
Conqueror's Haven

In a world where Champions, people with abilities, rule what remains of humanity. People took advantage of each other to survive. Canis is no different. He will do anything to become powerful, to have authority and power so he can live the way he wants, without any hindrance. However, how can he achieve his dream when he has a level cap limit of 7 and a single ability upon awakening? In an accident involving a Conqueror's Pillar, he awakens his ability. All that hardship for 12 years now bears fruit. Using his ability to capture and mate with 'Queens' and create his army of monsters. He begins his journey to this new chapter in life to become the most powerful Champion.

Gunshot_Zon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 021

The solution I came up with is simple.

"If the UASF and Association will post evidence that I am a terrorist, that I am a villain. I need to get the public perspective that I am the opposite… I am the hero… the hero that they need if they are in trouble."

Initially, this kind of plan didn't come up to me.

However, when I heard the cheer of the people I knew that this was one of the ways I could do things.

"In addition, I have to set up Jefe as the perfect villain… I hope the UASF chase him down."

Of course, I still don't know if the plan will go my way or not.

There are several variables involved in this scenario.

The UASF together with the Association, could still announce that I am a terrorist.

This is to assume that they can recover evidence of my involvement in the attack in their facilities.

The next variable I should be aware to, is that the people will turn their back on me when they get back on Earth.

People are so unpredictable.

That's why.

"Here! Please accept all of this!"

Maple pulled several long crates with fruits on them and put them in front of the Champions Association.

"Just cue in and stay on the line, pick up several fruits, take only what you can eat and let the other people get their chance!"

The people follow his command with a bright smile on their face.

There is no chaos, his voice rang into the open area like an angel's voice that everybody listened to.

"Don't worry! If you don't get your chance I will come back right away and get you more fruits! I just want you to stay on the line and wait for your chance."

Canis noticed that several security employees of the Association also wanted to get some food but they could not move from their post.

He notices that they are all looking at him and fidgeting from time to time.

"For the security, I will deliver you a separate one so please be patient."

Those words reach them and he notices that they calm down.

(They must also be also getting hungry right now.)

He continues to watch the people get some fruits and move towards the back.

'Thank you.'

'You're a lifesaver.'


'We will never forget this.'

(It's been what… 9 days… most of the food is currently being rationed, in addition, the food that is in the mart is being stolen by people who didn't join this group. At least they will not be my problem for now.)

The people got enough fruits and Maple put the remaining fruits on one of the carts and left it in the Association.

Maple pulled the remaining four makeshift carts and moved away from the vicinity.

While leaving the Association he noticed that some people were crying as they took a bite of the fruits.

Then the cycle began.

Canis and Maple will disappear for a while.

And there are two reasons for this.

They will gather fruit from Grandiflorians Garden, which has a special effect that 'All plants and fungi will increase the growth rate by 10 times."

In addition to that, the growth rate of these foreign plants is already fast to begin with compared to Earth's fruits.

Gathering fruits takes time, but it also lets Canis venture inside this large 'Garden' of his.

Another reason why Canis and Maple disappear for at least two to three days is…


While they were gone, the facilities would be attacked by Grandiflorians.

The uncertainty of his absence and the absence of his delivery.

Will drive the people to desperation, of course some people will ask questions.

'Where did you go?'

'Can I come with you?'

'Please don't leave us.'

People become greedy when you offer them a hand.

This might turn into anger if they reach the limit.

That's why Canis is careful with his words, especially with these people.

'I've been helping other facilities.'

'You can't come, I need to move fast to be able to help other places too.'

'I have to leave, I have to help other areas too.'

This is his usual reply.


This is his key phrase.

These made other people more 'loyal' to him, in a sense.

Some people began to get angry at him because he disappeared from time to time, but others began defending him.

One time.


"We should demand that Tamer give us more food!? He must be keeping a monopoly of that!"

'Yeah he's right'


'Fucking bastard!'

A Low Ranker speaks up while Canis and Maple disappear for 2 days now.

However, Canis is now a refugee here inside the Association watching how things unfold here.

"Maybe he can make fruit and doesn't want to show it to people?"

Canis whispered but he whispered beside this woman, Silvia, who led the small following of the 'Tamer'.

Silvia's eyes widen like a bulb glows in his head.

"HEY! Don't judge him that way! Just look at the fruits, does it look similar to the ones from Earth!"

'Oh yeah!'

'This is new fruit to me too.'

The man didn't answer because it was too obvious.

"How can he monopolize it? When it's not from Earth ha!"

Silvia took the lead.

"The answer is simple, HE CAN CREATE IT!"


The man countered.

"Create it!? Did you even think-"

Silvia clicks her tongue and looks at the other guy with disgust.

"TSK! We now have magic and abilities, yet you still doubt these simple things."

Silvia continued.

"All of the fruits are fresh, every time he brings a new batch, all of them are fresh fruits… only stupid people will not understand the basic answer."

'Oh, yeah'

'That makes sense.'

"We don't even have a plantation here in Philip City!"

Another guy shouted that out of nowhere and Silvia pointed at him.

"Well, well… he might have stolen it!"

