
Contractual Romance

“It has to be a sin that I am loving the thought of fucking my best friend.” “We started sinning when we got married, you fool. Why does the thought of you with me disgust you so much?” I hated how he made me feel and how it felt like my love was unrequited when he did things that made it seem otherwise. *** Sandy and Anthony have been best friends since high school despite their differences in backgrounds. Sandy is hardworking even though she works as an assistant to her billionaire best friend who she has always had feelings for. Anthony has been the clueless best friend who is a known womanizer until family problems rises and he has to get married and have a baby. Will Anthony make the choice of having his best friend his wife and face the pull of love when it starts to grow in him for the first time?

IrenKaykay_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


"Let's go for a swim," Sandy suddenly said and left the confinement of my arms.

She moved to my side and faced the ocean. I followed her movement, and my eyes went to her ass. My heart skipped behind my ribcage as I stared at her ass. They were just the right globes, and the bikini was like G-string underwear, leaving her ass cheeks open. I put my hands in my pockets and blew out air.

I never knew I had one sexy and gorgeous woman as a best friend. No wonder why some of my business friends wanted her and why people insinuated that we fucked each other. If I was like them, I would think the same because —

I felt a tug on my shorts, and I flinched, snapping out of my deep thoughts. Sandy pulled me close to the balcony and pointed at the water.

"Come on. I wanna soak in the water."

She left my side and went over to the short steps leading to the downward part of the yacht. I followed behind, slowly making my way down the wooden steps, and respectively kept my eyes over her head. Sandy giggled and dove into the water. I smiled and watched her swim away from the yacht. I looked in the direction of the paparazzi and they were indeed taking pictures of us. 

"Better give them what they want," I said and took off my sunshades. I dropped it on the floorboard and dove into the water.

The water was cold and refreshing against my skin, cooling my body from the heat that I had been feeling. I swam through the water, keeping an eye on Sandy's long legs. When I got close, I came out for air and smiled at her.

"I think I could use this fake yacht date as a mini vacation," she said and swept her hands from her hairline, down to her shoulders.

My eyes immediately went to her cleavage that was being lapped by the water and I felt my shorts tighten. I cleared my throat and swam closer to her.

"What are we going to do now?" I had to ask because my head was blank, and I could not think straight with Sandy looking the way she was. I was scared of acting on my horny self right now.

Sandy smirked and came closer to me, making me feel her chest on mine. My brain formed different thoughts at once and I was stupefied to a spot. When she wrapped her slender arms around my shoulders and bit her bottom lip, I almost lost it.

"You're the playboy, you should give me an idea, or has this fake dating made you lose your mojo?" She teased and I playfully got offended.

I wrapped my arms around her small waist and pulled her impossibly close to my body. The texture of the water made her skin slippery against mine, so I had to hold her tighter and pressed my forehead on hers. The beating of my heart was so fast that I knew she could feel it. 

"As a playboy, by now I would have been in a lip lock with my lovers or my hands would have been somewhere sinful," I whispered and tilted my head to her ear. "But we don't wanna do that, huh?"

She started to pant, and I knew what I said had affected her and was glad that I wasn't the only disoriented one. Just as I was about to say something, I felt a splash on my face from below and I moved back in shock. Sandy started to laugh, and I growled.

"What was that for?"

Sandy shrugged and splashed another bout of water at me. I flicked my hair and glared at her while she had on an amusing expression.

"You sound so corny. Is that what you tell your women and they let you sleep with them?" 

I could sense that she was teasing me, and I was going to give her what she was looking for. She splashed my face again.

"That's it! I'm coming to get you!" I said and started swimming toward her. She screamed and swam away from me.

"Try to catch me!" 

"Oh, I will!"

Sandy was a fast swimmer and the momentum she used in swimming toward the yacht made my arms already sore, but I continued to catch up to her. She got to the yacht and climbed the steps—I followed suit. She stopped at the top of the steps where a mat was and stuck her tongue out to me.

"Try to catch me, playboy!" Sandy said and ran off.

I climbed the rest of the steps, wiped my feet, and ran after her. In circles, we went around the place, chasing each other and laughing. Even through our little game, I could not keep my eyes off how her boobs bounced and how perky her nipples were through the wet material of the bikini. The sight of her wet hair sticking to her cheeks, shoulders, back, and chest made her look like a water goddess. The way the sun beamed over her skin, making her glow in addition to her huge smiles made me happier and more attracted to how she looked.

I snapped out of my deep trance when I noticed her slipping. My heart skipped a beat, and I rushed out to her, trying to get a hold of her arms but they were moving above her head, and I instinctively grabbed the back of her bikini top and spun her around, causing her to collide against my body. I wrapped my arms around her body and exhaled in relief. I could not imagine seeing her getting hurt.

After some seconds of being calm, I started to feel something different. I was feeling warm, bare, and soft flesh against my chest, accompanied by two hard dots. I gulped and slowly moved my eyes downward. My breath hitched when I saw that Sandy's bikini top was no longer on her chest but resting at the top of my arms that were wrapped around her waist.

"Oh, fuck," I said.