
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Perfect partner.

Sunny stomped into the precinct. Stevens and Jones sat behind their desks with a smirk, and wearing a comically long night cap. The two of them let out an exaggerated yawn. Growling she ignored them storming into Carter's office. He sat behind his desk with a smarmy smile, with two cups of coffee in front of him. "Would you care for a coffee?" "Ha. Ha. I don't know how he did it, but he did something to make me fall asleep. I've never fallen on the job before. You know that." "Did you take an afternoon nap, like he suggested?" "I hate this kid." "I'm thinking of making him your permanent partner." "You wouldn't dare." "Oh, but I would, because while you got your beauty sleep. He went and did that." He said pointing out to the holding pen. Sunny's eyes bulged seeing Kalcifer grumbling in his cell. "Is that..." "King Kalcifer out of his little kingdom, and ready for processing." "But how? We've been staking that place out for months. There are dozens of Hunters acting as security, and-" Carter raised his hand. "Why don't you watch the security footage, and then go do your homework on your partner. You owe him a giant thanks."

"It's already on my computer isn't it?" He nodded. "Remember he's 17. He'll think of sex as a reward." She left grumbling and angrily muttering a torrent of Japanese slurs and profanity. Zeke entered the precinct a few hours later, wearing his new coat. Sunny made her towards him with purpose. "Come with me." "What did I do wrong this time?" "Just...just follow me." She sighed. Zeke followed her into an interrogation room. Carter, Jones and Stevens followed quietly behind them, locking the door from the outside, and snuck into the backroom. They sat with snacks and drinks watching them through the two way mirror. She dropped a large folder in front of Zeke. "Sit down." "Am I being interrogated?" "This will got a lot faster, if you just listen to me." He let out an exasperated sigh taking a seat. She placed her hands onto the table, leaning over it. Zeke locked eyes with her, not even glancing down her cleavage. "First, let me just say. I think you're a freak. You are absolutely not normal." She stared into his eyes, jostling her chest.

She stood up throwing her hands into the air frustrated beyond belief. "Really!? Not even a peek?" "You wanted me to look at your cleavage?" "Am I not your type?" "No, I think you are absolutely beautiful." Sunny froze for an instant. "Are you gay? Is that why you won't look at me?" "I can't just be respectful to you, I have to be gay?" She sighed rubbing her face. "Are you even a Demon?" "Given that you've seen the footage, and printed out pictures of it. Do I need to answer that?" "I've never seen her so flustered before." Stevens said munching on a handful of chips. "She's taking it easy on him." Jones said, slugging back his drink. "Love does that." Carter smirked. "You can't really think you're gonna win that bet. Look at her." Stevens said. Sunny took a seat in front of Zeke, showing him the longue room. "Why did you do this? Why would you risk your life, and so many others for something you didn't even know about?"

Zeke leaned forward looking into her eyes. "I did it for you." He smirked at her stunned reaction. She pulled her hair over her ears, covering how hot they were. He reeled back in his seat. "Besides, I didn't risk my life, and I made sure everyone was evacuated first. I inflicted non-lethal wounds on those who attacked." "Fine, you're a hero, but don't think for a second, I believe you're nothing but a Demon." "Out of curiosity, what would I have to do, to convince you that I'm just a nice person? Or are you just gonna continue to be a racist to me the whole time?" "I'm not being a racist!" She squeaked. "Never heard her voice hit that note before." Stevens said. "So you hate me, because I've done something to wrong you, or is it based on something that I had no control of, and your own prejudice?" "Oh snap." Jones said stunned. "I figured getting you a permanent morning shift, would at least earn me a thank you." "You did what?" "Captain didn't tell you? He's moving you to a permanent morning shift." "What!? Captain, I want that to!" "Yeah, what about us?" "Did you two take down a large drug dealer in one night?" The two slumped over.

