
Contract Marriage: Fake Dating My Showbiz Wife

**Fake dating?…what could possibly go wrong** Kim Mingwa is a struggling D-list artist whose career is hanging by a thread. Desperate to keep her place in the spotlight, she accidentally finds herself entangled with the most notorious playboy in the industry—the CEO of the number one entertainment company in the country. Known for his bad reputation and inflated ego, the CEO is the last person she wants to be associated with, but when a scandal between them explodes in the media, they’re forced to fake a relationship to salvage both their careers. --- Kim Mingwa stared in horror at the headline: *Scandal Erupts Between D-List Actress and Industry’s Bad Boy CEO!* “This isn’t happening,” she whispered, her voice shaking. Beside her, the CEO only smirked, completely unfazed. “Welcome to showbiz, Miss Kim.” Mingwa glared at him. “You think this is funny? My career is on the line!” “It’s simple,” he replied, his tone cold. “Play along, or get left behind.” She clenched her fists, knowing she was trapped. “Fine,” she muttered. “But don’t think you can easily take advantage of me.” His smirk widened. “I wouldn’t dream of it..”

Little_North_Star · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Welcome to my world(4)

For a second, Mingwa just stood there, frozen by the whirlwind of emotions. But before she could say anything, Taewoo paused, glancing over his shoulder. "Bum!" he called out sharply, his voice echoing through the room. "Come drive my lady home."

Within moments, Bum appeared, bowing slightly before turning to Mingwa. "I'll escort you, Miss Kim," he said politely, gesturing toward the door.

As Mingwa turned to leave, Taewoo's voice called out to her once more. "Mingwa," he said softly, stopping her in her tracks.

She turned to face him, only to see him raise a finger to his lips in a quiet, almost playful gesture. "Don't tell anyone what you saw here," he murmured, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. "It'll be our little secret."

His smile was both teasing and ominous, a mixture of lightheartedness and something darker that sent a chill down her spine. Mingwa blinked, unsure of how to respond. Taewoo's world was something she didn't want to get involved in and she had to escape as soon as possible.

Still, she nodded slowly, unsure of what to make of his words but knowing that it was better not to ask too many questions. There was an unspoken power in the room, and it was clear Taewoo held all the cards.

Satisfied with her silence, Taewoo let his hand drop, his intense gaze softening just slightly. "Good," he said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Now, go home and get some rest. You've got a big day tomorrow."

As soon as Mingwa left, the door to the warehouse swung open again, and a man with a low buzz cut stepped inside. His presence was solid and unassuming, but there was a quiet intensity to him that spoke of a life spent following orders. He walked toward Taewoo, glancing briefly in the direction Mingwa had gone, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Boss," the man began, his voice low, "you're not going to hurt her, are you?"

Taewoo, who had been watching the door with a faint smile, let out a soft chuckle. "Hurt her?" He turned to face the man, amusement gleaming in his eyes. "That's only if she mistakes my kindness for something else."

He paused, his expression darkening just slightly as his voice dropped. "And I'm not kind, Kwon. Not when people cross me."

Kwon nodded slowly, understanding the gravity of Taewoo's words. He had seen what happened to those who mistook Taewoo's easy smiles and generous gestures for weakness. It wasn't a fate he wished on anyone, especially not someone like Mingwa, who was clearly still navigating her way through this strange and dangerous world.

Taewoo's gaze shifted, his expression unreadable. "But Mingwa," he continued thoughtfully, "she's smart. She'll play by the rules. For now." There was an almost dangerous glint in his eyes as he spoke, as though he enjoyed the delicate dance of control and intrigue that had begun between them.

Kwon stood still, his gaze flickering briefly to the door Mingwa had exited from. He knew that Taewoo rarely played games without a purpose, and this situation with Mingwa was no exception. However, there was a different energy surrounding her—something that made Kwon uneasy.

"Boss," Kwon started cautiously, "she's not like the others. If she doesn't fit into the picture you have painted… what happens next?"

Taewoo's smirk lingered, but there was something sharper in his eyes now. "Kwon, that's where you're wrong," he said, stepping closer to his lieutenant. "Mingwa fits perfectly into the picture I'm painting. She's a part of it now, whether she realizes it or not."

Kwon's expression hardened, but he nodded, sensing that pushing further would be pointless. "Understood. Just let me know if you need anything else handled."

Taewoo waved him off with a flick of his wrist. "I will. But for now, keep an eye on things. Make sure no one touches her."

Kwon gave a final nod and left the room, his mind swirling with thoughts about what Taewoo's next move might be.


Meanwhile, Mingwa sat quietly in the back of the car as Bum drove her home. Her mind replayed the events of the evening, her fingers gripping the script Taewoo had given her. She couldn't shake the feeling that something deeper was at play here—something beyond just a role in a movie.

Her thoughts lingered on Taewoo's final words before she left: "Don't tell anyone what you saw, Mingwa. It'll be our little secret."

The way he had said it sent a shiver down her spine, a reminder that no matter how charming he could be, there was always an edge to him—a danger lurking beneath his smooth exterior.

Arriving at her apartment, Bum opened the car door for her. "Miss Kim, if you need anything, the boss has instructed me to be available at any time," he said with a polite bow.

Mingwa gave a brief nod, her thoughts too scattered to respond properly. "Thank you," she muttered, before heading inside.

Once in the safety of her home, she collapsed onto her couch, staring at the script in her hands. Her mind raced with conflicting thoughts. The role itself was challenging, and now there was the added pressure of Taewoo's involvement. It wasn't just about the movie anymore—her career, her relationship with him, and whatever hidden world Taewoo was dragging her into all felt tangled in ways she couldn't untangle.

"Fuck! What have I gotten myself into?!"

As Mingwa stirred the simmering pot on the stove, her phone buzzed loudly on the countertop. She balanced the script in one hand and quickly wiped her hands on a towel before answering.

"Hello?" she said, still distracted by the scene she was trying to memorize.

"Mingwa, it's Jihoon," her manager's familiar voice came through the line, slightly tense. "I just got off the phone with Moon Taewoo. He mentioned the script for the new movie… Are you ready for this?"

"I'll be okay, as much as the role is emotionally consuming, I really like it.."