
Conqueror of Worlds: The Wicked Ascendancy

Lucius, a malevolent Demon God, engages in a cataclysmic battle with the Archangels while wreaking havoc across universes. Defeated, he is reborn in a vulnerable human form, driven by an insatiable hunger for power and vengeance, and seeks to rise from the ashes of his defeat to reign supreme once more.

PogromcaZmywci22 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 54: Lucius appears

The battlefield was awash in the metallic tang of blood and the grunts of soldiers locked in combat. As Marshal Tryn, battered and bleeding, struggled to his feet, an overwhelming surge of magic threw him back with crushing force, flinging him kilometers away. His body tore through makeshift barricades, leaving a bloody trail in its wake.

Gasping for breath and clutching a bloodied arm, Tryn shouted in agony and fury, "The Emperor won't stand for Sages intervening on his battlegrounds! Just wait for the Empire's retaliation!"

The young Confederate soldier, eyes sparkling with newfound hope and determination, said to his friend, "The Empire don't stand a chance against us in this battle, do they?"

His comrade, with a proud smile, responded, "With the Pope and the Sages behind us, victory is assured."

However, their brief moment of hope was smothered as the sky above ominously darkened. Thunderclouds, bathed in a foreboding shade of crimson, quickly formed. The air grew heavy, thick with a sense of impending doom.

Pope Benedictus felt a sinking dread deep within. "Lucius approaches," he murmured, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination.

From the smoldering remains of the city, Lucius emerged, draped in his unmistakable black attire, radiating an aura of raw power and menace. The Empire soldiers, sensing their leader's presence, dropped to their knees in reverence, chanting, "All hail Emperor Lucius!"

Lucius's gaze settled on Benedictus. A malevolent smirk played on his lips. "Our paths cross once more," he drawled, his voice dripping with contempt.

Drawing his sword, forged in inky darkness and exuding an aura of potent energy, Lucius prepared to strike. Benedictus, eyes widening, recognized the soul of his dear friend Paladin Gottfried imprisoned within the blade. "You monster! You've trapped Gottfried's soul," he whispered, tears of rage forming.

With a broad sweep, Lucius unleashed a wave of devastating energy. The ground trembled, buildings shattered, and soldiers were torn asunder. The field echoed with their agonized screams. Puddles of blood formed rapidly, reflecting the chaos above.

A young soldier, witnessing the horror, yelled in terror to his comrades, "Retreat! Save yourselves!" But his cries were cut short as the dark energy consumed him, leaving only scorched earth behind.

Amidst the chaos, Harry, gripping the hands of Ann and Eleonora, shouted, "We need to get out of here!" Ann, tears streaming down her dirt-smudged face, nodded, while Eleonora tried to summon her waning magic to shield them.

As Lucius's red-hued eyes locked onto Benedictus, the Pope summoned the last remnants of his strength, conjuring a barrier of divine energy. With an incantation, he sent Harry, Ann, and Eleonora hurtling to safety.

Lucius, momentarily distracted by their escape, mused aloud, "The boy carries the essence of an angel. How intriguing."

Without hesitation, Lucius's sword descended, marking the end for Pope Benedictus.

As the blade drew closer, the world seemed to slow around Pope Benedictus. Even in his final moments, his heart swelled with a mix of relief and pride. The safety of Harry, meant everything to him. Harry, the boy with the angelic protection and blessings ,would liberate this world of the impending darkness. The knowledge of their escape, and the potential future they held, bathed his spirit in peace. As the cold steel met his neck, Benedictus closed his eyes, finding solace in the hope that the trio would bring to the world.

The heavens, mourning the loss of a great Sage, unleashed torrents of rain. Soldiers, from both sides, stopped to pay their respects, even if for a fleeting moment. Marshal Tryn, limping and covered in mud and blood, barked orders to stabilize the frontlines. Lucius, meanwhile, vanished, reappearing in the heart of newly established headquarters of the empire on the main continent, Rhinopolis.