
Chapter 85 Unraveling The Knot

Ultear asked Uru angrily, his eyes filled with hatred, as if the woman in front of him was not your mother at all, but a stranger and an enemy.

Erza and Lucy could only watch on the sidelines, not knowing what to do. This was a matter between Ultear and Ultear as mother and daughter. What could outsiders do, not to mention that they had no idea about Ultear. What happened between Lu and Ultear.

It was at this time that the remaining magic circle emitted golden light again, attracting the attention of Erza and the other girls.

As for Gray and Natsu, they were still standing there dumbly. They didn't dare to look back without Erza's order.

"Isn't this the magic circle that allows Ulu to return from the ice state to the physical state? Without Ye Yuan's control, how come it emits golden light again?" Lucy looked very curious as she looked at the magic circle and asked Ulu in confusion. , Among the magicians present, Ulu has the most experience, so of course Lucy asked Ulu without even thinking about it.

"It's because of the Moon Drop. The Moon Drop originally condensed the magic power of the moon into one place. It not only has the power to dispel all magic, but the magic power it contains cannot be underestimated." Ulu looked at it. The drop of the moon shining down from the top of the ruins answered Lucy's question with great confidence.

"If it's because of the Moon Drops, what will happen to the magic circle? It's impossible for Ye Yuan not to have thought of this. Is he trying to tell us something?" Erza looked at Ye Yuan, who was still unconscious next to her. , looked at the two girls Wu 22 Lu and Ultear, and said to the point.

As soon as Erza finished speaking, Ye Yuan's figure suddenly appeared in the magic circle, causing all the girls to scream.

"Ye Yuan!" The four girls shouted in surprise at Ye Yuan in the magic circle at the same time, and then looked at Ye Yuan next to Erza, with puzzled expressions on their faces, completely confused about this. what's going on.


When Gray and Natsu heard the voices of the four girls, they thought something big had happened. They quickly turned around and ran to where the four girls were. Before they could ask, they heard Ye Yuan's voice, and they were completely stunned. In place.

"Ultear, don't hate Ulu. You can see what happened back then with your own eyes and you will know." Ye Yuan persuaded Ultear, and the magic circle under his body suddenly changed dramatically.

"Ultear, Uru, as long as you two stand in this magic circle, with the help of the powerful magic of the moon drops, coupled with my control of time and space, you can go back to that day, but you can only do one Bystanders, go and understand the truth back then." Ye Yuan introduced the capabilities of the current magic array to the two girls. It was hard to imagine that the same magic array could exert completely different abilities in Ye Yuan's hands.

"Yeah." Ultear and Uru looked at each other at the same time, and walked into the magic circle with completely different thoughts. Both wanted to see the complete story of what happened that year.

If you're ready, let's start!" Ye Yuan asked the two women again, and when he saw the two women nodding, pointing their right hand at the top of the ruins, the red light pillar suddenly grew stronger again.

With the help of the more powerful magic power of the Moon Drops, Ye Yuan's figure completely integrated into the magic circle, and the two women in the magic circle suddenly fell into a coma.

"Erza, what happened to Ye Yuan in the magic circle just now?" Lucy looked at Ye Yuan's movements with confusion, and asked Erza with confused eyes.

"If I guessed correctly, it should be a part of Ye Yuan's separated mind. Otherwise, Ye Yuan would not have consumed so much just to restore Ulu's body." Erza said to Ye Yuan on the magic circle, He seemed very understanding. As for why he didn't say anything just now, it was because Erza guessed Ye Yuan's idea, which was to integrate the separated mind into the magic circle.

It is equivalent to Ye Yuan completely losing this part of his mind, and loss and consumption are completely different. If it is just consumption, relying on Ye Yuan's recovery, he can completely recover in a few days, and if he completely loses it, the stronger he is, the more powerful he will be. The greater the impact on oneself, the slower recovery will be.

If Erza told Wulu, with Wulu's knowledge, she would never allow Ye Yuan to do this. Even Wulu would not allow it. As Ye Yuan's girlfriend, how could Erza allow it? But Erza knew better. No one can change what Ye Yuan decided. All she can do is to prevent others from hindering Ye Yuan, that's all.