"Why...why are you so damn nice to me? Are you just trying to fuck me? Is that it?" "I'm not exactly sure, if you've seen yourself in the mirror lately, but I think a lot of men and women would sleep with you." "Stop that! Stop saying sweet and nice things. Quit acting like you're not a Demon. This is all just a long con isn't it?" "She's really not gonna let this kid go is she?" "Do you need a character reference?" "Yes. Yes I do! Let's see, ah! Lillia Edelgard, new head of the Australian Hunter Agency. Let's give her a call, and see who you really are." "Go ahead." Sunny dialled the number on speaker with a smug smile. Ready to take Zeke down. "Hello? Who is this? How did you get this number?" "Hi, sorry to bother you Mrs. Edelgard. I'm Detective Sergeant Shinsei of the New York police department." "Oh hey! You're the one Zeke's working with! Is he with you right now?" She gulped hearing the joy in Edelgard's voice. "No he isn't. I'm here to get a character study on him. I can see here in his profile, that he's got quite a rap sheet."

"Mmm, sadly he does. I did write several letters hoping to get them appealed, but Zeke said if it was causing me problems, to not bother with it. He would just accept the punishment." "And did he do it for some ulterior motive?" "Like what? He got fined and spent a few days in a cell. How would that benefit him?" Zeke watched in silence with a smug smile. "A sexual kink?" "I'm sorry what?" "I'm just exploring all avenues. Standard questioning." "What the fuck is she on about?" Stevens asked. "I don't know, but she better not piss her off." Carter said. "Uh, I highly doubt it. The kinkiest thing Zeke is into, that his women have platinum blond hair." The three of them nodded in sync, with Zeke's preference. "These are almost all assault charges. Does he violent tendencies?" "Um, Sergeant Shinsei, if you read the reports. All of those were provoked attacks in response to sexual harassment towards his partner and women in his life. He was simply defending his friends." Sunny rolled her eyes. "So he's a white knight."

"You make that sound like a bad thing?" "He's a Demon. Maybe he's playing the long con?" "Sergeant Shinsei, it feels like you're being racist towards my Hunter." Edelgard said her soft tone becoming razor sharp. "Oh crap." Carter groaned. "I'm not-" "I can assure you that Zeke is one of my best Hunters, and it was a privilege to work so closely with him. He is diligent, caring, thoughtful, and most of all a professional who sets himself to the highest standard. Now if you can't see that, because of some blind hatred. I will pull that contract, and write you and your precinct up." Sunny gulped reeling back terrified. "You won't even know-" "Hey Edelgard." "Zeke?" "Hey, I think she gets the point. It's fine Edelgard, I deal with the contract." "If she does anything else-" "It's alright Edelgard. Sorry to bother you. Oh by the way, did you get the gift basket?" "Oh my god, I loved it. Did you pick it out?" "Moon picked it out, I just added the mangoes." "They were amazing." Sunny watched on terrified at Zeke's familiarity and rapport with her.

"Oh by the way. I've got some good news. I bonded to a set of armour." "REALLY!? Congrats! Get your hands on a magic spell, I'll write you up for a C grade promotion right away." "Will do." Zeke chuckled. "But real quick. Do you have access to any records of the Berserker fighting an Arch Angel named Arafel?" "I'll get someone to send you what they have. Wait did you bond to an armour that he brought back?" "Well it's a coat, but yes. I have a grasp of what it does, but I'd like more information." "Look at you! First you bond with an item in Alistair's personal vault, and now an item from Kenji." The four of them looked at Zeke stunned. He chuckled with her. "Hey, I gotta let you go. Absolutely swamped over here." "Yeah, that's alright. Good talking to you." "Oh, and if she or anyone else in that precinct gives you trouble. Call me." "Will do." Zeke ended the phone call, smiling at Sunny. "Did she just say he was bonded to an item from Alistair?" Stevens asked. The two nodded in stunned silence. "Happy, or you still got questions?"

