
Birth of a new demon lord

Years ago a birth took place, the birth of the soon to be demon lord of the deepest part of the demon empire.

The lowest part of the demon empire was named Demon Dynasty, it was said to have the deadliest demon race that has ever risen from the flames.

Finally it's having a new successor of the throne is born his name is Maikeru, Maikeru sasaki.

16years later and he has started his training and he seems to overpower each and every teacher is father gives him .

He mastered every skill and was very skilled at swordplay, he learnt how to master fire even past the elite mages, but likes to keep things on a low profile, people don't really know he is the successor of the demon lord throne.

Maikeru doesn't really want to be the successor of the throne, he also seems to think that he has some time before he becomes the demon lord and would be less childlike by then he would be ready to be a good lord to his people.

But things may come faster than you think, an attack was placed on the empire it was by some rogue demons they called themselves, the fiend clan they seem to attack strong people to increase their ranking and to be more faired .

The war began between the fiend clan and the demon dynasty, the war began and it looked like the demon dynasty was overpowering the fiend clan it looked like this would be an easy fight to win the fiend clan where obviously overpowered but at the last moment the leader of the fiend clan names kazuna hasimato muster up the last ounce of power in him to use the magical energy of the people in a 20mile radius, and open a magic circle and a spear made of miasma surrounded by unholy flame and lunches it at the demon lord, maikeru's father he tried blocking it with a defending magic circle, he could only block it for a few moments before it pierced him through the chest killing him instantly Maikeru was angry and lunches him self at kazuna with a flaming punch heating him directly at his face, which incinerating him Maikeru was angry but still didn't want to be the demon lord so he sprung out his wings, and lunches him self to earth.

Lunching him self to earth which cased a flame immerging from a portal crashing into a house.

Days later and he wakes up, where am I is this, is this a human house Maikeru said. He tried to jump off the bed but was pushed back by a silky black colored air with a skin which had a bright glow, she said he can't get up now he isn't fully healed yet, ignoring her words he jumped off the bed and said don't you know I'm a demon why don't you attack, she replied with you are not a threat are you, he said no he just came here to relax and would leave when he feels like it's time to return. She replied with that's fine because he may just be an hybrid Maikeru looked confused and as how could that be, she said she sensed his aura it was partly human and partly demon she continued and said maybe one of his parents was human, Maikeru immediately realized that it was probably his mother that explains why he never saw her plus his father never talked about her. She then said randomly that her name was Miku Toyota he replied with Maikeru that my name, after a wile Miku's mother came in and said are you ready for the academy, what's that Maikeru asked she said it the magic academy which people increase there magical and even physical abilities, Maikeru seemed interested and decided to join Miku to the academy