
the day the islands fell

As the onlooking ships watched the island it began to swell and inflate, like bubble gum expanding on a much bigger scale. When the biggest bubble reached its full height it was 50 meters high and dwarfed the small coastal buildings. It froze for a few minutes and with an almighty bang sent tons upon tons of blobs of corruption in every area. They splashed into the water around the ships and fortunately none of the ships were hit.

As the water fizzed and bubbled the less protected cruise ships began to be affected by the bubbling water. The cargo ship was so massive and well built that the unsettled water didn't so much as rock the humongous ship. The cargo ship was so large that it could hold five cruise ships on it and still float so all the people and pokemon on the ships were ordered onto the cargo ship.

The captain was less than pleased, he didn't like having onboard, touching all his precious cargo but there were police officers on board and he was never one to defy the law. He was hesitant to let the two boys onboard but with four islands full of people and pokemon he didn't really have a choice plus it might increase his reputation.

Tall, black, corrupted tentacles broke the surface of the water and wrapped themselves around the empty cruise ships and pulled them under, breaking them in half as the ships resisted the push of the water's surface.

As a fifth tentacle emerged from the water the tripod legs were deployed lifting the cargo ship out of the water. Since the water depth was about 3,500 meters deep the ship was lifted 200 meters into the air. The sudden increase in elevation cause most of the people on board to get launched about half a meter into the air but thankfully nobody was badly injured, just a few bumps, a few bruises and a few scratches but everybody was fine after, those indoors hit their heads and a few were knocked out but all the crew were prepared for this kind of thing and held onto the rungs attached to the walls.

The corruption tried to decay the legs but they were made out of the strongest forged metals and were also protected by self-regenerating nanomaterial. The whole island ahead of them molding into a single glob, showing the faces of the thousands of pokemon it had captured and also a few human that hadn't made it to the ships, there was Nanu who was too preoccupied with his cup-and-ball to notice the corrupted glob making its way through his window behind him, Hobbes who was busy cleaning the house when it stuck, Faba and about three dozen more.

It was a horrifying sight but their attention was drawn away by a circular golden ring ripping its way through the air around it