
Chapter 7

Smith's pov

I didn't know how many glasses Alexia drank, but this wine is so intoxicating so I am sure she’s really drank.

"How much did she drink?" I questioned Warren.

"I don't know, maybe 6 glasses." Warren replied, seeming a little bit panicked.

"Let's go." I patted Alexia’s shoulder lightly, but Alexia didn’t respond, just staring at the glass blankly.

I stared at her in a daze and my lips curved up to form a smile.

This girl is so cute, drank or not, she’s still so adorable.

Alexia was usually very sloppy, just sitting as quiet as a cute cat this is good, she’s not wild when drank, plus points.

My breathing suddenly went erratic after seeing her figure. I immediately had the urge to take her away!

I wrapped her in my arms with great ease, ignoring the exclamation of the people in the surrounding.

"Johnny Evans, Johnny. I hate you! You should never come to me again." Alexia didn’t know what she was talking about, but I felt even angrier when I heard the name of a strange man coming out of her mouth. Who is that man?!

"Who is Johnny Evans?" I asked her, but Alexia didn’t say a word. Is she hallucinating? Having a bad dream? Or having the girls drank episodes?

My eyes lingered on her beautiful face as if I am admiring a beautiful scene. At this moment, I felt like I had fallen for her all over again. What does this woman have?

I took Alexia in the passenger’s seat then gently fastened her seat belt. I deliberately lowered my head toward her collar bones.

When Alexia saw what I did, she blushed. I couldn't help but touch her sweet face. After a while, she slept soundly until I reached her home.

She is so alluring any man couldn’t resist.

Although Alexia didn’t tell me her correct home address, I have already been there once so,

I could easily find her home.

I held her in my arms, taking her to bed. Alexia still didn’t wake up. I didn’t want to wake her up so soon since I still wanted to hold her in my arms… I am totally lost to this woman for no reason at all!

"Alexia, you are finally back!" Anni her friend suddenly opened the door happily, only to find out that a handsome guy is carrying her friend totally drank and lost!

"You, you…" Anni looks surprised and couldn't say anything.

"Where is her room," I asked softly.

The girl wanted to help, but I wouldn’t let her into the room. Anni could only stand outside the room looking terribly worried about her friend. What is the relationship between this handsome guy and Alexia?! How could they seem to be so close?! Oh my!

"Can you pour a glass of water?" I saw Alexia’s dry lips so I know that she has to drink some water. I reached out and took the SKY Mermaid off her neck then shoved it in my pocket.

I didn’t realize what I was doing, I was being very intimate. I simply wanted to take care of her myself, even though I never did this before, I took off her shoes then covered her with a quilt.

But I still wanted to be alone with her in the room for a while. So under the excuse of asking for water, I forced Anni to leave.

I couldn't help it anymore. So I lowered my head, and approached her lips.

She was still deeply asleep, I urgently tried to pry and open her lips. That thing felt very soft against my lips, almost as if it were nothing but a feather, trickling my skin.

She moved, so I paused for a moment before the touch became gentler. So gentle that I felt that me brushing her lips really wanted to express my affection to her. I don’t know if she’s really asleep but there’s no reaction, so maybe she is.

I couldn’t help but reveal an expression of pleasure. I wanted to scoot closer to this woman.

I could only pray in my heart that this will go further… damn!


I came right at this moment and was so surprised that I covered my mouth. My God, this guy is secretly kissing my good friend. He was so perverted, but also handsome! I decided not to see anything for the happiness of my good friend. I quietly put down the water glass, secretly took a photo of this scene with my mobile phone, and then I slipped into silence!

It was the first time Alexia had been so drunk in many years. I didn’t know what happened to her. But I was even more confused by Smith. This man seemed more excited about Alexia's response, and his kiss became more and more intense.

Alexia's pov

In a daze, I felt as if someone is kissing me. Who is it? This feeling reminded me of my first love...

