
Conqueror: Starting from Douluo Dalu

REWRITTEN!!! 1st World = Douluo Dalu 2nd World = ??? . . . Born as one of the top races in the cosmos, Aamon set on his journey to conquest. . . . Author's Note: There will be a lot of OC characters in the story, you're warned! The Douluo Dalu franchise and other anime or manga that will be mentioned in the story belong to their original owner and I am merely making a fanfiction of it.

MrSnip · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Ch. 1 Into the new world

"Are you sure about this?"

A cosmic humanoid entity, its face lacking any features, no eyes, no nose nor mouth. And with size towering over the planets.

"Yes teacher, my preparation is complete"

Yet, in front of such frightening beings stood a man with an appearance akin that to of a human except he was so beautifully handsome it seemed like he was molded by god to perfection.

These two are members of the highest race in all of existence, the Thessoloid. A race that stood atop the cosmos, with the simple purpose of ruling the universe.

"I know you will succeed child, you are the pride of our race," The cosmic entity said such a touching phrase with an apathetic tone.

The man did not mind, already used to how the being in front of him converse.

"Thank you for all the guidance, I won't disappoint you." Even though with a friendly and humble face, determination is evident in the man's tone and eyes.

Determination to be someone "special"

'I will succeed, I must!'

The man is someone who goes by the name Aamoniumstar or Aamon as his 'peers' called him.

He is a fledgling theossoloid with no planets under his name.

For Theossoloids who don't age, they rank seniority based on the vastness and number of planets an individual Theossoloid conquered and ruled.

Because conquering and ruling worlds is the number one purpose of Theossoloids.

But even with their immense power, they can also die and the majority of fledgling theossoloids die before even managing to conquer a single planet.

To limit this casualty, they created a mentor-student relationship that forces senior theossoloids to take a newborn theossoloid under their wing and teach them.

In Aamon's case, Cero, the cosmic entity is his mentor and guardian. The one who taught him everything he knew as he has huge respect and respect for his teacher, whom he tells everything.

Except for one thing,

His biggest secret, which he told no one for no one must know.

Aamon has a past life that he remembers, in his past life he was a mere mortal with no powers or anything extraordinary.

His life is plain and simple, a male university student who dies on his very own graduation day.

Recollecting his boring past, Aamon resolves to stray from mediocrity, he is given a chance to be someone beyond 'god'.

'I will be an existence whose name is renowned in all of existence!'

While Aamon is occupied with his thoughts, Cero is also thinking about something as he stares at the 'little man' in front of him.

Since his 'birth,' Cero already noticed the peculiarity of Aamon, he is unlike his peers or all of the theossoloids for that matter.

Young theossoloids are known for being arrogant, lazy, and self-centered pricks, that is a universal knowledge.

Only when theossoloids mature does this attitude lessen but not gone. 

Aamon however, lacks all of that airs and is friendly and approachable, earning the goodwill of theossoloidians who interact with him.

Yet although he is humble and kind, Aamon shows enthusiasm incomparable to his peers when it comes to 'fulfilling' their duty as a race.

With his massive imagination and enthusiasm, Aamon shines among his peers.

Cero and all the other theossoloids have high expectations for this young man, even though he is known for his extrinsic and weird ideas and favoritism for a lower race called humans.

Theossoloids don't have a definitive appearance, they merely create their appearance to whatever they like so it's not uncommon for theossoloids to look different physically.

And Aamon's love for humans is evident as he bases his appearance on that race.

Not that Cero or the other's mind thought, for them, all the other races except theossoloid are equally beneath them.

"I am going teacher, thank you for everything."

With a bow, Aamon disappears as Cero stands and watches his 'son' leaves.

"Kids grew up so fast..." Cero mumbles as sadness can be perceived in his voice.

"Well, be careful out there, Aamon..."




In the endless cosmos, filled with countless galaxies made out of infinite stars, among them exists the Douluo World.

It is a primitive cultivation world where spirit beasts and humans reside and are in constant war against each other.

To battle against the spirit beast, humans awakened the martial soul within them and cultivated from spirit scholar to a titled douluo.

[Teleportation landing...complete!]


A man walks out of a distorted space and he breathes a sigh of relief,

This is Aamon who had arrived at his first checkpoint toward greatness but might also be his last...

[Setting up restrictions in 5 minutes, please use the given time wisely]

The number one reason for the mortality rate of Aamon's kind is because of their mortal enemy, 'Fate'.

Fate is not an entity but a concept, every world has its fate and destiny, and any external factors that try to change that fate will be punished by 'it'.

For theossoloid whose goal is to conquer planets and galaxies, fate is a very troublesome opponent they must face.

To avoid facing fate's retaliation, theossoloids seal their strength and conquer the world from within, corroding fate's gasp to the planet.

Of course, there are restrictions such as theossoloids must not directly interact with the world's destiny.

And they cannot use their powers so the few minutes before their power gets sealed is important.

Aamon knew this and immediately got to work.

He already had a plan he will do his conquest as all he needed was a single thing.

Aamon started as he weaved the energy in the air and mixed some of his, molding the energy into a silhouette of a human body but he wasn't done,

In his hand, a spirit with a rainbow aura that seemingly beating like a heartbeat.

This is the stem of Aamon's confidence, his masterpiece, which he created long ago.

Fusing the spirit with the body, Aamon carefully manipulated the two and he succeeded.

A big, relaxed smile formed on his face upon seeing his creation lying on the ground.


A/N: Hello dear readers, I am Mr. Snip, and I am glad to inform you all that I will continue writing this story.

I am sorry for the three-month hiatus, I've just been busy with work and other stuff.

Now I am back and will edit the story from the start.