
Contractual Romance

“It has to be a sin that I am loving the thought of fucking my best friend.” “We started sinning when we got married, you fool. Why does the thought of you with me disgust you so much?” I hated how he made me feel and how it felt like my love was unrequited when he did things that made it seem otherwise. *** Sandy and Anthony have been best friends since high school despite their differences in backgrounds. Sandy is hardworking even though she works as an assistant to her billionaire best friend who she has always had feelings for. Anthony has been the clueless best friend who is a known womanizer until family problems rises and he has to get married and have a baby. Will Anthony make the choice of having his best friend his wife and face the pull of love when it starts to grow in him for the first time?

IrenKaykay_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Sandy's POV

I blinked once, then twice. I couldn't believe what Anthony had just said. 

"You have to get married and have a kid?" I asked, and he nodded.

"I have to, Sandy. This is something that I did not plan on."

Laughter almost escaped my mouth. There was no way what he was saying had an ounce of truth. Before I knew it, I was laughing with my hand over my mouth while he glared at me. I continued to laugh until I had my fill.

"You can stop pranking me now."

Anthony and I had days when we would joke around, and I was convinced that this was one of those days. But when I saw how deep and serious his eyes were, I swallowed and cleared my throat.

"Are you serious?"

Anthony scoffed and went straight to the desk where he had drinks displayed. He grabbed a glass and poured himself some alcohol before chugging everything. He filled the glass again and I took that as my cue to rush over to him and grab the glass.

"Stop drinking and explain what you meant."

Anthony looked stressed and restless. He couldn't even look me in the eye as he kept glancing around while loosening his tie. He sighed and leaned against the desk.

"I had a meeting with my parents."

That didn't sound good. He was always having arguments with them over his way of life.

"They told me that I will have to take over the family company in a year or two and… this is just bad. You see, they won't give me the rights to the company because of how I love to party and all that."

"But you're a good COO. Why would they not do that? Besides, this business has been something that's been running for generations."

"That's the point!" He said in a loud voice and grabbed my arms. "I will lose it to some random employee in this company if I don't show them that I am responsible and have stopped partying and doing what I love to do!"

"Wow. That is serious."

Anthony moved away from me and paced around the office space.

"After my father, was supposed to be me. I am supposed to keep the family business moving until I pass it down to my child. The time has come, and they feel like I will not be capable enough and that I will ruin things."

"Then again, you're a hard-working COO. Why won't they look at that?"

"You should already know how my family is conservative. They believe in a marriage showing how responsible you are. Also, they claim the number of scandals I've been involved in with women makes me look like an incompetent future CEO."

I nodded in understanding. "No offense but they may be right. There's so much hate on you about how you'll be the reason why the family business will crash and go bankrupt because they believe you spend the business money on women, drinks, and parties. People hate you."

I saw the hurt flash on his face. People indeed hated him for being rich and being born with a silver spoon. They called him spoilt and more degrading names. Even some employees at the company hated him. The ones who were fired spread malicious rumors of him being an evil boss who doesn't pay them well, even though it wasn't true. Anthony barely Interacted with the staff of the company unless it had to do with a general meeting.

"What am I going to do?" He asked and sat on his desk with a sullen expression.

"Which means you have to get married. Look, I know how hard it is but handing your family business to another man will cancel your bloodline from continuing as heirs. It will open a way for the bloodline of the new CEO and have you working under them," I said and approached him.

"I also want to show my parents that I am responsible."

The office was quiet for some seconds before he looked at me with his eyes showing how defeated he was.

"Fine. I'll get married."

I pushed away the feelings I had for him. My feelings for him were not going to save the day as I was only his best friend. He hung out with supermodels and celebrities from different industries. I was sure he was going to pick one of them to get married to and this would serve as a punishment for my falling for my best friend.

"Do you have anyone in mind?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"I should be asking you that. You have friends that are beautiful and famous models. You even know some celebrities in Hollywood. Aren't they a perfect match for you?" I asked with a jealous lump in my throat.

"No. They aren't. These are people that will accept but I want someone that will understand that I need this marriage as a cover-up. I'm not interested in the love of whatever the fuck comes with it. I just need someone I can stay with for a year or five and after that, we go our ways. Using a celebrity will cause more scandals, especially when these people come with drama."

"Oh," I said in realization.

We stayed in thoughtful silence before I snapped my fingers.

"This building has fifty percent female staff and forty percent male staff. Within the fifty, thirty percent are married, ten percent are younger than you and the other ten percent are interns, which would not make sense. Men in the building are sort of single."

Anthony chuckled. "Babe, I'm not gay."

I gulped. I was never going to be used to Anthony calling me babe or baby randomly. He always used it without any attachments, but I received it with attachments.

"Besides, I don't want to settle down with some staff member that I don't know or doesn't know me that well. Most of them don't even like me. I need someone who trusts me and vice versa. Someone who knows me, someone who can understand why this is happening and act along. Someone who I can stay with, and they won't expect anything in return."

The more he spoke, the more his eyes changed emotions as he stared at me. The heaviness of his gaze on me made me feel uncomfortable and when he started to smile with a look of a yes moment on his face, I tilted my head.

"I know the right person for this."

My heart dropped. From the things he just said. I never knew Anthony had someone he trusted and more. I had my roommate who I confided in, so I was sure he had someone else.

"W-Who?" I stuttered.

Anthony smirked. "You."