
Chapter 10



We pushed through the people shortly after the bouncer let us through so that we could get an empty booth which was close to impossible in a crowded place such as this. I secretly hoped that, by some miracle,we wouldn't find one so that they could let us all go home and I wouldn't have to carry any drunken asses home. but it seemed that the universe just wasn't on my side today.  Don't think I'm selfish, on the bright side mel won't have to get a horrible hangover the next morning! See? Totally not selfish!

      Luckily we found one. yipee!!  (note the sarcasm). We walked over and sat and soon after the rest of the gang joined us. "wow this is a great party! Happy Birthday mel!!" shouted Angelo over the loss club music. "I know right?!  Thanks!" shouted Merl back.

       She was taking and bobbing her head to the music. I heard the guys shout something like a...be right back, gonna get some drinks... before they were gone, leaving mel and I alone. The music was too loud for my sensitive hearing and our was annoying.

         I took my flask and started gulping down the blood. I had an unsettling feeling in my gut but i took it as me just being hungry. I was about to finish my drink when, from the corner of my eye, I spotted some boys coming our way. This can't be good i thought.

        I set my drink down and brought out my phone,  pretending to be making a 'call'. "Hey girl. Car to join us for a dance?" the one with pepper red hair  asked. I saw how he was oogling us and the other one starting shamelessly at Melissa's chest. I read their thoughts and growl lowly at them which they obviously couldn't hear over the loud music.

           Mel scooted closer to me and nudged me with her elbow, nodding in their direction. "Come on ruannah! It's just one dance." .I set my phone down and scrunched my nose in disgust at the two boys that were still checking is out, crude thoughts running through their minds.

           "Nah! I think I'll pass. You should too mel." I replied with a look of disapproval on my face, hoping she would just listen to me for once. If only they knew I could read their thoughts I thought. "What a kill joy...." she mumbled, thinking I couldn't hear over the loud music. I rolled my eyes at her childishness. I'm doing it for her own good.

         "I'll dance!" she chirped. "What?! No!" I exclaimed. Holding her down I shook my head and said again " Melissa no!" .  "Come on ruannah, it's just one dance! I wanna enjoy myself!!" she pleaded. I heard the boys whispering to each other "We're gonna have fun with her tonight." said one to the other.

        "Nope! Not happening!" I said popping the p. "Come on! It's my birthday.... and the last time I checked, I was older. Who are you to dictate my life?! You ain't my mama!" she folded her arms and pouted. If only you knew I thought, shaking my head at her childishness.

       I raised a questioning brow at her and she raised her hand in surrender. "OK mama!" she said. I sighed in defeat. She was right. Who was I to dictate her life, and it was her birthday so.... "OK fine!" I heaved with a sigh. "Yay!!" she bounced on her seat clapping her hands. "And I thought I was the younger one..." I mumbled under my breath, inaudible to anyone but me.

        "But be careful, and stay where I can see you!" I instructed, sounding like an over protective mother even to my ears. "OK mama!" she teased.  I saw the mischievous glint in the eyes of the boys. I growled, this time a little louder. They paled, the glint disappearing I'm am instant.

       "I'll be watching you!" I miss to the boys. "shall we go dance?!"chirped mel holding their arms, completely oblivious to the silent threat I sent their way. "sure..." one or them said, uncertainty written all over his face. "Okie-dokie!" I watched as they walked to the dance floor and started dancing.

         Putting my phone in my pocket and flask close to my face I watched them intently. If looks could kill they'd both be six feet under, and I'm talking about the boys.

       I sipped my blood and still couldn't help but have an unsettling feeling in my gut. Something isn't right.....