"So you're just actually nice?" Sunny asked at a complete loss. "What I've been trying to say." "But...but you're going way beyond what the contract asked for." "This is my first bodyguard contract, running my own freelance company. Getting a stellar review from a government official, will do great for me. It would look terrible on my case, if I left on day one for being scared, or unable to handle some Demonic persecution." "Couldn't you just take a regular security job?" "I'm responsible for helping to house four others, and feed two other Hunters. Regular day jobs don't cut it." "So you really don't have an ulterior motive. You really are just nice..."

Zeke smirked resting on the table. "Actually, that's not completely true. I do have another reason for being extra nice." Sunny's eyes perked up with intrigue. The other three stood up in the room leaning forward intrigued. "Up until the point you destroyed my phone, and revealed yourself to be a Demon racist. I was very much looking forward to date with you. Took me a few seconds to process anything, after you did whole chin cupping thing." "She did what!?" The three exclaimed. Sunny scoffed leaning forward. "You're still interested in asking me out? You're a smart kid, I'll admit that, but do you see any sign that I'm gonna say yes?" Zeke chuckled. "Oh, I have no interest in asking you out. In the next three months, I'll make you ask me out." Sunny chuckled and reeled back holding her stomach. "Damn that kid is bold." "I'm sorry, but how do you see that happening?" "Well, I'm no expert, but I'm guessing after the success of my little stunt. It would be very stupid to not use my natural immunity to runes, to take down the other drug fronts."

Sunny's eyes shot wide open, her smile disappeared, she gulped. "They would never allow it. You're job is to protect me. Nothing else. The only way that would happen, is if I was assigned to another Narc operation." She let out a shaky chuckle. "Which they won't, because my best work is in the field." "Hmm, that is true, but. Where would you be the safest? Doing the paperwork and reporting, after I go in and clean up a place, or out patrolling?" A shiver ran down her spine. She clenched her fists. "If I ask you to dinner. Will you keep your mouth shut and listen to me?" He smiled back at her. "Tempting, but I'll settle for repaying my phone, and getting a proper place to stay and leave my stuff. Not really trusting that shoddy motel you left me at." "You are not staying at my place!" She blushed. "I pay for your dinner once, and that's it." "Still negotiating, with no cards left to play. A bold strategy." Stevens said.

Zeke took out his phone showing a photo to Sunny. Her body blocked the phone. She stood up letting out a cute squeak. "Grab your stuff, and I'll set up the guest room." "What was on the phone? Did anyone see it!?" Jones asked. "Please del-" Zeke deleted the footage, he offered out his hand. "So, are we good to be partners now?" She gritted her teeth begrudgingly shaking his hand back. "Great. I'm gonna get breakfast. I'll get you something on the way back." As Zeke headed towards the door. The three scrambled out of the room, to unlock it. Zeke exited out the room cocking an eyebrow at the three of them. Carter was bicep curling Jones in his arms, with Stevens doing squats beside him holding the chair. "Do you guys always work out in the hallway like this?" "Yep." The three said in sync. They rushed in as Zeke walked out of ear shot, finding Sunny slumped over the table, letting out a incomprehensible mumble. "You alright Sergeant?" She let out a frustrated scream punching the table. The metal sound rung out.

She quickly fell to her knees, clutching his fist, holding in a squeal. "You forgot this room is covered in runes, didn't you?" Carter asked. She nodded gritting her teeth. "He can't be this good. He's a kid!" "Then stop underestimating him and do your research. He's clearly not like the other Demon Hunters." Carter said. She stormed off filled with new determination. "So, uh...you're gonna give her only drug cases now aren't you?" Carter did a long stretch. "Yep!" He said walking out with a sinister smile. Sunny sat down at her desk extensively reading through Zeke's profile. Jones and Stevens sat beside her, helping her rifle through his folder. The three stared in complete silence. "Why is he such a fucking simp!?" "I think the word you're looking for is gentleman." Jones said. "Seriously, is there not a single case of him doing something for selfish reasons?" "Here you go Sergeant." Carter said dropping several folders onto her desk. "You're new cases look them over."

