
conqueror: Life after truth is revealed

[this novel is taking part in fantasy carnival! Please drop a powerstone if you like it! Thanks for stopping by!] How would you strive to become the most powerful among your peers when given a system at the same time, same quests and different paths? would you run to the top with strength and perseverance? lay in the shadows with patience strong as steel? Cast your way across galaxies? or just lay there alone - The darkened lights in the auditorium flared down at the crowd of people. It was our first year entering high school at the prestigious academy for "young geniuses". When really, most of them here are payed entries. I stood in the middle of the bunch of people shoving others aside in hopes to get a small head start. In this day and age, people have managed to control the human body and expand it beyond belief. But people had to earn that power, by unlocking the system with a mana crystal you could be limitless. the school you attend to of your first year of high school will give you your system and you must fight amongst your peers to become the best. Where people have been betrayed many times, stolen tests to breaking arms to get a better placement on a mile race. The crowd of people were a racket as the professor rolled out a large blue ball. stopping in the middle of the stage like a popular music artist. "I wish you all the best of luck on your journey." a blue hue slammed against everyone as it spread throughout the room [Welcome, Andrew] 'no one will stop me, this time, or ever.' -------- Welcome to my novel! thank you for stopping by! This novel contains mature themes, so if you are uncomfortable with heavy gore, language or naughty scenes :3 (these are not common and will only take place after story progresses) please be warned. Prolougue will be written in a very fast pace to give background information, I feel that starting the novel like this will be refreshing and will bring more depth to the characters. WARNING! 18+ chapters will have a * in title WARNING! release schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (starting when prologue ends, will change if novel does well) power stones will hasten chapter releases so if you love the novel, please drop one down! 10 pwerstones = 1 bonus chapter 30 powerstones = 2 bonus chapters 60 powerstones = 3 bonus chapters 100 powerstones = 2 chapters a day for a week *chapters will be uploaded the day after goal is reached* this is my second novel after I took a writing class I'm at it again, let me know if anything is wrong! cover is not mine, please contact me if you want it removed

frewdsfagr · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

A forced teaching

Andrew stared closer as he felt his neck begging to give out he saw a small flash of light, hidden in the black iris, a small trail of light flew around. He followed the trail around it's miniscule area of movement, left,up and to the right he watched it move in a repeated pattern that resembled a small crown. Andrew sensed power behind the small trail, watching even more closely before the man finally closed his eyes.

He let out a small sigh and began to turn around.

"You have spirit, but spirit isn't useful without a brain." He said to him while shaking his head.

"Wait, let me try." Andrew said to the man in a hurry, he felt like a gold box held in his hands was slowly falling out and down a large cliff, never to be retrieved.

The man's black ears twitched a couple of times before turning around slowly.

"You mean, that you managed to find a way to use the spell without my grant? Do you understand what you are implying?" He said angrily as he stomped towards him slowly.

"Billions have vowed for my power, millions have entered here. only hundreds managed to grasp the first stage with difficulty after my personal guidance. To imply that you can learn a spell by looking at it, MY SPELL. Do you realize how insulting that is?" He grabbed Andrews neck in anger, gripping tightly as he raised him into the air as if he was a light ragdoll built for torture.

"No, I'm sorry. But please let me try."

Andrew infused mana into his eyes once more and instead of letting it melt around his eye he controlled it to a small dot, and slowly began to move it in the pattern he saw from before. His vision began to cloud, but it retreated just as fast. Once one rotation of the pattern was complete Andrew looked forward towards the man in front of him with perseverance.

But he felt that it was not enough, so he traced it faster and faster and faster. To the capabilities of his mind Andrew traced his mana as fast as possible in the pattern of a small crown.

His vision slowly clouded a little bit but this time it stayed, a little mist on the outer rims of his eyesight. The man in front of him froze in place, looking at him with pure disbelief and a little bit of horror. To learn a spell with no grant, inclination or teaching requires an unfathomable amount of natural intelligence. His ears trembled backwards a little in a small bit of fear, not because of the spell. But the being in front of him should not exist, it is physically possible to learn spells with just watching.

