
Considering The Circumstances

Hiashi Hyuuga sends Hinata to public school for the first time. From day one, she struggles to figure out who are her friends and who's just pretending to be. One thing's for sure: the silver-haired, foul-mouthed guy that Konan hangs out with is as intimidating as he is attractive. (I'm aware of how crazy this pairing is, but I don't care!) Rated M for a reason!

Hina5enpai · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Chapter 7

After stealing her first kiss, Hidan returned to acting as though it hadn't happened. Hinata struggled to get past the humiliation but found herself adapting because his nonchalant behavior was contagious. That being said, neither person spoke a word of that night.

The next time she went to school, after her week-long suspension, Hinata ran into Naruto, quite literally, in the hallway. He grabbed her arm before she could lose her balance and fall. When she looked up and realized who she'd run into, she saw an almost sad expression on the handsome boy's face.

He offered a friendly smile and stepped around her. It only took a day or two for him and Sasuke to get the hint that they were being avoided, and since then, they haven't tried. Sasuke, as always, was right beside the blonde.

Before they could leave, Hinata reached out to grab the blonde's hand. He turned back with wide, confused eyes, "Hinata?"

The Hyuuga girl's face was red, but she looked between him and the Uchiha man a few times before releasing his hand and bowing her head, "I-I am so sorry for how I've treated both of you lately. I, uh, well, you know that I had some things going on, but that doesn't excuse my behavior. I hope you can forgive me."

There was barely a moment's pause before the timid girl was hugged by strong arms. Naruto laughed, his demeanor a million times brighter, "Aw, Hina, it's okay! I'm just glad none of you girls were seriously hurt."

Hinata's face burnt hotter because of his proximity, and she guiltily enjoyed the embrace for a millisecond before the young man pulled away to fix her with a big grin.

Then she looked at his friend, who she learned used to be her friend, and frowned, "Sasuke, are you angry with me?"

He rolled his eyes before shaking his head with a smirk. He commented on her fight with Ino, Karin, and Sakura, which surprised her, "They had it coming."

Hinata's mouth fell open, "You weren't there, were you?" She tried to recall the faces of those on the roof that day, but she didn't remember seeing him or Naruto.

The energetic blonde tossed an arm around her shoulders with a short laugh, "Sai recorded some of it on his phone before Jiraiya showed up. You kicked ass, Hina! Who woulda guessed you could fight like that?"

The only remaining proof of the incident on her body was a bruise on her jaw, but it was a faded yellow that would likely blend into her skin within a few days.

She anxiously interlaced her fingers in front of her body, averting her gaze to them, "I-I'm proud that I stood up for myself, but I wish it hadn't gotten to that point."

Sasuke scoffed, making her and Naruto look at him, "Then, next time something like this happens, tell us what's going on."

The girl's chin quivered as she stared at him in disbelief, 'He still wants to be friends after all this?'

Naruto chuckled amusedly, giving her one last squeeze around the shoulders before releasing her and returning to Sasuke's side so they could continue to their next class, "Let's hang out after school sometime soon, 'kay?" He waved excitedly.

Hinata lifted a hand with a smile, "Sure." Then she turned and rushed so she wouldn't be late, a smile on her lips.

'I'm lucky that everyone's been forgiving. I can't let something like that happen again.'

That same day, when she was on her way to her locker after the last class, Hinata was pulled by her arm into an empty classroom. When she turned to see who'd grabbed her, she yanked her arm away and plastered on a glare. It was Sakura.

"What do you want?"

The pink-haired girl had tears in her eyes, and she nervously glanced around as though she was struggling to look at Hinata's face, "I, um…. I wanted to talk to you about what happened."

Hinata crossed her arms but didn't relax because the last time she did, two girls jumped her.

Sakura's tears overflowed, her fingers shaking as she wiped at them, "I know I don't deserve to be crying right now. I want to apologize. What we did…. No, what I did was wrong."

The Hyuuga's arms uncrossed. The taller girl was being sincere.

"I don't know when things got so bad with Ino and me regarding Sasuke, but watching her and Karin hurt you like that opened my eyes."

