
Contractual Romance

“It has to be a sin that I am loving the thought of fucking my best friend.” “We started sinning when we got married, you fool. Why does the thought of you with me disgust you so much?” I hated how he made me feel and how it felt like my love was unrequited when he did things that made it seem otherwise. *** Sandy and Anthony have been best friends since high school despite their differences in backgrounds. Sandy is hardworking even though she works as an assistant to her billionaire best friend who she has always had feelings for. Anthony has been the clueless best friend who is a known womanizer until family problems rises and he has to get married and have a baby. Will Anthony make the choice of having his best friend his wife and face the pull of love when it starts to grow in him for the first time?

IrenKaykay_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Sandy's POV

"We started dating…uh," I dragged on and made eye contact with a straight-faced Franklin before meeting his wife's eyes. "A month ago."

"Oh, it hasn't been that long then. But tell me more," Eudora urged on.

I had to stop myself from palming my face because I didn't exactly have anything to say, and Anthony and I never planned what we were going to say. We were too busy with work to even do that. Now, I felt tied. I had to look at him for help but he was looking restless.

"Actually, we dated for a month and broke up."

Eudora's face fell while her hand rested on her diamond necklace in sorrow.

"You two broke up already? But…"

"Yes, but we're back together now," I quickly replied and felt Anthony squeeze my thigh.

"Why did you two break up?" Eudora asked with concern on her face. "Don't tell me it's because of him or what did he do?"

How wonderful was it to continuously lie? My only hope was that I remember everything I had said. I cleared my throat and put up a fake look of sadness on my face.

"You see… I was getting tired of how Anthony was behaving," I said, and he glared at me. "He parties a lot, drinks a lot, and goes out on weekends instead of spending some time with me."

Anthony pinched my thigh, and I smacked his hand away.

"It was hard for me to do because I told him if we ever start to date, some habits have to stop. But he barely listened to me and went on with what he loved doing. I got tired within a month and told him I was breaking up with him. We broke up and just two days ago, he came to me begging, groveling on his knees for forgiveness, and that he's a changed man."

Eudora glared at her son and shook her head with disappointment on her face. I looked at Anthony through my peripheral and saw him staring at me like he wanted to strangle me. I almost broke character by laughing but swallowed it down. 

"Listen, Sandra. My son is very stubborn, and his father and I have been complaining about his lifestyle for ages. I'm glad you two made up and got back together as—"

"It's hard to believe that you two are dating. It's too sudden," Franklin said.

It was as if my heart fell to my stomach, and I clenched my toes in my shoes to fight the pull of anxiety that was about to attack.

"What do you mean, dad?" Anthony asked, sounding plain. "Sandy and I have been friends since high school, it was easy for me to fall in love with her and want her more than just friends."

My heart softened at his words that I started to look at him as he spoke.

"She's someone I see spending the rest of my life with. She's my best friend and everything more. I realized that when I lost her in just a short time. I know you may not see me as a responsible person but when it comes to Sandy, she's someone valuable to me."

If only the words he spoke were true, but he was only saying this as a cover-up, as part of the act. I needed to stop getting attached to any words he would use.

Franklin chuckled. "Did Anthony tell you that he'll be nothing but a simple employee working under a simple staff if he doesn't get married soon?"

I didn't know if I had to react like I knew or behave like I knew nothing of such. Franklin was a smart man and could see through any form of deceit, which I was sure he was already seeing.

"Marriage?" I choose to act clueless. "Anthony, what is he talking about?"

I looked at my best friend and in his eyes were messages questioning my action. He was probably calling me names in his head already.

"Dear, you and I both know that Anthony lives a scandalous life."

I could feel how tense Anthony was beside me. He hated how his parents saw him but it was the truth and people always say that the truth hurts.

"We told him that he needs to stop all this nonsense by getting married to a good girl, someone from a good background; decent. If he settles down, his wife and marriage will make him look responsible in the eyes of the staff and the internet paints him as nothing more than a womanizer," Eudora said in a shaking voice, even her eyes were teary.

"Mom, dad. I've told you that my way of living doesn't affect how I work!" Anthony said, smacking his hand on the table. 

I grabbed his hand and shook my head at him. He sighed and faced away angrily then I faced his parents.

"Are you trying to say that I… that I have to marry him or something?"

"We don't want to—"

"I think we're done here," Anthony said and rose to his feet. He grabbed my wrist and made me stand. 

"Son, we haven't even started on dinner." Eudora sounded emotional.

"I have food at home. I only came to introduce my girlfriend to you two and to tell you that you can cancel the plan of you giving my right to some stranger. Good night."

I smiled at them as Anthony pulled me away from the table and out of the low buzzing room. We walked until we boarded an elevator. He released me immediately and leaned against the wall, exhaling hard.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine. I just hate talking with my parents. They never have anything good to say about me."

I nodded and faced the elevator doors. I watched as the numbers decreased while giving Anthony some space. After a few seconds, he stood beside me.

"You did good tonight… but that's not the end of everything. There's more we have to do."

I looked up at him in shock. "There's more?"

Anthony smiled when the elevator stopped and opened. He stepped out and stretched out his hands toward me. I eyed it out of confusion before meeting his humor-filled eyes.

"Take my hand. I think we should hold hands. Who knows, some paparazzi could be in the bushes or a corner watching."

The idea of holding hands with Anthony wasn't a new thing to me but because we had to act like a couple, it made me feel funny in my stomach. Playing this game was going to be dangerous. I sighed and placed my hand in his. He tightened his hold, and I felt a flutter in my chest and stepped out of the elevator. He pulled me to his side, and we started walking.

There were a few people in the lobby area, and they hardly looked our way but who knew who was already staring? I wasn't used to this type of behavior with him.

"You seem tense," he said.

"Of course, I am. We haven't even gone over this contract or whatever deal we have together, and you suddenly do this."

"The idea is to get the media's attention. They are so obsessed with painting me badly, I'm sure they'll capture us and get people talking when they see me more with you."

We leave the building, and the valet brings his car. We board the car, and he drives off, while I feel at peace. We were finally away from wandering eyes. The thing is, people on social media knew that I was just friends with Anthony. If they started to see us in intimate and compromising positions, I don't know what I would feel like. People hated Anthony a lot.

Half an hour later, he stopped in front of my apartment, and I unfastened my seatbelt. I couldn't wait to get home and lay on my bed. I was so tired from today's work.


"Yeah?" I looked at him.

"We need to go over some things before we start getting public with our relationship."

"Things like what?"

"We have to plan dates, Sandy."