
Contract Marriage starring Love and Revenge

To Champagne Gold, life was always like a fast-moving truck with no brakes and a drunk driver, one she couldn't avoid. At the age of five, she lost her parents in a helicopter crash. Life after that was one problem to another but she held on... until her grandfather passed away as well. With his death came the loss of her position of CEO and her hard-earned shares. As if that was not enough, she was served with divorce papers and the revelation of her husband's adultery with her cousin. Dealt with one too many blows, Champagne sought to end it all. Perhaps she could be reincarnated or whisked away to another world like the books she read before, but that was not to be. Instead, a mysterious man entered her life. "Rather than escape like a coward, I can give you the power and resources to carry out your revenge. I have but one condition―marry me."

AnnieQuin · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

23. Why do you use contacts?

"I am what?" I ask with a laugh.

"Byubwiful yike me." She tilts her head and smiles and God help me but their smiles are so beautiful that I might cry. 

"I am byubwiful?" 

"No_ no, byubwiful." She repeats herself. 

"That is what I said, byubwiful."

"No, is not byubwiful, is byu-bwi-ful. Say yit," She places her small hand on my jaw as she teaches me to say the word, "Say byu—"






"Good. Now say byubwiful!" She commands. 

"Beautiful." I say the word and she nods and claps for me.

"See, mummy yis smart." Shelly also claps.

"Come here you two." I pull them both in a tight hug. 

What was I even thinking… They are kids, the fact that they laugh and play with me like this means they have opened up their hearts to me. What more bond was I looking for?

This alone is filling.