Skimming through them her eyes filled with horror. "Uhhh captain...can't help but notice these are all narcotic cases. Shouldn't I be out patrolling?" "Nope, you and Zeke clearly make a great drug busting team." "Captain, I don't think it's wise to give me these cases." "That right? Tell me why?" "I'm...I'm a crack whore?" "If you were, you wouldn't be against sleeping with Zeke. Try again." "I've been skimming Surge from the evidence locker." "Name the last time you went down there. And tricking Lieutenant Jones down there to raise his steps do not count." Sunny shook her fist. "You've been doing what!?" "I'm secretly a rat for the drug cartel." "Who's your boss?" "...Kalcifer?" "Do the cases you've been assigned." "But! I...Zeke will be a liability. He's a loose cannon, too reckless for his own good. Won't listen to my commands. His reliance on his powers will get him...into...trouble..." She trailed off, being hit with a sudden wave of realization. "I owe you a huge apology." "See, already learning from him. You two will do great together." "I hate this kid!"

Zeke stepped off the elevator holding several bags of food. "Hey, I got you breakfast. Sasha said, she was worried when you didn't show up for your regular. So I had them reheat it and pack it up for you." "Alright enough. Stop being sweet. Stop not being a demon." He cocked an eyebrow at her. "So you don't want it?" "I'll take one." She slapped Jones's hand away. "They're mine." She pouted. "Did she have a bad experience with a Demon Hunter?" "I'm right here." "Asking you isn't gonna get me an answer. So what is it? She get her heart broken by one?" She scoffed. "You'd think I date one of your kind?" "Actually in the park-" "HUMAHNA-HUMAHNA!" Sunny chimed in. "As far as we can tell. Sunny is a closed book about her past relationships." "How old is she?" "It's rude to ask a woman's age." "I'm not asking you, I'm asking them." "And they won't tell you, because they know what's good for them." "You're her superior. She can't do anything to you." "Yes, but she doesn't care." Sunny gave him a self-righteous smirk, folding her arms.

"She's 25." "CAPTAIN!" "Ah, so I was close." "You were. What's your guess about her relationships?" "Two at max." Carter eyed her with a smile. "You got lucky." "Wait he really got it? How'd you guess it?" "She's a devout Catholic, but also short tempered." "I am...not..." "Also confident enough to simply ask a person she just met on the street, that she found cute." Stevens and Jones smiled at each other. "So you probably had one long term boyfriend, didn't believe in the sanctity of marriage part in your religion before having sex. That fell apart, and you then had a bad rebound fling, and now only want to focus on your work until you find the right person." The whole floor was silently watching Sunny. "Just go grab your shit, and meet me here. I'll take you back to my place after work." "Ooooh." "To sleep. Take him back to my place to sleep with me." "Ooooh!" "OH SHUT UP!" She yelled storming off. "Would you consider joining the force permanently?" They asked. "If I had a good reason I might." Zeke said walking off.

Zeke found Sunny pacing angrily back and forth on the roof top. Her fiery hair flowed elegantly in the brisk winds. "Stupid cute cocky asshole. GAH! Why I am getting so flustered like this!?" "Kind of a sore loser aren't you?" She closed her eyes taking a deep breath, using all her strength to compose herself. "I'm going to open my eyes, and if you're still here. I'm going to throw you off this rooftop." "Won't do much, but hurt the ground, you are welcome to do it though." "Listen, I don't know how many times, I have to say it. But I don't want a partner. I don't need a partner. You being a Demon is just the extra shiny piece of corn on this shit sundae." Zeke sighed standing next to her looking over the edge. "Alright, I'll make you a deal. I'll do everything you tell me, without question, and leave you alone as possible." "What's the catch?" "You show me your wings." "That's it?" Zeke nodded, holding his hand out. She took his hand shaking it.

