

VENGEANCE. A clash of old blood set in stone, a tale of Revenge, Betrayal, and Power. Damning a kingdom and stripping it from its rightful owners... Traitors too close to home, puppeteering devastation from behind the curtains. Seth having being conceived by a strong witch who had successfully seduced the King of the Red Kingdom, became someone who was referred to as the Demon Prince, by his stepmother, the queen. She had a dream about Seth that did not leave her mind and drove her close to insanity, making her do things that shouldn't be done. Power drunk people walked the floors of Princess Ruby's palace, having stolen her inheritance from under her nose. The lovely, red-haired princess had to hide in another kingdom for many years as she was hunted from all over... with her enemies growing by the day. Until she met the Demon Prince... Will a contract that was never meant to be spring forth the desires of the heart from a prince that didn't know he was capable of love? Will Princess Ruby respond to Seth's advances even though her heart belonged to another from long ago? Or will it only fuel the prince's hunger for power and blood? Will the Demon Prince learn to love? How would they fish out traitors from behind the scenes and make them pay for the hurt and destruction they had caused? Let's chat on Discord-> Oma#4149

Oma_Uche · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
420 Chs

Third Eye

The warlock of The Red Kingdom was the one assigned to the task of bringing Prince Seth home. He was super uncomfortable because he had hidden the reality of the prince's looks and what he really thought about the child from both the king and most of all, the queen.

Ling admired Queen Zyne all the more for he had noticed she had a third eye she herself, didn't know about. The King had told him about the 'nightmare' she had. Little did she know that the so-called nightmare was closer to the truth than any other thing. He didn't know how to face them when he eventually brings Seth to the palace.

[would they allow him to stay?]

[they shouldn't have let him live in the first place]

All these thoughts swam in Ling's sharp mind but he readied himself and set out to fetch the prince that had odd blood running through him.

He had gotten the message from Seth's tutor explaining the boy's mutation but hadn't replied because he knew he'd be visiting soon.

[I'm sure those two taking care of him would be so relieved after Seth is removed from their care-who wouldn't be?]

As old and powerful with his vast knowledge of magic, he was still cautious about dealing with Seth. He didn't know what to expect because he knew the boy was unstable. Seth didn't even know what he could do yet with all that dark energy in him.

[probably, I'd ask the king and queen for permission to teach him to harness whatever power he possessed]

[who would have thought they'd have such an issue on their hands], Ling thought.

* * *

Back in the palace, the king and queen prepared grandly for Seth's union with the family. Prince Sek was particularly happy because this was a sibling he never had. Now, he had a brother he could talk politics with, duel with and discuss personal matters over some drinks when relaxing under the moonlight.

A huge room, adjacent to Prince Sek's room was being prepared for Seth. New furniture, new curtains, and a newly constructed bed were seen being carried into the room. The king had put Sek in charge of getting a whole new wardrobe filled with clothes since that was one of his passions, for Seth.

Prince Seth was 19 years old now so he was already a young man fast on his way out of his teenage years. Sek used that to guess his size and got the best clothes money could buy. Shoes of high quality with his initials inscribed on most of the clothing and shoes. They spared no expense in preparing for Seth's arrival. He was a prince after all, illegitimate or not. He had the RED blood running in his veins.

They didn't know their world was about to be rocked.

* * *

[My prayers have been answered. I can smell my freedom from this evil presence I'd been enduring since], the cook thought to herself.

[At last, I wouldn't need to look into those eyes filled with darkness. I've done my best and I leave the rest to Ling, the king, and the queen. May they live long. As for me, I need my long overdue vacation and I doubt I'd be returning to this palace. I cannot explain anything to anyone], the tutor thought to himself.

They both couldn't wait for Ling to arrive. Ling had promised during his last visit to lift the spell he placed on them now that everyone was going to know the truth about the illegitimate prince.

Seth's teacher didn't care if it was lifted or not. It's not like he planned to ever talk about the many years he walked on eggshells taking care, watching, and teaching the prince. All he cared about was leaving this kingdom never to be seen again.

A knock on the door.

"Go get the door, that must be the warlock".

