Even the jeans were either too tight or ripped in the wrong places. I'd bet any thing that they ripped these themselves. I couldn't help but think are these even clothes...?! . After a while I finally found the most decent pair of black green trousers that was ripped at the knees, an oversized grey over that I'm sure they could have asked me to wear alone in place of that top since it stops barely miss thigh, and a black tank top.

         I decided to stick with my own boots. They were my favourite and, if I had a chance, is stick a knife in the hidden compartment. I closed the wardrobe and showed Vanessa nutty chosen attire. "seriously?! That's what you're going with?" she asked looking at the clothes as if the mere sight of it is revolting. "it's better than anything else in that junk yard..." I simply stated, referring to the wardrobe if indecency.

      She sighed. "Fine just... Go in and freshen up. You look like a mess!". I took the underwear and headed for the shower.

         I opened the door and locked it aye I entered. The bathroom was fairly big but it was decidedly bid than my own bathroom back home. There was a sink with different brushes including sponges, hair and tooth brushes, a tooth paste and mirror cabinet which contained hair creams, soaps, a shower cap, hair drier and towels.

       The was a toilet close to the shower and a medium sized jaccuzzie at the far back. I placed the clothes on they toilet seat and stripped off of my clothes. I removed my contacts and placed them carefully on top of the clothes.

      I ran a hot bath and poured in some soap. It's was nice, warm and bubbly. I stepped in and enjoyed the warm water on my dirty skin. I washed off all the dirty on my body and scrubbed real hard on my feet and pits.

         I dried myself and was really glad when I saw hair dye and dye remover. Thankfully the hair dye was the exact colour I need. I quickly walked off the dye on my hair and re-dyed it.

          Ate that I brushed my teeth and dried my hair. I applied some hair cream and soon lotion. Then I proceeded to wearing my underwear not forgetful to place my contacts in a safe place. I wore the jeans, tank top and pull over, then I brushed my hair, wore my combat boots and put in my contacts. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror and grabbed my old clothes and underwear and neatly feld them before exiting the bathroom.