Hinata sighed, worried this was another lie, "If you really mean that, then, from what I've heard, there are others you need to apologize to, as well."

Emerald green eyes widened, but then Sakura nodded, her tears falling more quickly, "I plan on it. I know admitting I've done wrong won't fix everything, but I want to at least try." Her voice cracked as her shoulders shook, and she broke into sobs, "I hate the person I've become."

Hinata's chest tightened at the angsty sight before her, tears swiftly welling up and overflowing. She hesitantly reached out to touch her arm, offering a small smile when Sakura looked up in surprise, "I-I think you're actually a really nice girl and just got lost somewhere along the way. It's not too late to change."

Sakura managed to smile in her tears, sniffling, "I hope we can be friends one day, Hinata. You're a good person."

The Hyuuga tilted her head, feeling much better about what happened if it meant she made at least one friend, "I'd like that, too."

They shared a silent moment before Sakura suddenly wiped her eyes dry of tears and sighed loudly, patting her cheeks to try and disguise the proof that she'd been crying, "I better get out of here. Tryouts for the cheer team are this Friday, and Ino wants to practice." When she met Hinata's eye again, she grinned sheepishly, "I'll talk to Ino. If anyone can get through to her, it's me."

So, the pink-haired girl smoothed out her hair, grabbed her books, and headed for the door, only to pause and turn back with a happier expression, "You know, you should try out, too. It might help you come out of your shell. I know a lot of people would like to be your friend if they got the chance to talk to you."

Hinata's face warmed, and her eyes widened in surprise, making Sakura giggle as she left the classroom.

'Cheerleading? I've never been in any sports clubs before. Would I be any good at it?'

Her phone rang in her jean pocket, and she grabbed it, answering it without looking as her eyes were glazed over in deep thought, "Hello?"

"If you're on the roof beating another bitch's ass right now and you didn't tell me, I'm going to be so pissed off."

Hinata nearly dropped her phone because she was so surprised to hear Hidan. Fumbling to grab it, she hissed, "H-Hidan? Why are you calling me?"

"Princess, aren't us peasants allowed to have phones, too? Itachi and Neji are freakin' out because you aren't at the car."

Since school started, the silver-haired man, and occasionally Deidara and Sasori, would also hitch a ride every so often, but not every day like Itachi and Neji. Having something to share with the two quietest of the new staff was nice. Hinata opened her mouth to respond, only to be cut off, "And why the fuck are you whispering?"

'Why am I whispering?'

"I-I'll be there in a couple of minutes."

A loud, irritated groan came from the receiver, making the girl roll her eyes, "Hurry it up, will ya? It's hot as hell out here."

After stopping by her locker, Hinata hurried outside, down the block, and around the corner to see Itachi, Neji, and Hidan standing near her car, the silver-haired one leaning against it with his hands casually behind his head. He was talking loudly about some older guy he knew that he wanted to introduce them to. The other two listened silently.

"Hey, sorry. I had to take care of something real quick," Hinata apologized as she hit the unlock button on the key fob.

The three turned to look her way, Hidan's grin fading quickly. The Hyuuga girl didn't notice, instead opening the driver's side door.

"Did something happen?"

Hinata nearly jumped out of her skin while digging through her bag for a hair tie. Itachi was the one who spoke. Since they met, the words he's spoken to her could be counted on her fingers. She turned her head to look his way, confusion on her features.

"Why do you ask?"

Hidan sighed loudly, grabbing her arm and roughly pulling her to the side so she was looking at the backseat's window. When she saw her reflection, she realized what they were talking about. When she cried in front of Sakura, her mascara had run. Usually, she doesn't wear makeup, but today she made an exception because she hadn't slept well last night. The nerves from finally returning to school made her too anxious. The bags under her eyes were just too noticeable.

Blushing like mad, she gasped, rubbing at her cheeks and under her eyes, "I-I-It's not what it looks like. Let's just go."

'They'll think I'm crazy if I tell them I cried because I was happy Sakura wants to clean up her act and be friends.'

Hidan sat in the passenger side, the other two not arguing in the slightest. When the car began moving, he cursed loudly, "Fuck, it's hot! This is bullshit!"

Hinata barely kept herself from smiling and wordlessly reached over to turn the air conditioner up.

