
CVII. Cookie's Unorthodox Methods.

It had been no more than 20 minutes of walking at a fast pace through the gloomy streets of cracked sidewalks and demolished houses, and the girls and pup finally arrived at the abandoned west section of Merry Oaths.

From all of the depopulation and erosion that the town had suffered through the last decades, the west section was the one that had suffered the most the effects of ghosting.

Vanilla could swear there were no actual residents on that part of the town, and the only people you would be able of finding there would be nothing but drunk hobos looking to sleep beneath a roof, children playing, or youngsters using the abandoned, dark-themed bungalows of worn-down walls and broken windows to smoke, drink alcohol, or perform some others of their hedonistic activities.

Nature was another one of its dwellers; weeds invaded most of the uncared yards, and the roots of the towering trees had already demolished most of the sidewalks along with spiky weeds.