The man countered.

"STOLE! STOLE! Again all the fruits are fresh, if he stole them then some of them would be rotten right… Have you ever eaten fruits besides today? It seems like you're not even familiar with any fruits."


'What an ignorant man?'

'This is common sense, fruits when ripe will be rotten several days later but we are still receiving new fresh fruits.'

'I guess he just buys processed food. Wahaha!'

Silvia ridicules the man.

The hall was full of laughter.

"But we should demand that he take us with him. He needs to take responsibility…"


Silvia's voice rose, she didn't even even hear the last part of what the man said.

"Alright! When the Tamer returns, you DEMAND on him! Ask the person who can rip those monsters like they were pieces of paper and DEMAND HIM to WORK FOR YOU and PROTECT YOU."

Everyone was silent.

(Good girl…)

Canis made an internal comment.

From this point on everyone began to whisper, even the man from earlier magically disappeared because he was ridicule several times.

After understanding their mistake no one tried to raise their concern ever again.

If ever another one rose and made those unreasonable demands.

Silvia became a top defender of the 'Tamer' inside the Association.

Canis looks at Silvia, a woman around her 30s, she looks beautiful but because of the situation, she can't fix herself.

Her white hair wasn't properly maintained and she didn't wear any make-up.

He then looked around the area and walked out of the exit.

(I just need to maintain this cycle until we get out from the pillar.)


2023 April

United Asia Storage Facility

"I don't understand why we didn't attack him! Even if the monster is there, if we take care of the Tamer then everything will be over."

Winston asked the group.

"If we fight one on one."



Winston punches the air and does a one-two combo.

"I will definitely win."

They just return to the office, after the event that happened downstairs. They need to talk about the next plan.

"That's not as easy as you think."

Erwin said.

"Why!? Look at us, all of you can take on the monster and I will take that puny Tamer. Hahaha."


Erwin was surprised.

"Yeah, what can a Tamer do against me?"

Everyone looked at Winston with a curious look, 'What are you saying?'.

"Winston, did you read my report?"

Erwin asks nicely.

"No! Hahaha! Do I need to read a report regarding a Tamer Class?"

Ethan lowered his head.

Trinity facepalm herself.


Seth was surprised and shook his head.

Glen was resting on the corner of the room, he lifted his head and looked at Winston with a surprised looking face.

Raj didn't react that much.

Commander Girthwell touched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

"I… I should have suspected that?"

Erwin looks disappointed.

"What? What?"

Winston asked, looking around and seeing the disappointed face of his friends.

"His monster aside, you shouldn't underestimate the Tamer."

"Why? He doesn't look that strong? He doesn't even have muscles like me."

Winston flexed his muscles and his party just shook their head as a reaction.

"He killed me."

Winston blinks his eyes several times.

"He… killed you… Erwin."


Erwin doesn't look happy to discuss it this way.

"He has an instant kill ability."

Winston was shocked and he looked around.

Even though they already read the report, most of the people here were still shocked from hearing that directly from the person who received the attack.

"What can you remember from the attack?"

Commander Girthwell asks.

"That's the thing Commander, I don't remember his attack… he only spoke up and that's it… the security that found us said that we are already dead."

Of course this is aside from the point that all of them have their blood drained.

"Ha then we should just prevent him from using that!"

"Are you really stupid! How can you even do that? When we don't even know his ability!"

Trinity is the one who replied to Winston.

"That was the least of our problems when it comes to the Tamer."

Erwin said and people looked at him wondering what he meant by that.

"His cunningness is what makes him dangerous. He pretends to be weak, and he even 'acts' to eat a fake death mushroom… all of that was use to put my guard down… "

The people inside the room look serious, they knew the details from the report and they also knew that Erwin is one of the people who will go for the kill immediately if he can.

"In addition, we still don't know the number of abilities he has, we still don't know his other abilities."

Erwin continued.

"That's also the reason why I didn't order the attack."

Commander Girthwell said.

"We have a Violet Rank and couple of Green Rank, most of our security personel are Yellow Rank. However… He stood in front of us… A single Tamer, even if he is a Violet Rank that is a very dangerous position to be in, yet he does it… why?

"Because he can take down all of us."

Ethan sound confident in his answer.

Commander Girthwell nodded.

"Yes, he still hold a card that we don't know… he even return this… "

Girthwell shows the ring, Three Moon of Titan.

"Giving the enemy their artifact back, an artifact that destroys his monster in half… just imagine how confident he is in taking us down." 

Of course that was not the point of Canis.

Canis gave the ring and wand back as a peace offering, just like what he put on the letter.

People may even consider it a bribe to keep the USAF quiet on what he have done.

The reason is simple.

Canis, even though he has Maple, he cannot take the whole force of United Asia.

Every top guild who use UASF service.

Every Champion of UASF.

Everyone who wanted to make a connection with UASF.

These people will emerge when they got back on Earth and UASF asked for their cooperation to hunt him down.

Unfortunately, the damage is done already.

Canis tried to reduce the damage of his current situation because he knew that his situation right now is a…

High risk and high reward.