
Chapter 12

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         I was in a lab about to be experimented on. Or so I thought.  I looked beside me and saw my best friend mel lying there lifeless. I saw a doctor come my way. He was with a syringe. I don't think he knew I was awake.

        There were nurses beside him ah he brought the needle to my neck. I caught his hand in a swift motion and twisted it. He was in pain,  the nurses tried to help him but I threw him at them and they all fell.

             I stood in a sitting position add I heard footsteps coming this way. Soon enough two men came running in through the door. I recognised them as the men who kidnapped mel and I. I growled lowly as I got their attention and I heard the one named 'Al'  curse under his breath.

         "What happened here?!!" asked the second man whose name I didn't know and didn't bother to. I'm still gonna kick their asses. "I don't know! She was supposed to be sedated but she's still asleep and kicking" the doctor responded.

           "How can that be her eyes are closed?!!" questioned the one named 'Al'. Wait. My eyes at closed?! No wonder they thought I was asleep... "She might be sleep fighting...?" the doctor asked more than stated while clutching his broken wrist.

          "What happened to your wrist?" asked Al.  "She broke it!!" the nurse answered. "But that's not possible,  you're a vampire!!" exclaimed the second one I'm astonishment. "Forget about that now just... Get her or of here. And take the other one with you!!" the doctor said, pointing at mel with his good arm.

         Add the men started towards me I hissed, causing them to back up a bit but come back so me soon after. Al charged so me but I was quick to dodge and give him a round house kick.

          I was on the floor now, not the bed. The second man came at me and I grabbed his arm and pulled him over my shoulder such that he landed on the floor on his back. I twisted his arm and watched him scream in pain. I'm sure I broke it.

            I watched from the corner of my eye, although closed, as Al stood up. He charged for me and I carried the heart monitor and bashed his face. While they were struggling to get up I rushed over to mel, lifting her on my shoulders, and carried her out the room.

        Since I was running in human speed I couldn't out run the man following me and soon there was an ache in my head before I blacked out....

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       I woke up in a cold sweat. It was all a dream... I was in a cell...but unfortunately being kidnapped wasn't. I thought. I sighed.

           I looked around and saw mel sleeping in the corner. She was in chains and so was I. It was dark but I could see fine. I rushed over to her and tried to wake her up.

            "Mel?! Melissa wake up!!" I said shaking her. She started regaining consciousness add I persisted. "Mel,  mel are you alright?" I asked add she sat up. "Mmm. Yeah i-i think I am?" she said. She whined at the pain in her neck. Is was just a scary but I was seething with anger. "Why those blood sucking Jack asses !!" I cursed. "B-bloodsucking?!" exclaimed mel. Oh yeah, she doesn't know yet...

          "Yeah about that... " I talked off. I took the time to explain every thing to her including the fact that we were held captive by vampires.

      "So you mean we're stuck here not knowing where we are or that they want from us?and to top it off we're being held captive by vampires?!" she questioned in one breath. "yup! That's pretty much it." I confirmed, sitting cross legged in front of her. "But,  how did you know about all this? And how aren't you surprised?" she asked, a questioning look on her face. "Well... " I talked off when I heard footsteps. "Shh... " I said. "Listen." "What is it? What do you hear? " she asked.

         The footsteps got louder and drew nearer. Soon there were three men outside our cell. One of which I recognised add all but the others were unknown. They opened our cell and stepped in one by one. I brought Melissa closer to me and asked "What do you want from us?"

           "Shut up human!!" Al spat add if the meer mention of the word human disgusted him. I glared at him and couldn't help but notice the bandage on his head from when I hit his head with the heart monitor. Huh. So it wasn't a dream...

          "How's the souvenir 'Al'?" I sneered, emphasizing on his apparent name. This seemed to and him "How did you...?. Why you little..." he stepped forward but paused as the man in for of them, who seemed to be the boss, raised a hand. "Intriguing..." he simply stated and put his hand down.

          "I would have insisted that we take you in for questioning but I have strict instructions to prepare you two so..." he snapped his fingers, insisting for the other two to come get us. Al and the unknown man came and forcefully drug Melissa and I up. "Wait! What do you mean by prepare us?" I questioned the boss "Oh. Don't you know?. You are being assigned to vampires as slaves..."