The cook ran to the door, a smile plastered on her face. She couldn't recall the last time she had a smile this wide on her worry-stricken face.

"Welcome sir", she curtsied to Ling.

[this lady has tried], Ling thought as he patted her shoulder returning her warm greeting.

"I prepared a delicious meal- stuffed lamb- would you be interested in a plate?"

Ling looked at her as he arranged his blue velvet robe and took a sit on the wooden chair in a corner of the place that served as a living room.

"No, thank you. Why did you have to go through the stress knowing the prince is leaving here today and you're being relieved of your duty?", Ling asked her.

"I cook when I'm happy. Don't worry sir, none would go to waste".

"Call the teacher for me".

She turned and left him there walking towards the tutor's room when she collided with Seth in the middle of the living room.

He heard the discussion and had sensed Ling from a mile away. Seth knew he was to go to the palace today otherwise, he wouldn't have come out to set his eyes on this old wizard.

[what in the world?], that rang in Ling's mind like a song. He was amazed at what he was looking at.

Seth came out angry, and whenever he attained that level of anger, his horns came out fully. He had noticed that a few months prior.

Many things on his body changed when he got upset. His horns came out and the bones at his back protruded giving him a real monsterish appearance. But Seth didn't know it was unusual. To him, this was how he was made. But these three people, the only people he had known all his years, looked at him like something was wrong, they looked at him and he smelled fear from them. Anyway, he didn't particularly smell fear from the old man staring at him right now which made him detest Ling all the more. He didn't understand what he sensed from Ling though- he would figure that out later.

"Good afternoon", with a straight face, Seth greeted Ling.

Ling knew why the boy reacted in a particular way towards him.

[it wasn't his fault, it was because of the energy within him], Ling thought.

"Good afternoon Prince Seth. If you're ready, we could be on our way right now".

Seth didn't respond for a full 45 seconds then suddenly, he turned on his heel and went into his room to fetch the things that the cook had helped gather.

[the boy has grown into a man with the looks of his father. It was still visible despite everything. He looked more like the king at his young age more than Sek did].

Ling was deep in thought when Seth returned to the living room.

"So now, are you going to lift the barrier you placed around here or does it have to send me flying again?"

[so the boy had tried to leave here after being told many times not to? but who wouldn't try?]

"Yes. I wouldn't want to be thrown back myself. Can't afford to hit my old waist on any hard surface". He laughed at his own joke and looked at Seth from the corner of his eye and noticed his face was as straight as it was inside the house.

"The horses are this way", Ling pointed in a direction and Seth moved like a warrior carrying the sword he used for training.

He had carved that sword himself with materials that Ling has brought. But, he made a mental note to get a real sword once he gets to the palace.

He had been told of how peaceful and quiet the Red Palace is and wondered where he'd be able to fight and slash some flesh. Seth's bones longed for battle.

[maybe he would cause a ruckus so that some fighting could happen?]

He chuckled at his thoughts. He hadn't even set foot in the palace and this was crossing his mind.

[Seth, you mischievous devil], he laughed in his mind but his face remained tight like nothing was going on in his head.

* * *

"They should've reached here by now dad", Prince Sek complained to the king.

"Be patient", it was Queen Zyne that replied him.

The King and Queen sat on their majestic thrones and Prince Sek sat on a chair that was on the far right side of the queen's seat.

He was anxious in a positive way to meet his half-brother, Seth.

The King was looking forward to seeing his son too.

The Queen didn't share in their feelings. She remembered the dream she had, it's been at the forefront of her thoughts lately. She wiped a bead of sweat that fell from the left side of her head and silently told herself to be strong.

[this kind of pressure is not good for one my age. I wonder what is going through Zain's mind at this time].

She looked over to her husband. He looked like he was holding his breath, almost appearing blue from lack of oxygen, so she took his hand and squeezed reassuringly. He turned to her and smiled.

[his partner and companion of so many years].

He was grateful to have married this woman who supported him through thick and thin.

The door to the throne room opened as Ling's and the prince's arrival was announced for entry...

Holla my readers!!!!!!

Thanks for the kind reviews.

Oma_Uchecreators' thoughts