
Contractual Romance

“It has to be a sin that I am loving the thought of fucking my best friend.” “We started sinning when we got married, you fool. Why does the thought of you with me disgust you so much?” I hated how he made me feel and how it felt like my love was unrequited when he did things that made it seem otherwise. *** Sandy and Anthony have been best friends since high school despite their differences in backgrounds. Sandy is hardworking even though she works as an assistant to her billionaire best friend who she has always had feelings for. Anthony has been the clueless best friend who is a known womanizer until family problems rises and he has to get married and have a baby. Will Anthony make the choice of having his best friend his wife and face the pull of love when it starts to grow in him for the first time?

IrenKaykay_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Sandy's POV

Oh, my God!

Anthony just kissed my neck. He pinned me to his car. He made me feel his body more than once! My heart was racing more than ever! This was not happening! It had to be a dream.

This date had started with a spiral of nervousness after I wore the dress and it had been the sexiest thing I had ever put on around him. The dress had left me wondering what he would think but my heart crashed into my gut when I saw a nonchalant look on his face, even throughout dinner with him, he didn't act like I was dressed so differently around him. All he cared about was if we were being followed.

Anthony hadn't said one word since we started driving home and I was in a way glad because I didn't want to say anything to embarrass myself. The only thing that filled the confinement of the car was the soft music playing on the radio.

I sighed and my phone vibrated in my purse. I had a feeling it was Trent and that put a smile on my face. I could remember how charming he sounded when we first met. The poor man looked so lost and flushed that he needed me to help him around since he'll be staying for a while. Since then, we've been talking and trying to get to know each other.

Something about me was that I never put my eggs in one basket. This meant that, even though I was in love with Anthony, I still kept my eyes out for another person I could probably be with if Anthony would never be mine. So, looking at Trent, he was handsome, hard-working, sweet, and funny. He made me have a tiny crush so I loved talking to him. 

I grabbed my phone out of my purse and it was indeed a text from Trent asking for us to go on a lunch date together. I smiled and replied that I was down for it. 

"Texting Trent again?"

I rolled my eyes. I don't know what his problem was with the man. Sure, he was the one that was supposed to take his rightful position. He wasn't anymore, so why did he regard him coldly?

"Yes," I replied and he hummed. "He asked me out on a lunch date."

The car stopped aggressively, making me lean forward with so much force that my seatbelt locked against my chest. I hissed and leaned backward then glared at him.

"Why did you stop the car?" I asked and pushed my hair away from my face in anger.

"A date?" He asked and slowly turned his head to look at me.

"Yes. I told you we've been talking and maybe, he could be the guy I'd do rule number two with."

"That is not going to happen."

I blinked. "Excuse me? You made the rule, so I have a feeling that Trent is going to be the IT guy for me. He's lovely and I'm thinking of making things serious with him and it's not like I'm going to start it so soon."

What was his problem? He was the one who made the rule. He was the one who went around with different women and now that I want to maybe have sexual affairs—even though it's with someone that wasn't him— for the first time, he does this? Unbelievable.

"I just don't trust that man."

"And why's that?"

"My father sees something in him and sent him here. You know how my father behaves with him. He'll use anyone to spite me. Fuck, Sandy! I just don't want to share you with anyone!"

My heart fluttered and butterflies were felt in my stomach at his words. I was stunned in my seat that I couldn't even talk, blink, or even breathe for some seconds before I exhaled hard.

"Besides, if you want a man, I can easily hook you up with one of my business friends."

And he ruins it. Anthony was never going to be serious about me in any way except being friends.

"Can we drop this topic?" I asked while staring out the window, seeing that we were safely on the side of the road.

"Babe, I'm sorry. Look at me," he said but I huffed.


He chuckled and my skin tensed when he cupped my chin then turned my head so I could face him. His eyes were hooded from stress, maybe. He scanned my face with his eyes and I could have sworn he lingered his eyes on my lips and boobs but that could have been my stupid brain. 

"You mean so much to me. I just don't want you getting hurt. We don't know this man from anywhere and I remember how I keep telling you that I'll always protect you," he said in a soft voice while rubbing his thumb against my skin. "You're my best friend, the most important person to me, so trust my instincts this time."

I sighed. "Whatever, I'm still going talk to Trent. Come on, drive now. I wanna go home and rest. This dress is so tight."

I tugged the hem downward and from the corner of my eyes, I noticed him staring at my exposed legs before gliding his eyes to my head. He released my chin and moved the car.

A few minutes later, he stopped in front of my house and I felt relieved that I was finally home. I took off my seatbelt and faced him.

"Any plans for tomorrow that I should know of? Seriously, man. You gotta start telling me your plans."

"Not tomorrow but this weekend. We'll be too busy with work starting tomorrow and what I have planned can only work during the weekend. We'll be going on my yacht."

"A party?" I asked, trying to know so I could tell him I was in no mood for one.

"No, silly. A yacht date. I'm going to buy you a bikini, you're going to wear it and we're going to spend some time on the yacht like a couple for the media."

I gulped. I have never been in a bikini or even half-naked in Anthony's presence. This whole idea was beginning to seem real.