But the issue is that this one wears the opponent's mind into a cowardly state. Forget watching the spell freely, you need monstrous faith in yourself to solidify your mind to hold position to watch. Compared with the fact the trace of mana was located deep in the source of trouble left the chances of anyone learning it impossible. But the proof he needed was right in front of him.

"Wh-what the fuck?" Andrew heard the man stutter out slowly as Andrew tried to increase power. He felt the grip slowly decrease and retreat with wobbling hands.

Andrew's face was crumpled into a ball of pain and fury, Mad at himself for not being able to increase the power as he slowly crumpled down onto the ground limp, breathing heavily.


Congratulations! Spell learned: Eyes of the impervious (evolvable)

Eyes of the impervious: Allows the user to intimidate opponents by giving the user an authoritative aura.

Causes slight impairment to opponent depending on int stat difference between user and target

When being used dex is decreased by 40%, causing you to not go any faster than a jog.



Congratulations! New spell learned: Mind of god (Unique)(passive)

Mind of god:

User is now impervious to any mind status effect that isn't stronger than him with a scale of 3xINT.

Base INT stat is effectively doubled when under deadly mental pressure.

Thinking process is more calm when faced with death.


"W-what the hell did you just do" The man in front of him yelled out in anxiousness.

Andrew stared at the words in front of him flashing across his retina barely processing the words of the man or the words in front of him he turned around and laid his back on the ground with great effort. Closing his eyes as he let out multiple small giggles, like a child who just completed a bike trick.

"No clue." He said after multiple moments of silence, the air around him was suffocating with the canine eyes glaring at him with intense interest and almost excitement.

Andrew turned to look at the man whose arms were placed in front of him as he sat cross legged on the vibrant cyan grass.

"Names Folenel huntsman. But please call me Folen, from now on I shall be your teacher." He said with a large smile, his eyes had a glint as he reached out his hand.

Andrew looked at the outstretched hand with a hint of caution, who wouldn't after all? This man was trying to kill him a while ago.

"I won't hurt you, in fact since neither of us are in our physical bodies, any physical injuries you get are not real." He said in response to Andrews hesitation.

Andrew still was unsure of what to do, but since the man in front of him was powerful enough to throw him on the ground with just a couple of words. He decided that there was no one better to learn from.

"Besides, I haven't taught anyone in a couple thousand years. I've been wanting to have someone to play around with, I wonder how well you can handle my training. After all, I've never taught a Dalian before." He said as he gave up on waiting for confirmation and picked him up by his shirt like a newborn kitten.

"Wh-what? Hold on, I haven't said yes. How do I even get out of here?" Andrew flailed around in his grasp.

Folen looked at him with glee as he started walking forward.

"You can't leave until you learn the spell the domain grants you, or until I permit you too. After all, I invented this place." He laughed as he dragged him along behind him.

"But I have a family to protect!" Andrew fired back a response.

While that wasn't necessarily true, as they were in no harm. But who else would help them if they got in to a fight against something?

"Relax little one, time passes very slowly in the outside world when we are in here. This is a spiritual place and is not bound by the earthly body. Your mind can perceive time a lot faster than you think. Now come, we've got things to do." He shrugged his shoulders as he dragged him along the smooth grass.

[how interesting, it's like a kid finding a puppy and wanting to teach it some new tricks.]

Andrew looked at the message grumpily as his legs dragged along the bumpy ground. His shirt collar lodge into his neck as Folen hummed a foreign tune as he happily bounced along a seemingly pointless journey to another spot of grass.

"Where are we going?" Andrew asked, looking around the seemingly endless field of grass that was now at his waist.

"Ill answer all of your questions when we get there. Just be patient jesus." He replied sharply with a hint of annoyance present in his rather deep voice.

The dragging didn't last much longer as they soon reached a large wooden house, surrounded by mountains of training equipment and other sharp things.

'Oh fuck' Andrew felt his face pale a little bit, to say that he would do anything to avoid fighting Folen again was unavoidable.

"Here we are, your new home for a little while. Dont worry, I do not deem you worthy of fighting me. You will just stay here and I will train you on this spell only, the last person to learn my fighting style isn't well looked at." He laughed to himself as he threw Andrew in front of the door.

"I will be here everyday at noon to help you analyze the next part of the spell, if you fall behind my expectations even once ill kick you out of here."