With a giant whoosh. Two heavenly white wings sprouted from Sunny's back. They towered over him. Zeke stumbled back admiring the sight, letting out a genuine warm smile. "Are you done staring? Or can I tuck them away now?" "Yeah, go ahead." "Won't lie, feel like you should have asked for more on this deal." "I got to look at a beautiful angel, I'd take that trade every time." She tucked away her wings, turning away to hide her red face. "See you down there boss."

A few hours passed on her shift. The others watched on absolutely confused from Carter's office. He watched intently through a slit in the blinds. Sunny sat comfortably at her desk with Zeke, sitting at a distance from her, reading his phone. "I don't get it. He was totally in her head a few hours ago. She storms off, and now he's sitting in the corner? What the hell happened?" Stevens whispered. "I'm not getting my billion dollars, is what's happening." Carter grunted. Zeke scrolled through his phone. "Arafel. Arafel...Arch Angel. The Berserker fought a long and gruelling battle, with...who the fuck wrote this? Why is it written like a story?" He frowned furiously scrolling his phone down to the bottom. "How many fucking pages did this asshole write for himself about one fight?" He spotted a peculiar footnote at the bottom. 'Scribed by the great minstrel Jacaranda.' "Motherfucker had someone write his reports as stories? Rich motherfuckers." He sighed.

Finally finding the summarised version on the 30th page. Zeke rolled his eyes and scanned the document intently. "Okay...Arafel. Ability to create and manipulate intense fires into solid weapons. Where's the damn part on how the coat was made?...While fighting the Arafel's blood was spilled onto a coat worn by the greatest minstrel..." Zeke's eyes glazed over at the conceitedness. "The coat was set ablaze in a permanent burning radiance....Interesting." Zeke approached Stevens sipping on a new steaming cup of coffee, being careful to burn his lips. "Hey, can I help with something?" "I just want to try something." He said summoning his coat. "Woah! That's cool." "Does it feel colder?" "Uh, feels about the same." He looked at the cup of coffee still steaming and turned off his coat, walking away grumbling. "What was that about?" Stevens asked scratching his head. Zeke sat down frowning. 'Hmm...guess I'm only releasing enough Mana to use it, when my Demon's Blood is on. Which means I'm still stuck on a minute timer for all offensive capabilities.'

Sunny hesitantly approached him. "Hey, come on. My shift is over." Zeke said nothing, following after her. She hopped in her car, looking at Zeke stand outside her junk filled car. "Get in." "Really?" "Our deal was that you listen to everything I say." Zeke opened both passenger doors, dragging out the mountain of food wrappers. "What are you doing? I said get in." "What exactly am I sitting on?" She sighed throwing all the wrappers into the back. "There prince. Now get in." Zeke sat down, looking at the mountain of wrappers. "Don't even say it." "Wasn't gonna say anything." The two stopped in front of an apartment block in Harlem. Sunny stopped Zeke from leaving the car. "Okay, ground rules of living with me." "Leave the toilet seat down, always knock before entering into any room, and don't attract any attention?" Sunny glared at him, before grumbling at him and leaving. He followed her inside, she stopped him in front of the door. "Look, I'm a bit messy, so don't judge alright." "How bad can it..." He trailed off stunned and horrified at the sight.

Her room was littered with mountains of pizza boxes, leaning towers of Chinese takeaway cartons, pyramids of soda and water bottles. Dirty clothes and rags were littered and scattered across the apartment. The only furniture visible in the Jackson Pollock painting of filth was a singular massage chair in front of a large screen TV. "Be..." Zeke said walking in stunned. "I said don't judge. I live alone alright." "Yeah...yeah I can see that." "You can take the chair." She grabbed his collar. "Alright, last ground rule. I don't care, what princely, white knight, perfect husband instinct you have." He looked at her puzzled. "What was that last part?" "Never mind that. Just under no circumstances are you to enter my room. Regardless of what you hear. I don't care if you hear me screaming to forget this talk and come in and save me. You stay out." "And let you die?" "Yes." "Does this have anything to do with-" "Shhh! You will not speak of it. You will forget what you saw." Zeke snickered. "Alright, can I take a shower and go to sleep or are you gonna go first?"

