
Cooking my first meal in this world

After harvesting some porcini mushrooms, wild yellow head lettuces and hunted 5 twin tailed chickens. I went to the market in the village. The market reminded me of the times when I was still young and goes to the wet market with my mother to buy some of the cheapest yet pretty fresh ingredients. Stall owners were trying their hardest to capture the attention of passerby and aunties were poking the fruits. I smiled while I scrolled down the street.

Even though the Ren boy depends on selling food as a source for income, he does not have any knowledge on food so all that he cooks only have salt on them. It was a miracle that he could even earn 1 silver from selling his food.

As I continued scrolling down the street, I began tasting some seasonings, spices and herbs. Once in awhile I will use my expert bargaining skills that I have learnt from my mother when I was a child to get a slightly cheaper price. Soon enough I finish walking through the market Street and it was about time I return back to my house and prepare the ingredients.

When I reach home, the 1st thing I did was to remove the guts ,feathers and all of the bones except of the wings and legs of the chickens. The twin tail chickens are one of the most commonly seen non-combat monsters you can find in this world. They are about 30% bigger compared to the chickens on earth while their meat are even more tender. After preparing the chicken I proceeded to washing the vegetables and mushrooms and chopping them up into even pieces.

While I was thinking of the method I'm going to use to cook the chickens, momoa appeared at my front door. "Ren!" he shouted and I looked at him in surprised. However the sudden appearance of momoa remained me of how the caveman used to prepare their meat. A slight smile appeared on my lip as I signaled momoa to sit and said "wait for a while and dinner will served."

After awhile I came out of of the kitchen with one chicken which is covered in seasonings that tasted similar to rosemary, salt and pepper. Stuffed within the chicken is some of the lettuces and mushrooms I had harvest earlier on. "Aren't you going to cook??" momoa said while looking at me with a puzzled look. "Sometimes being part of the process of cooking will make the meal even better" I replied with a smirk and asked him to prepare a campfire. Being the nice guy momoa was, he immediately agreed and started making the fire. I took a clean metal rod and skewered through the chicken. When preparing the chicken, I also made sure that all the holes are sewed closed with no opening.

After setting up two stands next to the open fire, I proceeded to put the chicken between the two stands and above the fire. When making the stand, I also took into consideration the height of the stands as the chicken must not be too close to the fire or its meat will be too dry and if too far away it will not be cooked properly. While roasting is very simple, making it perfect is extremely difficult. Even on earth with all of Ren's equipments, he cant cook up 2 of the same dishes with the same taste.

"Hey momoa, time to put your muscles into work." I said and passed the skewer to him. I then told him to slowly rotate at this speed clockwise and started to control the size of the fire. The most difficult part when roosting over a fire is getting the temperature right.

At first momoa was very patient as he rotate and talk about his adventures outside of the village. As Ren listened to his heroic stories, minutes passed by in a flash. Soon the fragrant aroma of the chicken burst out and momoa's mouth started to water. Every now and then I would apply some honest bee honey which I brought from the market on the chicken with a brush. As the time passed, momoa started asking if the chicken is ready more frequently. When the chicken was roasted for 20 mins, the fragrance was so strong that my neighbors started appearing. From momoa's point of view, every minute pass seems to be longer than the next minute. Whenever the oil on the chicken drips into the fire, momoa would have to swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Finally the chicken is done, the skin of the chicken was roasted to a nice golden brown crust. I took over the skewer and sliced the chicken into half. After that I served half of the chicken to momoa on a plate.

Momoa look at the plate of freshly roasted chicken and teared the leg of the chicken off. As momoa went for a bite of the drumstick, unknown to the onlookers, all of them were holding their breaths. "Crunch!" a loud crunch was heard and all the onlookers could only swallow their saliva and look at momoa jealously as they look at the blissful look on his face. When momoa took a bite on the leg, first he felt the crunch of the chicken followed by the sweetness of the honey and flavours of the seasonings as hot juices gushes out of the meat. Despite how hot the juices were, momoa did not allow any of the juices to slip out. He could not believe just how tender and juicy the chicken was. "Delicious!!" he shouted out loudly and laughed. As I look at how much he resemble the caveman, I sliced off the wing and bit into it. "ohho??" I opened my eyes with surprise. Even though the seasonings I used were not the best and there are still many seasonings that can be used to enhance the flavor of the chicken, the tenderness of the chicken alone is already much better then even the most expensive chicken meat you can buy on earth.

"Interesting..." I whispered and smirked as I look at momoa who's devouring the chicken.