

VENGEANCE. A clash of old blood set in stone, a tale of Revenge, Betrayal, and Power. Damning a kingdom and stripping it from its rightful owners... Traitors too close to home, puppeteering devastation from behind the curtains. Seth having being conceived by a strong witch who had successfully seduced the King of the Red Kingdom, became someone who was referred to as the Demon Prince, by his stepmother, the queen. She had a dream about Seth that did not leave her mind and drove her close to insanity, making her do things that shouldn't be done. Power drunk people walked the floors of Princess Ruby's palace, having stolen her inheritance from under her nose. The lovely, red-haired princess had to hide in another kingdom for many years as she was hunted from all over... with her enemies growing by the day. Until she met the Demon Prince... Will a contract that was never meant to be spring forth the desires of the heart from a prince that didn't know he was capable of love? Will Princess Ruby respond to Seth's advances even though her heart belonged to another from long ago? Or will it only fuel the prince's hunger for power and blood? Will the Demon Prince learn to love? How would they fish out traitors from behind the scenes and make them pay for the hurt and destruction they had caused? Let's chat on Discord-> Oma#4149

Oma_Uche · Fantasia
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420 Chs

Why Are You Always Mean?

Greta had heard the princess and Anthony talk about plans... strategize on how they'd journey to other kingdoms to seek help. It rubbed off on her wrongly and she didn't know why.

It wasn't that she was upset about the progress they were making but the fact that she wasn't involved in their forethought.

[Why must it be Anthony that she'd confide in? especially on such important matters?]

Greta felt they thought she wasn't good enough, or she wasn't smart enough for them to include her in their organizations. She wished them well though but also wished they all were on the same page.

It had often come to her mind to talk to the princess about the issue but seeing how Ruby was so engrossed in the whole design, Greta had to put her feelings aside.

[To be honest, there were important things to do rather than listen to me complain about little things], she thought.

[Or were they little?]

Just at that moment, Greta heard footsteps approach where she sat, roasting fishes she had bought from the market earlier that day. From the sound of the steps, she knew it was Anthony.

[ooo... what does he want with me now?], she grumbled.

"Good evening, Greta. How are you doing this evening?"

"Just to be sure, Anthony. Is it the aroma of the fish that reeled you into my space this evening?"

He was taken aback. Within, she smiled.

It gave Greta pleasure whenever she confused Anthony or rendered him speechless.

"I only came to say hi and just give you some updates on our plans. Why are you grumpy this evening? Are you unwell?"

"Give me updates? Just updates? Why are you not here to seek my opinion on a matter or something like that? You just think I'm good beside the fire, don't you?"

* * *

[Why was she sounding this way? Does she feel left out?] Anthony thought.

He had always known Greta to be a confident lady... sometimes, Anthony felt she was too confident it crawled on his skin.

During their stay in the palace, Greta intimidated people... Heck! she intimidated him. So, hearing her complain like this was surprising.

She was extremely testy this evening. Yes, it wasn't unusual for Greta to be in a spicy or sarcastic mood, Anthony was used to her mood swings.

"We would start our expedition soon, Greta. You..."

"Yes. I know that. I've been overhearing. The ears can not be closed like the eyes can, you know".

"What the... I haven't heard anyone use that explanation like that"... He laughed.

"Keep on laughing. If you can make your own meals, keep laughing"

"Oh, now you're just being mean. You shouldn't joke with a man's food. Haven't you heard that saying?"

She didn't respond to that. Greta always had a comeback. Anthony never had the last say while talking with her. Oftentimes, he was the one that got tongue-tied. So, he doubted this was the case of her being lost for words.

Anthony took a deep breath and walked closer to her.


The way she turned away made him know she was hiding tears.

He didn't know when he hugged her from behind. The urge to comfort her was overwhelming. Anthony had never seen Greta this vulnerable.

He was nervous about what he just did because he expected her to shrug him off but she didn't.

Anthony observed that holding her in this embrace warmed a part of his heart. They stayed like that for a whole minute... he was sure it was a whole minute, then she sniffed for the last time.

"Can I use your sleeve to wipe my nose?", she asked.

"What?! what is wrong with your own sleeve?"

She laughed and he knew then, that he had feelings for the stubborn woman.

* * *

Many Years Ago

"Thress, I learned you took some gold from the royal treasury. Why didn't I know about that first? We keep a record of these things. You should have come to me, I'd have given you some money from my personal account, brother"

Thress was King Zik's brother, Ruby's uncle.

They had never had a good relationship. From the moment they crowned Zik as the heir to the throne, Thress became intensely jealous of his twin. They all knew Zik came out first, having about 2 and a half minutes ahead of Thress, but Thress never gave Zik that respect. He always hammered on the fact that they were equals and he was the one strong enough to rule the Ziviel Kingdom. Still, Zik didn't hold any grudge towards his brother.

Thress detested his brother. Why should Zik be chosen over him? He thought something was special about Zik that earned him the crowned prince title. Thress was blind to the fact that one, Zik was actually older than he was, and two, their father had noticed leadership qualities and levelheadedness in Zik.

Thress was hotheaded, envious, and petty. Growing up, he maltreated the servants in the palace. Sometimes, overly tasking his orderlies just to see them scramble about because he had sent them... abusing his power and title. He didn't know their father was taking note of all this over the years.

When their father became sick and on his deathbed, Thress walked into his room one day and said; "I want you to make me the heir apparent. Uncrown Zik... he isn't strong enough. If Zik rules this kingdom, it will end up in ruins"

"What do you mean by that?", his father said amidst a coughing fit.

"I mean, Zik is a weakling", Thress replied.

"L-l-eave (coughs).. leave my room. For your own good, Thress, blind ambition is dangerous. Take that from your dying father, and king. Now, leave!"

The next morning, their father didn't wake up.

Hi Guyssssssssssss

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