
Conquest Of Dark Lord

Set in an age of destruction, this period is marked by economic crisis, inflation, famine, and deadly plagues. These calamities stem from four kingdoms waging war over territories they each seek to control. The magic they wield has devastating effects on both the environment and society. This turmoil triggers the rise of a being known as the "Dark Lord," the harbinger of ruin from the Age of Emptiness, about 250,000 years ago. The Dark Lord's essence awakens within a 15-year-old boy during his Elemental Awakening Ceremony. In order to destroy the power hierarchy that is worsening the situation on this continent, the Dark Lord must gather his strength again to destroy the power of the System that is used by someone to control all countries on this continent. But to get to that point is certainly not easy, it takes a high mentality and confidence to destroy the evil that has long existed on this continent.

AlFeetStudio · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

The Past I

Ahhh, I couldn't see anything after the White Witch placed her finger on my forehead. It felt like she cast a spell on me, but what was it? Normally, if I were affected by a spell, it would harm my body, wouldn't it? But instead, I hear the screams of people in agony, as if they were being attacked indiscriminately.

"Please, don't kill us! Arghhhh!!!" The voice of someone in pain screamed from the attack by an unknown assailant.

Now, my vision is slowly clearing from blurry to sharp. What I see before me is destruction—houses and kingdoms reduced to rubble by someone whose name I don't even know.

"You must be wondering about the vision you're seeing now," said a voice. Wasn't that the voice of the White Witch?

"Yes, you are now in the Age of Destruction, witnessing the atrocities committed by a user of the Dark Element like yourself."

So you want me to see what this person did to the continent 250,000 years ago? I suspect this has something to do with my current control over the Dark Element.

"Hoho... Exactly, Eizan. Watch and learn the truth."

In a peaceful world, the continent of Xyloria was known for its beauty. Its inhabitants lived in harmony, enjoying abundant natural resources and an overwhelming sense of peace. But everything changed when the Dark Element User emerged from the shadows.

No one knew his name or origin. He arrived with a dark power that destroyed everything he touched. From village to village, city to city, darkness enveloped the continent, bringing inevitable ruin.

Arvoria was the first city to experience his power. The residents, going about their business in the market, suddenly felt an ominous chill. The sky turned dark, the sun obscured by thick black clouds. Within seconds, screams began to echo.

"Run! Run for your lives!" screamed a mother, pulling her child along.

"It's the end of the world!" cried an old man, kneeling on the street, his hands trembling with fear.

Black smoke began to creep through the city, sucking the life out of every living thing it passed. The screams grew louder, tearing through the night. Women cried for their children, men desperately tried to protect their families, but it was all in vain. Nothing could stop this darkness.

News of Arvoria's destruction spread quickly across the continent. Every city and village prepared for the terror to come. But their preparations were meaningless. The Dark Element User appeared everywhere without warning, destroying without mercy.

In the small village of Valtoria, a young man named Erian tried to save his loved ones. With the strength he had left, he led the villagers to a cave in the mountains for shelter. Cries and sobs echoed throughout their journey.

"We're not going to make it!" wailed an old woman lagging behind.

"Don't stop! We have to keep moving!" Erian shouted, even though his heart was also filled with fear.

When they reached the cave, all they could do was pray that the darkness wouldn't find them. In the dead of night, the sounds of the village's destruction grew fainter, signaling that ruin had come.

Months passed, and the destruction continued. Xyloria became a sea of ruins and ash. Only a few survived, living in constant fear. Every day, they hoped it was all just a nightmare.

In the ruins of the city of Cydonia, a group of survivors gathered under a collapsed building, scavenging for food. The screams of the past continued to haunt them.

"We have to fight back. We can't go on like this," said a man with the last bit of determination.

"How? He's not human. He's the Dark Element User," a woman replied in despair.

Despite hope being almost extinct, some souls still fought to survive. They knew that the only hope to end this age of destruction was to find a way to defeat the Dark Element User, even if it meant sacrificing everything.