Johnny Evans and I were middle school and high school classmates. Back then he started pursuing me during my junior high school days. I didn't accept him, but he remained courting me for a long time. I was attracted to him. He played basketball outstandingly. Well, standing on the edge of the basketball court watching his handsome shooting, I couldn't help but fall for him. What's more, this boy had been showing kindness to me. So I promised him that I would be his girlfriend after graduation. I already thought of becoming his girlfriend. After my graduation trip, we went to the beautiful sea together. There, he asked me again if I wanted to be his girlfriend. This time I didn't refuse. I shouted: "Johnny Evans, I like you, I do!" There we exchange of our first kiss.

What I didn't expect was that the words in my memories were also spoken in reality, which obviously gave Smith a big blow.

He hurriedly covered me with a quilt and fled.

But I am certain, he was insulted.

The next day.

With a splitting headache, I opened the door and saw Anni's excited face. "What are you doing?" Anni's behavior was really strange.

"Be honest, what's your relationship with that handsome guy yesterday?" Anni pushed me onto the sofa.

"What a handsome guy! I want to ask you how I came back." I was also baffled. "And my clothes are still the same as yesterday, too tight.” I thought Anni would have changed my clothes but I didn’t expect that she wouldn’t do anything.

"I dared not touch you. I was afraid that if I touched you last night, I would be beaten by that handsome guy." Anni smiled vaguely.

"What a handsome guy!" Smith sent me back, right? Oh my god, I didn't do anything stupid when I was drunk, did I? I started to feel nervous, I am a different me when I am drunk!

"It's the one I saw in the elevator last time. He is so handsome and he took care of you very tenderly. I couldn’t get a chance to help you. And...hahaha." Anni chuckled as she remembered something.

"He is my boss. It was at the banquet where he invited me to yesterday. Then I got drunk by the too sweet wine, I didn’t expect to hit hard in me. He must have taken care of me!" I knew this answer certainly couldn't satisfy Anni. She is so nosy and a good person at gossiping as well.

"Oh, really? Then, what is this!" Anni opened her cellphone to show me a photo, I took a look and gasped. My goodness! It looks like I kissed Smith back. What's more terrifying is that my hands were holding his neck, and my goodness, my face is surely blushing right now.

"Give it to me!" I wanted to grab Anni's phone to delete it but she ran away.

"Sister, I will send it to you, but I will keep this one!" Anni ran back to her room quickly, and after a while, my phone received the photo. Looking at this photo carefully again, it made me shy, but it looked really good. Silly me!

"Necklace! What a mess." I touched my neck but found that the super expensive necklace was gone. I rummaged through the entire room and couldn't find it. The photo was taken after I came back. Did it get stolen after being drunk?

Oh my! What have I done? I couldn’t pay that for sure! I cannot afford that! Come on.

I sat down so helplessly tired, where did I lost it? Was I too drank that I became so careless?

I might be mistakenly blamed that I intentionally kept it if I couldn’t return it to Mr.Smith!

Anni noticed my worriedness then offered me to help find the necklace.

“Have you not observed it on my neck when I came home last night? I asked her.

“How could I? Your arms are all around that boss of yours that I had not seen your neck.” She questioned me.

“That is too expensive! My life is no enough worth for it. I don’t know what to do.” I was too scared telling her about my fears.

“Relax, you did not lost it intentionally.” She solaced me but sure enough I know that she agrees with me.

“What will I do?” I asked her as if she knows how to solve my problem. She’s a more scared cat when it comes to expensive things for my information.

She shook her head with her pout folded up.

I sat then closed my eyes brushing my head with my fingers. I couldn’t think of a way, I don’t even know how to disclose that I have lost it!

Slowly and idea came into my mind.

I ran towards my phone then grabbed it to make a call.

I called Warren anxiously. He was by my side at that time. Maybe he would know where the necklace went.

"Hey Warren, good morning. It's me, Alexia." I politely greeted.

"Good morning, Alexia, how are you feeling right now?" Warren cared about me, but I was only thinking about the necklace.

