
Contractual Romance

“It has to be a sin that I am loving the thought of fucking my best friend.” “We started sinning when we got married, you fool. Why does the thought of you with me disgust you so much?” I hated how he made me feel and how it felt like my love was unrequited when he did things that made it seem otherwise. *** Sandy and Anthony have been best friends since high school despite their differences in backgrounds. Sandy is hardworking even though she works as an assistant to her billionaire best friend who she has always had feelings for. Anthony has been the clueless best friend who is a known womanizer until family problems rises and he has to get married and have a baby. Will Anthony make the choice of having his best friend his wife and face the pull of love when it starts to grow in him for the first time?

IrenKaykay_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Anthony's POV

Our first date was just in a few minutes, and I was nervous because I needed our plan to work and hoped that someone spotted us and took pictures. The more hours went by, the more I realized that I needed to make this plan successful enough for my father to believe in and give me my right.

While I buttoned up my dress shirt, my phone lit up on the vanity before me. I stared at it and saw a pop-up message from Vanessa; one of my flings. I smirked and picked up my phone. Once the device was unlocked with my face, I read her message which was asking if we could meet and fuck as always. I was down for a night with her since I was stressed and needed sexual relief.

I typed back a response that we would meet soon and hit send then finished dressing. This was the first time I was doing such a thing with my best friend and it was so awkward. Awkward in the sense that it would be difficult seeing her as nothing more than a friend. I didn't even have the guts to imagine us kissing so the deeper parts of having a public display of affection was hard for me sometimes.

With one look at my Rolex, I saw that it was almost eight and I cursed under my breath. 

"Sandy's going to fucking kill me if I keep her waiting," I said and rushed out of the room.


I got to her house and without knocking, I walked in, finding her friend and roommate in the living room, painting on a canvas. She was always painting each time I came over, which was impressive.

"Hey, Gina," I said as I walked to the stairs. "Whatcha painting?"

"Something boring," she replied.

"Nice. If you've got any new art pieces, could you send some pictures to me? I could use another painting in my house," I said with a wink and she gave me thumbs up. "Is she upstairs?"


I rushed up the steps and walked through the small hallway before stopping at the door of Sandy's room. I didn't bother to knock and opened the door while walking in only to freeze at the sight of her bare back. I quickly spun around in shock and cursed under my breath.

"Thank goodness someone came," Sandy said nonchalantly.

There was a way our friendship was. Sandy may have seen me shirtless and I may have seen just her shin and arms, or some parts of her body but we have never seen each other completely naked. Not that she was naked when I came in. She was only struggling to zip up her dress and I had seen her back. The image of it was plastered in my head for reasons I knew nothing about.

"Dude, come zip me up. I'm sure you've seen more naked women than a bare back," she whined and I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay." I slowly turned around and kept my eyes on the wooden floor. 

I approached her and suddenly gulped at the sight of her ass so close to my waist. This dress was too short and stopped just two inches under her ass. Slowly, my gaze went up her ass, taking in the curve of her bare back and how flawless and soft her skin looked.

I hated how I was openly staring at her body but fuck, she had a sexy back. When she moved her hair away, I swallowed as more skin was revealed. Just any careless movement could make me see the crack of her ass and she was just so comfortable with me which I loved. 

With shaking hands, I held the zip and licked my dry lips before slowly moving the zip upward. The pads of my fingers brushed her skin and I could swear I saw goosebumps. I licked my lips again as I continued my way up but struggled a bit that I had to hold her hip, causing her to gasp. Something about that sound made me feel different.

I blinked and with the support of my hand on her hip, I zipped up the dress and took two steps backward. I began to ask myself why I was feeling this way about zipping her dress. 

"This dress makes me feel like I'm going to apply for a position at a strip club," she said and turned around.

Fuck. Sandy looked more sexy and beautiful than any woman I'd been with. The dress did justice to the shapes she was always hiding. This wasn't the first time I was seeing her in such a dress and it shocked me. The dress was red and with a neckline that exposed some parts of her cleavage. Her small waist and wide hips made it more fitting on her body. Those long legs of hers added to the beauty and I couldn't believe that I had not taken a breath since she turned. 

I exhaled and opened my mouth while tracing her body with my eyes. Her long hair hung on her sides and her face had mild makeup on, making her blue eyes pop more. She waved at me and I blinked.

"Eh, the dress is alright," I said, coming out of whatever trance I had been in. 

"Your secretary has taste," she said and grabbed a black purse. "Are we leaving now?"

"Yes. Yes, we are."

Sandy walked past me and I breathed normally. I was still stunned at how she looked in that dress.


"Have you spotted any suspicious-looking person?" Sandy asked with her glass of champagne close to her mouth.

"No but I'm sure we're being followed," I replied and a waiter came to our table.

"Are you ready to take your orders, please?" He asked but had his eyes on my best friend.

I couldn't blame him, Sandy was looking perfect tonight but he needed to do his job. I cleared my throat and he made eye contact with me.

"Here are our orders. They are marked already," I said and handed him our menus. He bowed and walked off.

"You didn't have to look at him like that," Sandy said and I scoffed.

My eyes scanned around the place for signs of stalkers but everywhere was full of richly dressed people. I looked at the floor-length windows and tried to look out for them but found none. I relaxed and tried not to act stiff, they would do their job but I didn't want to waste my time here when we weren't going to be photographed.

I faced Sandy and found her on her phone again, texting. I didn't even bother to ask who she was talking to and drank some of my water. I really needed to get that man out of the company somehow. I can't have her attention divided especially at a crucial time like this.

"Your dinner," the waiter said, dragging a cart to a stop beside our table ten minutes after. He started to place our food down and fill our glasses with wine before walking away.

"Great," Sandy said and I looked at her stabbing the piece of steak with her knife.

"What is it?"

"Why do rich people eat as if they live in poverty? Even people living in poverty eat a better portion of food. This piece of steak is the size of my pinkie and is so expensive. What's the point of it called dinner?"

Her questions brought a smile to my face. She was always like this. She had a lot of things to say about our way of living.

"I wanna go to Subway," she said, pouting.

"Ew. And fill your stomach with those greasy, unhealthy overseasoned food?"

"Oh, but you want me to consume something that won't even fill up a baby?" She tossed back with a frown.

I chuckled and started to eat my steak. She played with the food, especially the leaf on it before cutting the steak in half and stuffing it in her mouth.

"At least they seasoned this thing. God forbid I call it food."

After we ate, we sat in silence for a while before I offered her a dance. She grimaced at the idea but accepted my hand. I pulled her to the dance floor and started to get nervous when she came close to my body. Which was funny. Sandy and I have danced before but this time, she was going to be so close to me in this dress. 

When her arms went around my shoulders and I felt her breasts brush my chest, I gulped and hesitantly wrapped my arms around her waist. We moved to the soft music playing in the background while I kept my eyes out for the paparazzi.

"This is so awkward," she said and rested her head on my chest.

I relaxed, welcoming her comfort, and pulled her close, making me feel more of her body. Our position made me feel self-conscious for the first time and I felt it had to do with our fake dating. I even felt a stirring in my pants but blocked out anything from making matters worse.

I should not be sexualizing my friend.