
Continental Wars The Renegades

What are heroes? What are villains? Who decides who in each side? This is a story about people who questioned their fate, their suffering and their life. He who lives is he who suffers.

Fermion_Merlton · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 10

Ares noticed lines and circles; overlapping, connected or passing with each other. There were also trees spread radially from that small pillar with few tinted stones.

The man then gestured him to step on the cloud, a meter in diameter, looking a bit solid. He stepped on it and with anticipation of his foot going through, instead stopped on its surface.

It was tangible.

He was just like stepping on a marble stone but somehow when he put his feet in, it rippled and turned like a comfortable cushion.

Interesting, he thought.

Every time an unofficial disciple goes unto mission the Head Guardian was responsible for explaining things to them, like where to find the plants if they ever chose to choose that kind of task or anything.

Thus, he was contemplating if Elder Kiel explained those things to him beforehand; well he must at least thank him for making his job easier.

Just as he was closing the spirit array, three hooded people obscuring their face showed themselves.

He instantly recognized them.

The Supreme Sect boasts that almost every year many wandering Martials and Martials from every corner of the world would choose to go.

However, the people becoming an official outside disciple every year counts to less than five thousand and those who enter in the inner sect as inner disciples were less than five hundred.

It was harsh, but it was because of this that many Martials regarded the Supreme Sect as a great place to train.

Walking in the path of Martials, is walking in death, pain and sufferings.

It was an unpleasant thing to think that you could just climb up on stairs with your hands on your pocket.

Compared to most forces in the Alkania Continent, the Supreme Sect would offer the best things for those who works hard and knows how to value its talents.

Nothing is fair in this world. Except –

Unfairness is the only thing that's fair.

But, this sect doesn't have the culture of using "connections" – for most cases – to trample your enemies.

Simply put, crush your enemy with your own strength.


If you want acknowledgement and preferential treatment then,

– show your worth,

– your dedication,

– your passion,

– your hard work and eagerness to reach the top.

That is all.

The Cloud City–

–by going through number of steps, collecting five thousand points and winning battles, one could enter.

But, some people managed to exploit this system.

The three who showed up were like these people.

Most Martials entering the Supreme Sect were sons, daughters and members of various families, clans, kingdom and empires.

In other words, they all have great backgrounds, 'But why would these people sent in here?'

As mentioned earlier, things like connections and such doesn't apply in here. As long as you are inside the Supreme Sect, those things are meaningless.

There were many restrictions in here and even if one says he was a son of an emperor to intimidate his enemy, if he entered in the Death Arena, it's pointless.

That's the exact reason why they were sent in here.

In short, these spoiled brats would at least be disciplined one way or another, and most were ordered not to return if they didn't enter in the Supreme Sect.

Yet in this place, there were those whom not content on just having strength but also money.

As they say, money could summon devils and angels.

Suppose someone who was given 100 000 silver per month and spent it all, knowing that it be replenished next month. After having an allowance per month that now went to 100 000 gold per month over the course of years and then stopped.

What do you think would happen?

Surely, the person would voice his discontent, plunged in confusion and despair – simply, it is chaos.

The same thing could be said if you have a servant following your every order in the course of your life, doing trivial things for you then – *poof* – they were gone.

By taking advantage of these people, some managed to find job.

The task was to collect five thousand contribution points but, no one said that said you could not hire someone to do it for you.

If you won ten times consecutively at the four arenas located at the side or managed to stay in the center arena for at least three days, you passed.

By play of words, sending someone as your representative was considered as "you".

"Wait, brother."


Ares became wary.

Three people drawing closer, in rather suspicious outfit.

They were in tattered cloaks, black bandages covered their feet – it goes just below their knee. Then, there's the thing about their pant, cut short until their knee and plain looking shirt.

From head to toe, they were all in black.

Maybe their outfit was for better movement since some Martials find robes annoying hindering their movement.

"What is it?"

"I would like to give brother a proposition, I'm sure you would not lose out."

The person in the middle – seemed to their leader – step forward.

"What do you want?"

"I suppose brother had taken task. Am I right?"

"What of it?"

The leader smiled and continued.

"I think we can help you with your problem."


"It is simple. You pay us, we do your task."

'I see.'

But, can he trust them?

Ares probed their cultivation level, but deemed fruitless. He was in state where the power of his Divine Sense regressed, too.

This might mean that they were stronger than him or using artifact to conceal their cultivation base.

If it is the former then they could have just rob him off and done, but they didn't. So, it's probably the latter.

"I see. Does your pay depend on difficulty of the tasks?"

"Yes, it is as you say."


"However, it also depends on how many tasks we take."

'That's understandable.'

"Well then how is it, are you interested?"

"I have few questions, could you answer them for me?"


"You could just rob me and take my money, but you didn't, why is that?"

"We have reputation to protect and moreover, if word spread that we rob someone then we could not conduct our business anymore."

Trust is something that must be establish between the client. Therefore, they could not risk something like that.

"And if we wanted to do that in the first place we would not choose a place like this to talk."

They were right again.

After Ares went off to that tangible cloud, he went back to the Cloud Peak Pavilion, and rested under the rows of the trees.

He organized his thoughts.

Ares needed to a map of the Howling Mountain Range, especially since the tasks he had taken were all about finding plants.

Most of these plants had certain conditions in order to grow and he needed a map to determine this.

Some plants grow in a dark or damp place, where there's no water, where there was specific type of stone or tress, etc.

Just he was about to find someone to that could give him a map they called out to him.

"Then, were your cultivation higher, lower or equal than mine?"

He scanned them, then settled his eyes to their leader.

"Three major realms higher, but don't worry even we would face hindrance during our operations our teamwork is better than anyone."

"We are called The Sparrow. I'm sorry brother, but we can't reveal our real identities."

They straightened themselves as if rehearsed beforehand.

"But, I can assure our services."

Ares looked at them again.

A second after another and he lightly nodded.

"Fine. I have fifty-five tasks here; I hope you could help me."

"F-fifty five?"

"Is there any problem?"

"Nothing, it's just…"

The other two looked at each other, a bit confused then as if they remembered something, everything returned normal.

"Did you say fifty-five?"

"Yes, why?"

"W-Well, there should be specified number of tasks one could take and that's limited to ten per day."


"Then again, if Elder Kiel allowed it then it should not be a problem."

'Elder Kiel? The old man?'

"I understand. Then, first do you have a map of the Howling Mountain Range?"

"Well... we do have it."

"I'm thinking of doing some tasks while you three are the rest."

'This way, it would be more efficient.'

The leader seemed to say "I see" under their breath and nodded before responding. Seemingly have known what Ares is getting at.

"We understand. So, what are the tasks?"

"Finding plants."

With that, Ares give them the list.

The three huddled together to see the list and they seem to agree with him, then–

"W-Wild Vine Nectar?!"

–the three looked at him, surprised.

"What is it?"

They knitted their brows.

"Brother, did by chance you accidentally took this task?"

The leader lifted the paper.

"No, I took it purposely since it gives a lot of points."

"This… But, we don't advice you to proceed on it if possible…"

"Hmm…" Ares was taking consideration of what they said but–

"No, it's already there and I would waste time if I try to replace it for a few tasks."

–he insisted.

"But… its guardian is–" They were still not convinced.

"The Red Lion Tiger, yes?"