Amidst the ruins of Xyloria, a small child held a glowing gemstone he found underground. The light from the stone offered a glimmer of hope in the engulfing darkness.

"This might be the key to saving us," he whispered to himself, staring at the perpetually dark sky. With newfound determination, he vowed to find a way to bring light back to the shattered continent.

And so, amidst the screams and destruction, a glimmer of hope emerged, offering a chance that one day, Xyloria would rise again from the shadows of darkness.

The glowing gemstone held a great secret. As the child held it tightly, a warm energy flowed through his body. The stone began to vibrate, and from within it, a figure emerged, surrounded by a dazzling aura of light.

This figure was the Light Element User, a hero from a long-forgotten past. Just like the Dark Element User, his name was unknown to everyone. He appeared as the answer to the prayers of the hopeless inhabitants.

"I'm here to end this destruction," said the Light Element User, his voice calming yet authoritative.

The child looked at him with sparkling eyes. "Can you save us?"

"Yes, I can. But I need your courage and help," replied the Light Element User. The child nodded eagerly, ready to help with all his might.

News of the Light Element User's appearance spread quickly. Survivors from all over Xyloria began to move toward the center of the dark power, hoping that the battle between the two elements would end their suffering.

In the middle of the ruins of a great city, the Light Element User stood firm, challenging the creeping shadows. From the darkness, the Dark Element User emerged, his eyes glowing with hatred and immense power.

"Finally, someone worth fighting," said the Dark Element User, his tone mocking.

"This will be the end of the destruction you've caused," replied the Light Element User, raising his hand filled with blinding light.

The battle between the two element users began. Light and darkness clashed with tremendous force, creating waves of energy that destroyed everything around them. The survivors watched from a distance, hoping with bated breath that the light would prevail.

Attack after attack was launched by both element users. The Light Element User sent out beams of light that burned the darkness, while the Dark Element User countered with shadows that froze and shattered the light. Their battle raged on for hours, with neither showing signs of weakness.

"Impressive, you can match my strength," said the Dark Element User, catching his breath.

"Your power is a threat to this world, and I won't let you win," replied the Light Element User, his resolve unwavering.

Their clash of energies created an explosion so powerful it split the ground beneath them and tore open the sky above. Light and darkness fought relentlessly, and as time passed, both began to realize they were equally strong. Neither could defeat the other.

As the battle reached its peak, their immense energy began to warp space and time. The ground shook, and the sky turned into a deep abyss. Both element users understood they couldn't defeat each other, and if they continued, they would destroy the world.

"We must end this," said the Light Element User, his voice desperate.

The Dark Element User nodded in agreement. "Hmmmpph, You are too confident"

They realized that the only way to end their fight without destroying everything was to sacrifice themselves. With a mutual gaze, they agreed to combine their powers for a final explosion that would seal them both away.

With their remaining strength, they created an explosion of light and darkness so immense it enveloped all of Xyloria. When the dust and smoke cleared, both element users were gone. They disappeared with the explosion, leaving the world in an eerie silence.

For 250,000 years, their existence was unknown. The destruction they left behind slowly began to heal. The surviving inhabitants of Xyloria started rebuilding their civilization. Generation after generation passed, and the story of the Light and Dark Element Users became legends told from mouth to mouth.

The once ruined land became fertile again. New cities were built on old ruins. And although the memory of the great battle lingered in tales and monuments, the world moved on, hoping that the darkness would never return.

One bright day, a young archaeologist discovered a glowing gemstone buried in the ground. It was the same stone the child found centuries ago. As he held it, a warm energy flowed through his body, bringing a new glimmer of hope.

"Perhaps, this is a sign," he whispered, looking at the now bright sky. With a hopeful smile, he knew the future of Xyloria now lay in the hands of a new generation ready to protect peace and goodness in this world.

And so, although they had vanished, the legacy of the Light and Dark Element Users lived on in the hearts and folklore of Xyloria, as a reminder of the power of light and darkness, and the hope that always exists amidst the darkness.