
Core Mage

The R18 tag may not be accurate, but I just kinda wanted people to be warned of some sexual content that’s in this series compared to my other ones.

BlackenedSky · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The Riverwood Scandal

Trigger Warning: r-pe and sexual assault.

That evening, as twilight draped the camp in a veil of shadows, Ravus found himself alone in his quarters, poring over ancient tomes on magic and combat. The candlelight flickered against the canvas walls, casting an eerie glow on the pages of arcane symbols and forgotten languages.

Despite the comforting chorus of crickets outside and the soft rustle of leaves, Ravus's mind was a tempest of doubt. The expectations of the soldiers and the commander weighed heavily on him, and the image of the hooded figure that had disappeared into the alleyway lingered at the edge of his thoughts.

A knock at the door pulled Ravus from his reverie. "Come in," he called out, closing the book with a soft thud.

The door creaked open to reveal a young woman, her fiery red hair pulled back into a tight braid. "Master Ravus," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "I have brought you the evening meal."

Ravus recognized her as one of the camp's medics, a healer who had shown exceptional skill in channeling Gaia's energy to mend wounds and cure ailments. "Thank you," he replied, gesturing for her to set the tray on the makeshift table.

As she moved closer, Ravus noticed a strange tension in her eyes, a flicker of fear that seemed out of place in the otherwise tranquil camp. "Is everything alright?" he asked, concern creeping into his voice.

The woman hesitated, glancing nervously over her shoulder before leaning in closer. "Master Ravus," she began, her words tumbling out in a rush, "there's something you should know about Riverwood. Something hidden beneath the surface."

Ravus's pulse quickened. "Go on," he urged, his instincts telling him that this was the clue he had been waiting for.

She took a deep breath, her fingers knotting together anxiously. "There are whispers among the townsfolk. Whispers of women being taken, never to be seen again. They say it's the work of a cult, one that worships a dark deity and performs unspeakable acts in their lord's name."

Ravus felt a chill run down his spine. "A cult?" he echoed, the pieces of the puzzle starting to fall into place. "And the hooded figure I saw in the alleyway... you think they're connected?"

The medic nodded, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I believe so. They're careful, always in the shadows, but their presence is like a stain on the town. And no one dares to speak out, for fear of retribution."

Ravus stood up, his resolve hardening. "I will look into this," he declared, his determination clear. "The safety of Riverwood's people is now my responsibility."

The woman let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders sagging as if a great weight had been lifted from them. "Thank you, Master Ravus. We have faith in you."

As she left the tent, Ravus turned his gaze back to the open book on his desk, the symbols and incantations seeming to take on a new significance. He knew that the path ahead was fraught with danger, but he was ready to face whatever lay in wait. The golden palace had prepared him for this moment, and he would not let his people down.

With renewed purpose, Ravus began to formulate a plan. He would need to gather more information about the cult and their activities without drawing attention to himself. Stealth and cunning would be his allies in the days to come.

As the night deepened, Ravus felt the stirrings of his mana core, a flicker of power that had been dormant for far too long. Perhaps, he thought, the key to restoring his strength lay in uncovering the truth about Riverwood's dark secret.

And with that, the young mage set to work, his mind ablaze with the possibilities of what the morrow might bring.

Ravus stepped out his tent a few hours later, making his way towards where he saw the hooded figure earlier. He decided to use a technique that he learned from Kavan, the master of the hunt. He sniffed the footprints of the man and followed the scent towards a cellar. He opened the doors, the inside smelt of bodily fluids. And putrid actions. He saw hooded figures standing in front of naked women, using them for their desires.

The stench of bodily fluids and the moans of both pleasure and pain filled the air as Ravus descended into the cellar. His stomach churned at the sight of hooded figures, their identities hidden, but their actions all too clear. They were using the naked women for their own twisted desires. Anger boiled within him, but he knew he had to remain calm. He had to gather information first, then strike when they least expected it.

Ravus crouched low, blending into the shadows as he crept closer to eavesdrop on their conversation. "We've been doing this for too long," one of them said, his voice muffled by his hood. "What if we get caught?" Another haved figure responded with a laugh, "Don't worry about that now. We're almost done anyway."

Ravus's heart pounded in his chest as he listened intently, trying to piece together their sinister plans without giving away his presence. 

In the dimly lit cellar, Ravus's eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed the depraved acts of the hooded figures. The women, bound and gagged, were powerless against their assailants. Their muffled screams and pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as the men took turns violating them one by one. The air was thick with the musky scent of lust and fear, and the rhythmic slapping sounds of flesh on flesh filled the damp chamber.

The first woman, a blonde with teary emerald eyes, lay on a filthy mattress, her legs spread eagle. A burly man with a noticeable paunch thrust into her wet core with abandon, his hooded face contorted in pleasure. Her muffled cries only seemed to spur him on as he slammed into her harder and faster. "Ahh! Yes! Take it whore!" he growled through gritted teeth.

Ravus clenched his fists in rage, but he knew he had to remain hidden for now...

Yall might want to skip this and the next chapter

BlackenedSkycreators' thoughts