"I'm fine. I just want to ask you. Have you seen the Sky Mermaid I wore last night?"

"That necklace, wasn’t it on your neck even before you left the banquet?" Warren also felt strange. It was on my neck yesterday.

"That means it was still before I left?"

My hope was dashed, I lost it! "Is the necklace lost?" Warren suddenly understood something.

Warren’s POV

When Smith took Alexia away, I saw the necklace on her neck, and the necklace was very cumbersome to wear and remove. So it was impossible to lose it. Someone must have taken it away, who was it? I smiled and decided to help Smith.

"The necklace is lost! Oh my!" I pretended to be surprised.

Alexia’s POV

"Yes, I seem to have lost it." On the phone, I was sad when I heard Warren's words. The necklace was lost. How could I lose it?!

"Oh my God! Smith spent a lot of money for that necklace to be lost just like that! Have you ever asked him? He took you home last night."

Warren sighed at the other side. “Buddy, I couldn't only help you to this point, you will have to work hard to pay it.”

"I-I didn't. I'll ask him later." After the call with Warren I didn't dare to call Mr. Smith at all. I lost his expensive necklace, and even burdened him to take care of me last night. But the necklace was lost. Even if I would sell my organs, I couldn't make up the money to repay him.

"Hey, Mr. Smith, this is Alexia." I still perked up my courage to call him.


Smith knew that Alexia would call him. He fished out the necklace in his pocket and smiled. "Well, do you have a headache?"

Hearing his gentle words, Alexia was stunned. She knew that if she will I let him know that she lost the necklace, she might need to kneel and beg for mercy.

"Mr. Smith, I'm sorry, I seem to have lost your necklace!" She was even scared when Smith didn't speak, was he very angry?

"Mr. Smith, I want to ask if I dropped it in your car." She still has high hopes that she might have dropped the necklace in his car that it will eventually be found.

"The car has been washed in the morning and nothing has fallen." Smith's words crushed her hopes. What will she do, her worries were too high?

"It's okay, it's just a necklace. I will also investigate the surveillance at the banquet last night, and see if I can find it." Smith touched the necklace, thinking many plans in his mind. He will use it to hold the girl in her neck!

"I will look for it again, thank you. Mr. Smith." She prayed in her heart that she could find the necklace.

"Don't call me Mr. Smith. Call me Calvin in private." Smith couldn't bear the girl he liked and kept calling him Mr. Smith, which made him feel strange.

"Ok, okay Mr. Smith. No, no, Calvin." She hung up the phone trembling, she changed clothes, and removed her makeup anxiously, getting ready to search the room again.

Alexia’s POV

The text message prompt rang.

"Don't worry, no one would dare to steal such an expensive necklace. Take a good rest, and I will find it. That is the only necklace of that kind." It was a text message from Smith that instantly relaxed me. Yeah, such an expensive, famous necklace. If someone stole it, they would not be able to sell it again. As long as it was sold again, Mr. Smith would be able to find it back!

"Thank you, I troubled you." I short replied. I still couldn’t find any words to type. Thus I don’t even have the strength to make any movements. Have I taken myself to so much trouble?

Smith didn’t reply this time. No, I shouldn't call him Smith, I should call him Calvin that is showing kindness in favor for the trouble I put him into.

I suddenly thought of that kissing scene again. Calvin, ah, he was such a man!

"Ms. Alexia, don't forget the movie in the afternoon~" It was a text message from Jack Williams, and I remembered that we had an appointment to watch a movie today.

"Who is it?" Anni asked curiously.

"It's my blind date."

"No, don't you want the handsome guy yesterday?" Anni widened her eyes as if accusing me of wasting a handsome guy.

She’s a little but being biased to this lawyer that I was supposed to meet again for the movie.

"I..." I didn’t know what to say. Obviously, I had nothing to do with Calvin, but I felt that today's date seemed like I was betraying Calvin...