"Of course I'm gonna go first. It's my apartment." "And the junk." Zeke muttered. "What was that!?" "Nothing." Sunny retired at a prompt time of 9pm sharp. Zeke laid in the chair staring at the ceiling, waiting patiently, before hearing Sunny's snore ring out. "Right on queue." He stood up stretching his arms, looking around the apartment. "This is gonna take a while." Sunny woke up and left her room to an unfamiliar scent and noise. The smell of fresh cooked bacon, with eggs sizzling and crackling, and the scraping of a spatula. She looked around her apartment at a loss. It was clean and spotless. Her clothes folded in a neat corner. She found Zeke cooking a large pot of scrambled eggs. "You really do wake up on the dot huh?" She looked at him stunned, at a loss of words. "Not exactly sure, how you like your eggs, but I've been told I make a mean scrambled eggs." "I...I..." "Also, do you only have one set of everything? I mean, I was honestly surprised to find a pair of chopsticks, and not a single stick." "Wh-wh-"

Zeke set the large pot of eggs down helping Sunny to her seat. She blinked rapidly at the platter of food in front of her. "Ho..." He placed a pot of freshly brewed coffee in front of her. The intoxicating aroma filled her body. "What time did you get up to do all of this?" "Bold of you to assume I've slept." He said summoning his coat. "Where are you going?" "Out. If you need me. Call me. If not, I'll do my own thing around you, and stay out of your way. Have a good morning." He said waving her goodbye. Sunny sat in complete stunned silence. She slapped herself across the face. "No! You're not liking him. Just eat his crappy food and-" She stopped tasting the eggs melt in her mouth, before wolfing down the entire meal in a rabid frenzy. She stopped in front of her car, dropping her keys, noticing the inside completely cleaned and vacuumed. entered into the precinct with a glower. Stevens and Jones wheeled themselves over to her desk. "What'd the kid do this time?" Stevens ask. "I bet he complimented her."

"Worse! He went and cleaned my entire apartment, car and made me breakfast." She pouted. The two looked at each other confused, before looking at her concerned. "You do know what the word worse means right?" Jones asked. "So where is this vile fiend at right now?" "I have no idea. He's leaving me alone until I call him." She frowned, letting out a frustrated sigh. The two paused, sharing another glance. "Um, just to recap. You're angry at him because he; made you breakfast, cleaned your apartment, car and now is leaving you alone like you requested from the beginning?" Stevens asked. "Yes!" She snapped. "Why would that make you so angry..." The two gasped reeling back, their eyes bulging. "Unless you want him to be around you!" "I do not!" Captain Carter approached them. "Where is Zeke?" "He's running errands for himself. He has a life outside of the contract." "Captain, you're not gonna believe this. She misses him." "Say it again. I dare you. I double dare you." She snarled.

Sunny received a call from Zeke. "Answer it on speaker phone. That's an order." She rolled her eyes. "Yes?" "Most people answer with hello sweetie." Stevens whispered. She nudged him in the ribs, making him retch. "Hey, I forgot to ask before I left, but do you feel like anything for dinner? Not exactly sure what you like, or if I can cook it." "This is New York. No one cooks in their apartment. We go out to eat." "You know a place that does good steaks?" "Yeah, I know a place. I'll take you there." "Great. It's a date." Zeke hung up. Sunny's jaw dropped with the realization hitting her. The three of them were frozen with smiles across their faces. She face palmed pulling her face down. "This means nothing." "It means I've got a great retirement fund!" The captain let out a giant whoop startling everyone and strutted into his office. "I hate this kid!" "Don't you mean you love-" She poked Jones in the ribs making him cringe and curl into a ball.