After Ultear and Uru fell into coma, the two of them instantly felt that the world was constantly turning over. When this feeling stopped, what appeared in front of them was a familiar yet unfamiliar scene.


"Please, you must treat my daughter well, no matter what you ask me to do!" Ulu handed over the daughter Ultear in his arms to the people at the institute, looking extremely panicked and looking at Ulu in his arms was even more worried.

"Please feel free to leave it to us. We will do our best to treat your daughter." The staff at the institute took over the young Ultear and assured Ulu.

Outside the screen, Ultear looked at the screen. Uru, wanted to say something but found that he couldn't say anything. He could only watch himself in the screen, being held and studied by those in the research institute. Place.

Then the screen changed, and what appeared in front of Uru and Ultear again was the screen inside the research institute.

In the picture, the young Ultear was completely used as an experiment by the staff of the research institute. The tubes used in the experiments were connected to Ultear's body, and the young Ultear was completely used as a test subject. Fixed on the bed, the whole person fell into a coma.

"Hurry up, hurry up, this girl has powerful magic power since she was born. As long as we can discover the secrets in her body, we can definitely become the greatest being in the magic world!"

"Yes, sir! Promise to complete the mission!"

The staff at the institute were frantically conducting experiments on Ultear, completely ignoring Ultear's physical condition, even if Ultear had fallen into a coma.

This time, it was Ulu who was outside the screen. Ulu looked at the performance on the screen with complete disbelief. She did not believe that she had actually sent her daughter into such a hellish existence with her own hands!

The scene changed again. This time, the scene that appeared in front of the two women was unforgettable for Uru, but for Ultear, it was completely unfamiliar.

"I'm sorry, we failed to treat your daughter well. She is already dead." The staff of the institute said coldly to Ulu in front of them, completely ignoring Ulu's reaction.


"No, it's impossible. Didn't you say you would definitely cure my daughter? How could my daughter die? This is impossible, this is not true!" Ulu in the screen completely collapsed after receiving the news. In the middle, the whole person collapsed on the ground, tears covering his cheeks, shouting to the sky, completely unable to believe the news.

"By the way, where is my daughter's body? Come on, let me see my daughter's body. Even if she is dead, there must be a body there!" Ulu in the picture suddenly thought of something, stood up and held down the institute staff's arms. Shoulders swaying wildly.

"Calm down, please calm down. Our institute will deal with the people who died in the institute directly, so I'm sorry, but we can't find your daughter's body." The person from the institute said to Ulu calmly, Then he quickly returned to the research institute as if he was afraid of revealing his fault.

"No! This is impossible!" When Ulu heard the words of the institute staff, he did not scream, but he just collapsed completely, lowered his head and kept talking to himself, as if he had lost the meaning of living.

Ultear outside the 123 screen looked at Uru in the screen, and instantly understood that he had been wrong all these years. His mother Ulu had not abandoned him at all, but was deceived by the people in the institute. This made Ultear have a deep hatred for the institute. The crowd aroused overwhelming hatred! Not only Ultear was like this, Uru was even more so, even deeper than Ultear.

The scene changed again. This time the scene showed a young Ultear covered in scars, which were the scars caused after escaping from the institute. He wanted to return to his mother, but found his mother-Uru in the distance. , the smile with her apprentice suddenly showed hatred in her eyes, thinking that she had been abandoned by her mother.

Seeing this scene, Ultear felt extremely embarrassed. He felt that he was too naive at that time, and it was really inappropriate to hate his mother because of this.

As for Ulu, after seeing this scene, all he felt in his heart was guilt for his daughter. What he was thinking about was: Why didn't he notice his daughter's aura at that time? If he had noticed, nothing would have happened later. , his daughter Ultear will not suffer so much in these years.

As this scene was displayed, the two women once again felt the world turning upside down. The two women knew that they were going to return to their own bodies.

After seeing these four scenes, Ultear's hatred for Ultear completely disappeared, leaving only the joy of being reunited with his mother. As for Ultear, he felt a little more guilty towards Ultear. I owe Ultear so much!