Most of the ride home was silent until they were within a block of the mansion, at which time Hidan suddenly bellowed excitedly, causing Hinata to swerve in surprise, "Let's go fuckin' swimming!"

She uncharacteristically barked at him, embarrassed and angry to have been startled, "Are you trying to get us all killed?"

After she pulled into the driveway, they all exited the vehicle, passing the gate. "Seriously, though, you rich people always have pools and shit. Where are the employee benefits?" Hinata giggled softly, shaking her head as they walked through the front door.


The grin on the shy girl's face fell, and she turned her head to see her father staring disapprovingly at her from the dining room. Bowing swiftly at the trio of boys to excuse herself, she hurried to stand before the man because he obviously had something to say. Itachi, Neji, and Hidan silently went upstairs to change into their uniforms for work.

Hiashi turned and walked into his office, Hinata following. When he closed the door behind them, she thought he would yell at her again because that's all he's been doing lately, but he didn't. Instead, the man sat at his desk and got right to it, "Ko has requested my presence at a conference in Iwagakure. I will leave this Friday and return on Wednesday. I trust I don't need to warn you to be on your best behavior despite my absence."

Hinata bowed her head respectfully, "Of course, Father."

There was a pause, something she didn't expect.

When Hiashi spoke again, Hinata was surprised to hear an unfamiliar reassurance in his tone, "I understand things have been difficult for you since Yua's passing. Now that the violent debacle has passed, I hope to see you find the right path."

Warmth met the eldest Hyuuga daughter's cheeks, and she wordlessly bowed her head again. It was only once, but maybe it was a sign the man realized his approach to parenting was too cold.

The days passed quickly until Friday finally arrived. Hinata saw her father off before going to school. During lunch, Deidara smiled brightly, "Who's down for a beach trip this weekend?"

Hinata perked up, having never been to the beach with anyone but family.

Hidan punched the blonde's arm with a wide grin, "Hell yeah! That's what I've been talking about!"

Konan nudged Hinata's shoulder, smirking when she looked over, "I'll go if you do. It sounds like fun."

So, the table made plans to spend the day at the beach tomorrow, Saturday. When Hinata asked if she could invite Tenten, Deidara said it was fine so long as he could invite some of the other employees. Then Hidan said he had a friend he wanted to invite, and it was decided that whoever wanted to come could because too many people were not present.

Hinata got to the last class of the day before Konan and Hidan, and she smiled at Naruto when he called her name with a big wave, "Hinata, hey! C'mere real quick!" She obliged, leaning against an empty desk facing him and Sasuke.

Bright blue eyes sparkled excitedly, "Wanna do something this weekend? We were thinking of trying this new ramen place by the pier."

'It wouldn't hurt to invite them, too, would it?'

Hinata bashfully brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, averting her gaze with a blush, "Actually, a bunch of us are going to the beach tomorrow if you guys want to join us."

"That's a great idea. Summer's gonna be over soon, so we should go while we have a chance, right?"

The Hyuuga met his gaze again, nodding with a small smile. Then she looked at Sasuke on his phone with a bored expression, "You too?"

He nodded absently, not looking away from his screen, "Like I have a choice."

Her smile widened, and she tilted her head, "Great, I'll text you guys later with the details."

When she turned to head to her seat, she froze when she saw Sakura sitting in the middle of the room, a frown on her lips as she pretended to not have overheard their conversation. Hinata wasn't sure, but she suspected either Sasuke went off on her because of what happened or was simply too ashamed and distanced herself.

Hypothetically stepping off the ledge, Hinata spoke, "Sakura, you come, too." The two boys behind her were paying closer attention. She didn't even have to look to tell that.

Sakura turned her head with wide eyes, "What?"

Hinata zig-zagged through the desks and wrote her number on the girl's open notebook, "Really. You should."

Then, she found her way to her own desk, ignoring the pairs of eyes on her back. The Hyuuga girl was surprised by how quickly she'd gotten over her anger toward the pink-haired young woman. Maybe it was maturity, or perhaps she's just an idiot. Either way, Hinata prayed she wasn't making a mistake by giving Sakura a second chance.