
Contractual Romance

“It has to be a sin that I am loving the thought of fucking my best friend.” “We started sinning when we got married, you fool. Why does the thought of you with me disgust you so much?” I hated how he made me feel and how it felt like my love was unrequited when he did things that made it seem otherwise. *** Sandy and Anthony have been best friends since high school despite their differences in backgrounds. Sandy is hardworking even though she works as an assistant to her billionaire best friend who she has always had feelings for. Anthony has been the clueless best friend who is a known womanizer until family problems rises and he has to get married and have a baby. Will Anthony make the choice of having his best friend his wife and face the pull of love when it starts to grow in him for the first time?

IrenKaykay_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Just like every day, I was occupied with working to the point that my feet hurt from walking around and standing in meetings with Anthony. His company never had a day when no one worked tirelessly which made me wonder how no one saw Anthony as a good boss even though he hardly interacted with his staff. 

Even through the stress of work, some people had time to gossip and spread rumors, which was good but not at all good. There were rumors about me finally showing my true colors as a gold digger, how I have been plotting to have Anthony for myself and that I was the reason he didn't look at the single women the way they dreamt about. It irked me and made me wonder if he was aware too.

Being friends with someone who was higher than me in social status and financial status was not as easy as people would think. Sometimes, the reason I hated when Anthony paid for my stuff was because of what people would think or see. Just fake dating him brought out the worst in his staff, even from the people I used to see as sensible.

"Prepare for the three o'clock meeting," Anthony said to me as he crossed over to his office door. 

I only hummed and walked into my office, finally free for an hour before the meeting. I went to the couch in the corner and plopped my body on it, giving out a sigh simultaneously. I closed my eyes and kicked off my stilettos. 

"I can now take a nap," I said and smiled as I felt the comfort of the soft couch on my skin.

A knock on my door made me clench my hands. As far as one was within the four corners of this building, you can never have a shuteye. With anger in me, I got up and marched to the door. I yanked it open with a fixed glare on my face only to have it fall off when I saw Trent standing outside with a food bag in his hand.

"Trent," I said in a calm tone while feeling bad that I had been grouchy.

Trent eyed my body up and down before smiling wider, then pushing the food bag toward me.

"You don't seem so happy to see me, but I got you lunch. I hope it makes you happy."

Now, I felt worse for putting on a glare. I dismissively waved my hand and took the bag before moving aside for him to walk in. Once he did, I shut the door and walked to my desk.

"Thanks for this," I said, lifting the bag. "And I'm sorry for looking angry. I'm just tired."

Trent sat on the couch I had been laying on and crossed his long legs.

"It seems as though the staff overworks here," he said, and I gulped.

It was true. Anthony made us overwork our asses because he wanted to prove to his father that he was a good businessman. His father barely came to work, and his coming was unpredictable, so Anthony made sure everyone did their duties on time and even past its time to keep the company afloat. It was one of the reasons why people hated him. 

"Nah, we don't," I lied and walked over to where he sat after placing the bag on my desk. I sat down beside him and crossed my legs.

I didn't miss the way his eyes scanned my bare calves. I tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear and cleared my throat.

"Anyway, I brought you lunch since we were supposed to have lunch together but due to our work schedules, we couldn't."

I smiled. "Thanks, once again."

Trent nodded. "So, you and Mr. Hogan, huh? You never told me how you two started dating."

I opened my mouth to respond offhandedly but I remembered I had to stick to the story I told Anthony's parents. 

"Yeah. We've been best friends for years and we just started dating a month ago."

Trent smiled, dimples appearing on his cheeks. He was such an attractive specimen even when smiling. And when his eyes raked my body, I swallowed.

"That's too bad for me," he said in a lower voice.

I blinked, not sure what he meant.

"If I had just come here two months ago, maybe I could have had a chance," he said and placed his hand on his chest like he was hurt.

I couldn't help but laugh and smack him in the shoulder, which made me freeze at the physical contact I had with him. I bit my lip and folded my hands on my thigh. I was such an embarrassing piece of shit. We weren't that close, and I was already touching him. 

I flinched when his warm hand held mine and lifted it toward his shoulder. I raised my eyes and met his playful ones. He winked and I looked at where my hand was resting— on his broad shoulder.

"You're free to do whatever you want with me, Sandy. Even hit me when you laugh," he said, and I nodded. Before I knew it, he was reaching out for my face. "You have a beautiful laugh by the—"

The door opened and Anthony walked into the office. His eyes immediately went to where my hand was, and I could have sworn I saw anger flash in his eyes. I dropped my hand and rose to my feet. I was about to walk over to him but with his long legs, he came to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his hard frame.

"I missed you," he said, making sure Trent heard while he stared at me with a softness in his eyes. 

I faked chuckled. "We just saw each other few minutes ago."

"I know, that's why I came to ask my baby to have lunch in my office like we always do."

We did? The things this man said surprised me. He would do well in Hollywood. He had the tongue and face for it.

"I already got her lunch, Mr. Hogan."

I shut my eyes hard at the taunting tone in Trent's voice. These two had something against each other and I am just realizing how I was going to be a pawn in their game of male dominance.